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  • [Registrant]Merritt Law
  • [TEL](650) 867-7017
  • [Address]
  • 1900 South Norfolk St. Suite 350, San Mateo, CA, 94403 US
  • Posted : 2025/01/21
  • Published : 2025/01/21
  • Changed: 2025/01/21
  • Total View : 322 persons
Professional / Useful info

Inheritance through a Living Trust

Have you heard of living trusts ( living trusts )?

In the United States, living trusts are frequently used in estates, the most typical being the Revocable Living Trust ( Revocable Living Trust ). Establishing a Revocable Living Trust and making your estate a trust estate generally has the following advantages

( 1 ) During your lifetime, you are free to own ・ and manage your property as you always have.
( 2 ) You can appoint a person whom you trust as Successor Trustee ( Successor Trustee ) in advance, so that if you become unable to manage your property due to illness or old age, you can leave the property to that person.
( 3 ) Upon death, the trust estate is not subject to probate ( court-supervised probate ) and can be distributed to the beneficiaries by the successor trustee or arranged to continue to be administered for the beneficiaries.

Estate planning with a living trust is the most adaptable plan because it can be prepared for a variety of situations.

Merritt Law Firm can assist you with estate planning and estate planning by creating a living trust that is carefully tailored to your unique situation. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

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