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Search Keyword: イベント | 122 results | Search time: 0 seconds
- Already ended
- 2021/04/30 (Fri) - 2021/05/29 (Sat)
- Los Angeles, California
「Risk Forward」オンライン読書会&勉強会(全5回)
ヴィクトリア・ラバルメ著「Risk Forward」ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙のベストセラーにランキング!!
- Already ended
- 2021/04/29 (Thu)
- ロサンゼルス, カリフォルニア州
- Already ended
- 2021/04/23 (Fri) - 2021/04/23 (Fri)
- San Francisco
- Already ended
- 2021/04/15 (Thu)
- ny
今回はニューヨークを拠点に長年活動を続ける琴奏者 石榑雅代が、自身率いる琴三味線アンサンブル「MIYABI」とトリオ演奏を、同じくニューヨークからは、2005年にNY唯一のよさこいチームを発足した天手古舞が日本の伝統舞踊、よさこいダンスを、さらに、日本の福岡からは、和太鼓パフォーマンス集団、野武士が迫力ある和太鼓のステージ・ショーを見せる。
- Already ended
- 2021/03/06 (Sat)
- ny
CATCH US PERFORMING ARTS (CUPA)主催 三周年記念GALA〜日米三大都市ファンドレイジングコンサート「音を紡いで」
東京からは、「異邦人」のヒットで知られる久米小百合(元久保田早紀)が歌とピアノで、井上とも子(チェロ)と共演し「異邦人」他を披露、ハープ・セラピストの松井美彩子は美しいハープの音色を披露する。ロサンゼルスからは、ギリシャ、バルカン民謡を得意とする日米ハーフのシンガーソングライターのAya Safiyaが、ニューヨークからは、参加アルバムがグラミー賞にもノミネートされた百々徹が熟練したジャズピアノを聴かせる。各アーティスト(松井は1曲)は3曲演奏予定。
CUPAは2018年9月1日に501(C)(3)米国法人として発足、ライフアドバイザー 本木祐子 (ジャパンセンターNJ代表)、イベントプロデューサー 河野洋(Mar Creation, Inc.社長)、ダンススクール主宰、平川美代子(TMH Dance, LLC.代表)の3名が理事を務める。日本をキーワードに若手育成、アーティスト支援を目的とし、文化、芸術、エンターテイメントを通して、日米交流と、より良い社会作りを目指す。活動内容は、ニューヨークを中心にパフォーマンスイベント、ワークショップ、レクチャー。コロナ渦の中、昨年から「アーティストの為の英語発音矯正」、「アーティストの為のVISAセミナー」、「全米シニアの為のオンライン日本演芸シリーズ」をスタート、本年も昨年同様のイベントが定期的に開催され、奨学金制度を取り入れ、さらに充実したプログラム内容になっている。
- Already ended
- 2020/12/17 (Thu)
- ny
全米シニアの為のオンライン日本演芸シリーズ ・第三弾
[出演] OFUKU(短編映画)、殺陣波濤流NY(殺陣ショー)
- Already ended
- 2020/11/17 (Tue)
- ny
同シリーズの第一弾は、落語家の柳家東三楼とざぶとん亭龍二、日本舞踊の三宅由利子が出演し、去る25日に全米各地からの視聴者が集めて開催されたが、第二弾は全員メンバーが女性という「べんてんや 」、そして、ニューヨークを拠点に活動を続けるフィジカルコメディアンの岩佐麻里子という日米からの出演者によるパフォーマンスが披露されます。
- Already ended
- 2020/10/27 (Tue)
- San Mateo, CA
好評のため10月27日に第2回開催! アメリカ子育てサバイバル・トーク(無料)
- Already ended
- 2020/10/25 (Sun)
- NY
- Already ended
- 2020/10/17 (Sat) - 2020/10/17 (Sat)
- San Francisco, CA
- Already ended
- 2020/09/29 (Tue) - 2020/09/29 (Tue)
- サンフランシスコ, カリフォルニア州
無料オンラインイベント アメリカ子育てサバイバル・トーク
- Already ended
- 2020/08/15 (Sat) - 2020/08/22 (Sat)
- Burbank
- Already ended
- 2020/02/09 (Sun)
- San Francisco (Mission District), California
- Already ended
- 2019/12/06 (Fri)
- San Jose, California
- Already ended
- 2019/11/02 (Sat)
- San Francisco, California
- Already ended
- 2019/10/27 (Sun) - 2019/10/27 (Sun)
- Cupertino, CA
10/27(日)Craft&Handmade イベント
- Already ended
- 2019/09/29 (Sun) - 2019/09/29 (Sun)
- Palo Alto, California
【9月29日(日)】第1回 乳がんアウェアネスセミナー@SF Bay Area
- Already ended
- 2019/09/29 (Sun) - 2019/09/29 (Sun)
- Palo Alto, California
- Already ended
- 2019/04/28 (Sun)
- Pleasanton, California
- Already ended
- 2019/03/23 (Sat)
- El Cerrito, California
- Find local business with Town Guide
- If you have any concerns about physical ...
Do you have a stiff neck and shoulders from working at a desk, looking at screens too much, or using your phone or tablet too much? Do you even have a heavy head? Do you have a heavy back from working...
+1 (408) 343-3835福田カイロプラクティック
- It is one of the largest Japanese studen...
JSA is one of the largest Japanese student organizations at San Francisco State University. JSA Career" aims to support Japanese students in their job search and to develop human resources, and "JSA S...
+1 (415) 338-1111San Francisco State University (SFSU) Japanese Student Association (JSA)
- < Tax Returns Accepted ! > Investments ・...
Yoshihara ・ Financial & Insurance Services, located in San Jose, Calif. Since 1993, we have been providing investment and business services to individuals and businesses. Mutual ・ Funds ( Mutual Fu...
+1 (408) 712-9259Yoshihara Financial & Insurance Services
- San Francisco ・ This is an alumni associ...
San Francisco Inamonkai is an alumni association of Waseda University graduates living in the San Francisco ・ Bay Area. We have about 100 members and hold annual general meetings as well as picnics, ...
- Japanese food is a part of American cult...
~ Cultivating Japanese food that can only be found here. The challenge of creating a new food culture. ~ Today we are in a very advantageous position in the American food business industry. Nowaday...
+1 (408) 320-2291EK FOODSERVICES, INC.
- Japanese parent-child playgroup "Bambi" ...
This is a Japanese playgroup for 0-4 year olds in San Francisco's Japantown.
Bambi SF
- Cheap ! Fun ! Open every day of the year...
Fun ! Happy ! First in America ! DAM & Denmoku ID finally arrives ! Full system and number of songs ! New songs added monthly ! Enjoy Karaoke in America as in Japan For more information on prices, ...
+1 (408) 865-0955Gamba Karaoke
- International Marriage in the U.S. ・ Sup...
We want as many couples as possible to have a happy marriage. We will do our best to help you achieve this. International Marriage in the U.S. ・ We support your marriage activity. You are looking for ...
+1 (510) 316-7918glow MATCH MAKERS
- Japanese language school for infants, el...
Why don't you try bilingual education in the important early childhood and school years? Kurumi Japanese Language Class aims to create an environment where everyone from young children to adults can "...
+1 (925) 289-8296Kurumi Japanese Class
- A network of full contact karate dojos i...
Karate does not care if you are an adult, a child, a woman or a man. Let's train according to each person's level. Karate not only trains the body, but also develops mental ・ concentration ・ and etiqu...
+1 (415) 682-8799World Oyama Karate Organization
- Best Seminar, an online cram school for ...
We are Best Seminar, an online Japanese language school where students can grow because of our one-on-one, complete homeroom system. We have received comments such as "Japanese has come out naturally...
+1 (206) 452-3747Best Seminar
- Bay Area baseball enthusiasts gathered !...
The Northern California Samurai Baseball League is a softball organization based in the SF Bay Area ・ Silicon Valley. We bring together baseball enthusiasts from adults to children, amateurs to expe...
+1 (408) 307-2003Nor-Cal Samurai Baseball League
- California state accredited Japanese/Eng...
We are a California state accredited bilingual pre-school in English and Japanese. We have a small class size and many events ! Please feel free to contact us by e-mail. At SORA Preschool, children...
+1 (650) 593-7672Sora International Preschool
- All you need is the desire to dance ! ! ...
No matter your age or experience ! From babies to kids, adults to seniors ! Genki Crew Dance School ! Hip-Hop, Ballet, Jazz, Mommy and Me Fitness, Nirvana Fitness and more! Nirvana Fitness, and much...
Genki Crew Dance School
- BC Network is a US accredited non-profit...
We are a non-profit organization that promotes up-to-date information about breast cancer, post-treatment life after breast cancer, early detection of breast cancer, and awareness to Japanese women li...
Young Japanese Breast Cancer Network / SF