News Release: Office of Traffic Safety Awards $77,800 Grant to the City of Santa Clara for Vision Zero Project
- [등록자]City of Santa Clara
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Santa Clara, CA
- 등록일 : 2024/11/12
- 게재일 : 2024/11/12
- 변경일 : 2024/11/12
- 총열람수 : 22 명
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OTS Think
News Release
*FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, November 12, 2024*
*CONTACTS: *Janine De la Vega, PIO | Director of Communications, 408-615-5522 or email jdelavega@santaclaraca.gov
*Office of Traffic Safety Awards $77,800 Grant to the City of Santa Clara for "Vision Zero Project"*
*"SANTA CLARA, Calif."* – The City of Santa Clara is excited to announce that it has received a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to support its Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program, otherwise known as the Vision Zero project. The program will promote safe practices for pedestrians and bicyclists and emphasize the drivers’ responsibility to look out for other people using roads and paths. The grant program runs through September 2025.
"We are excited to receive this grant, which will allow us to significantly expand our bicycle and pedestrian safety program,” said City Manager Jōvan Grogan. “By focusing on education, awareness, and promoting safe practices, we aim to reduce crashes and prevent injuries. Ultimately, we’re working toward building more walkable and bike-friendly neighborhoods where everyone can travel safely and confidently."
Grant funds will support various activities focused on bicycle and pedestrian safety:
* Develop educational and promotional materials to raise public awareness of Vision Zero initiative, a goal to end traffic fatalities and severe injuries.
* Engage communities to increase public participation and understanding of City’s Vision Zero Plan and transportation safety.
“The safety of people walking and biking on our roads is a top priority for our office,” OTS Director Barbara Rooney said. “Everyone moves, and not always by car. It’s important that we invest in efforts to protect people walking, biking and rolling that helps establish a strong traffic safety culture where everyone on California roads can travel to and from places safely.”
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. For more information on the Vision Zero project, contact Nicole He at NHe@SantaClaraCA.gov or visit SantaClaraca.gov/VisionZero [ https://www.santaclaraca.gov/our-city/departments-g-z/public-works/engineering/traffic-engineering/vision-zero ].
*About the City of Santa Clara
*Located at the heart of Silicon Valley about 45 miles south of San Francisco, the City of Santa Clara truly is “The Center of What’s Possible.” Incorporated in 1852, Santa Clara covers an area of 19.3 square miles with an estimated population of 129,498. Santa Clara is home to an extraordinary array of high-tech companies, including Applied Materials, AMD, Intel, Nvidia, and Ericsson. The City of Santa Clara is also home to Santa Clara University, California’s Great America Theme Park, and Levi’s® Stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers and future host site of Super Bowl LX and FIFA World Cup in 2026. For more information, visit SantaClaraCA.gov [ http://www.SantaClaraCA.gov ].
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