City Hall Connection eNewsletter: Sept. 18, 2024
- [注册人]City of Mountain View
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Mountain View, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/18
- 发布日 : 2024/09/18
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/18
- 总浏览次数 : 48 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 湾区棒球爱好者聚会 ! 无需经验 ! 请随时与我们联系 !
北加州武士棒球联盟是一个垒球组织,总部设在旧金山湾区・硅谷。 我们汇集了来自各行各业的棒球爱好者,从成人到儿童,从业余选手到资深甲子园选手,从学生到外籍精英。 欢迎没有经验的玩家 ! 无论您是想在美国的主场自发地打棒球,还是想创建自己的球队、扩大自己的社区,或是想休闲锻炼,都请告诉我们。 让我们超越背景、国籍和球队的界限,通过棒球让湾区充满活力 !.
+1 (408) 307-2003北カリフォルニアサムライ野球リーグ
- 考虑购买或出售房产 ? 我们是一家经验丰富的房产中介公司,佣金价格更实惠。我们还...
Sakura Realty 是一家由 Yasumi Davis ) 领导的房地产公司,Yasumi Davis 是一名资深的 MBA/经纪人,在旧金山东湾拥有超过 20 年的经验。无论您是要购买或出售涉及遗嘱销售、信托销售、卖空、REO 等复杂程序的房屋,还是要出售您在美国的房屋并永久返回日本,抑或是购买您的第一套房屋,我们都随时准备满足您的所有房地产需求。我们随时准备满足您的需求。从最初规划您的...
+1 (925) 381-3201Sakura Realty / Yasumi Davis, MBA/CEO
- 格列佛是日本第一大二手车销售公司,在这里您可以完成您所有的汽车 "卖 "和 "买...
格列佛硅谷店 ◆ 格列佛是日本第一的二手车销售公司。 我们在美国提供与日本格列佛同样可靠和便利的服务。 我们还为刚到美国的客户提供在美国生活的建议,以便尽早交付您的汽车。 您的所有汽车买卖需求都可以在 Gulliver 完成 ! [联系] Gulliver Silicon Valley 电话 : 1(888)-430-3664 "请告诉我们您看到了 Bibi Navi" ) 电子...
+1 (888) 430-3664ガリバーシリコンバレー店
- 一年 43 天,每个星期六,生活在旧金山・湾区的约 1400 名儿童都在充满活力...
学校的教育目标是'培养掌握扎实技能、并在国际社会发挥积极作用的儿童和学生'。 学生在星期六上学,使用日本使用的教科书学习日本学校的教育内容(),学校提供四个科目
。 +1 (415) 989-4535サンフランシスコ日本語補習校
- 我们在桑尼维尔专门从事功能神经学和运动整脊。如需运动调理护理,请随时与我们联系。...
身体的运动、内脏的功能、五官(视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉)都是由中枢神经系统(大脑、小脑和脑干)控制的。脊柱活动不良、周围神经和中枢神经功能减退会导致身体机能失调。 足疗是用药物以外的方法治疗身体疾病的一种医疗手段。 出现任何症状都不要放弃,首先要咨询整脊医生。我们还可以代您申请麻烦的保险。 什么病 ・ 对疼痛有帮助吗? 背痛、肩膀僵硬和颈部疼痛,还包括头晕、高血压、过敏、眼球震颤...
+1 (408) 738-0707Hiro Sugawara, D.C.
- 人气造型师Summer将为您展现魅力 ! 首次仅8折优惠 ! 女士 & 男士,多...
深受欢迎的造型师 Summer 将为您打造全新魅力 ! 首次就诊可享受八折优惠 ! 我们为女士和男士提供多种美发服务。剪发、烫发、染发、balayage、数码烫发、角蛋白护理、直发烫发、深层护理等,让您的秀发焕发最佳光彩。凡光临 Vivinavi 的顾客均可享受特别优惠 ! 如需预约,请随时拨打短信&电话:(408) 627-2457 ! 同时也非常欢迎新顾客 !。
+1 (408) 627-2457Summer Hair Salon
- 空港送迎、視察・観光ツアーなど、ハイヤー送迎サービスを行っています。創業30年の...
+1 (800) 794-0994AM World Express
- 居住在硅谷的儿童圈子。该家长和儿童团体的成员是日本人和对日本感兴趣的人。 主要活...
由日本人和对日本感兴趣的人组成的母亲和儿童团体。 主要活动区域在圣何塞、库比蒂诺和桑尼维尔附近。我们组织公园日和各种活动,每年出版 10 期有关硅谷信息的通讯。樱花俱乐部不隶属于任何宗教或商业组织,由志愿者成员运营。它是一个由希望扩大朋友圈、为孩子寻找玩伴并希望了解在硅谷抚养孩子信息的父母组成的团体。
- 美国的跨国婚姻 ・ 支持婚姻活动 ! 生活在海外的日本女性 ・ 亲爱的男士们,为...
我们希望尽可能多的夫妇拥有幸福的婚姻。我们将尽最大努力帮助您实现这一目标。美国跨国婚姻 ・ 我们支持您的婚姻活动。您正在寻找婚姻伴侣或长期关系,但由于某些原因,您无法找到合适的人...我住在美国或日本以外的地方,却很难遇到合适的人...我想在各种交友网站上注册,但又担心隐私...Glow 会帮您找到您的理想对象。
+1 (510) 316-7918glow MATCH MAKERS
- 最新促销 ☃ ️关东煮、酱油、黄金纳豆、猪肉薄片、冈津拉汤、炸牡蛎、甜虾等本周促...
最新促销 ☃ ️关东煮、酱油、黄金纳豆、猪肉薄片、冈津拉汤、炸牡蛎、甜虾等本周促销 ! 枥木县人气新米越光米也在促销 ✨。
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- 2025年米尔布雷日本文化节将于10月5日举行 ! 我们期待着与大家见面 ! 舂...
该年度活动由米尔布雷商会组织。它庆祝米尔布雷和湾区半岛周边地区的多样性和独特文化。 Millbrae日本文化节由Millbrae商会组织,旨在庆祝湾区半岛及周边地区的多样性和独特文化。捣麻糬、跳舞、唱歌、讲故事、日本食品摊位。!!我们期待着您的到来。
+1 (415) 602-1660ミルブレー日本文化祭
- 全日制日语幼儿园,是文部科学省认可的加利福尼亚学校的姐妹学校。日语保育・教育培养...
日语托儿 ・ 教育培养日本精神。 西山里学园圣何塞学校幼儿园是一所日语全日制幼儿园,于 2012 年在圣克拉拉开园。西山里学园的总校位于日本奈良,姊妹校位于洛杉矶地区,在日本・和美国都有许多附属学校。在湾区,我们的教师秉承大和精神,培养孩子们健康的身心,将日本传统活动・文化・和语言传承给日本儿童。
+1 (408) 243-1174西大和学園サンノゼ校幼稚園
- 从饮食建议到针对每个人的个性化训练,我们都能为您提供帮助 ! 什么是 "健康" ...
+1 (408) 836-5523忍耐塾/パーソナルトレーナー立林宏太(たてばやしこうた)
- < 接受报税 ! > 投资 ・ 保险 ・ 按揭 ・ 购买房产 ・ 报税 ! 我们...
吉原・金融&保险服务公司,总部设在加利福尼亚州圣何塞。 自 1993 年以来为个人和企业提供投资和商业服务。 共同 ・ 基金 ( 共同基金 )
+1 (408) 712-9259Yoshihara Financial & Insurance Services
- 我们负责旧金山及周边湾区的住宅和商业物业经纪、租赁物业、搬迁和投资物业。如需了解...
+1 (925) 381-6572H2H GLOBAL JAPAN, LLC
Sept. 18, 2024
News and Information from the City of Mountain View [ ].
*Foundations of Affordable Housing Workshop*
Foundations of Affordable Housing Workshop Flyer
The City of Mountain View will co-host an event with SV@Home called “Foundations of Affordable Housing.” This workshop is part of SV@Home’s education series offered throughout Santa Clara County over the past year.
The workshop provides an overview of affordable housing, responding to homelessness, and solutions. *A light dinner will be provided*. The event is open to the public.
*Thursday, Sept. 19*
*6 – 7:30 p.m.*
*Mountain View Community Center
Maple Room*
*201 S. Rengstorff Ave.*
This is a hybrid event with a Zoom link provided upon registration. Spanish translation will also be offered.
To register, visit Foundations of Affordable Housing Workshop [ ].
*Forum on the Future of Community Policing*
Forum on the Future of Community Policing
Join the Mountain View Public Safety Advisory Board and the Mountain View Police Department for a Forum on the Future of Community Policing. The discussions will focus on internet safety and gang education.
*Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024
7 - 8:30 p.m.
St. Athanasius Church
160 N. Rengstorff Ave.*
The event will be in Spanish. English interpretation will be available.
For more information, email Lt. Fernando Maldonado at
City Council Identifies Funding
Priorities for Measure G
On June 25, the City Council approved, by unanimous vote, the placement of Measure G on the ballot for the Nov. 5 General Municipal Election for voter consideration. Measure G, if approved by voters, would increase the existing property transfer tax only for property sales over $6 million up to $15 per $1,000.
On Sept. 10, the City Council identified the following funding priorities for the next 10 years if Measure G is approved by voters:
* Public Safety Facilities
* Parks, Open Space, and Biodiversity
* Affordable Housing
* Other general governmental services, including road maintenance, active transportation, small business support, and homeless support services, among others
For more information, visit the Measure G webpage [ ].
4th Annual Teen Wellness Retreat
Teen Wellness Retreat
The 4th Annual Teen Wellness Retreat is almost here! This free event for 9th - 12th grade teens is filled with workshops, activities and resources designed to help you de-stress, recharge and boost your confidence!
*Saturday, Sept. 28*
*9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.*
*Mountain View Community Center*
*201 S. Rengstorff Ave.*
Check out the event guide [ ] to view workshop offerings, event activities, a detailed schedule, and more. Register for the event here [ ].
Family Health & Wellness Fair
Assemblymember Marc Berman is hosting an annual Family Health & Wellness Fair in partnership with the Mountain View Whisman School District.
*Saturday, Sept. 21*
*1-4 p.m.*
*Mistral Elementary*
*505 Escuela Ave.*
The event will include activities for kids, free food, free school supplies and backpacks, flu and COVID vaccines, and more.
For more information, call 650-324-0224 or visit the event webpage [ ].
Library Happenings
Sci-Fi September
*Sci-Fi September*
Join the Mountain View Public Library for a special sci-fi or science-related program.
* Thursday, Sept. 19 [ ]—You're invited to an exclusive virtual conversation with bestselling science fiction writer Jack Campbell, author of the new "Doomed Earth" [ ] series, the "New York Times" bestselling "Lost Fleet" [ ] series, "Genesis Fleet" [ ] series and more.
* Thursday, Sept. 19 [ ]—Kids, wear your favorite pajamas or astronaut suit for an out-of-this-world storytime! Enjoy songs, books and rhymes as we explore the wonders of space and all things alien to celebrate Sci-Fi September.
* Tuesday, Sept. 24 [ ]—Join us for a fascinating presentation on the future of human exploration to Mars with Dr. Pascal Lee from the Mars Institute, SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center.
* Saturday, Sept. 28 [ ]—Enjoy The Retro Roadshow’s presentation about the connections between science fiction and science fact and learn how sci-fi influenced the evolution of personal computers and video games. Then get hands-on with a variety of vintage computers and video game consoles.
Hispanic Heritage Month
*Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month*
* Saturday, Sept. 21 [ ]—Enjoy a mariachi concert by Trio Sol de Mexico in Pioneer Park. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.
* Thursday, Sept. 26 [ ]—Local history author Nick Perry will share the fascinating history of two Mountain View neighborhoods with deep Hispanic roots—Jackson Park and Castro City. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.
Citywide Garage Sale Survey
Two women looking at items for sale during Citywide Garage Sale
Thank you to everyone who participated in the City of Mountain View's annual Citywide Garage Sale this past weekend! There were more than 175 sellers with thousands of treasures available for sale.
The City strives for continuous improvement and our goal is to make next year's event even better. Please help by taking our short survey to provide insights about your experience and suggestions to improve next year’s event. We are eager to hear from everyone: sellers, shoppers and those unable to participate.
Take the survey at [ ].
Cuesta Park Fitness Court
Woman using exercise equipment at Cuesta Park Fitness Court
The City of Mountain View hosted held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 12, to celebrate the opening of the new fitness court at Cuesta Park.
The Cuesta Park fitness court was developed as part of an initiative to provide outdoor fitness equipment at parks throughout Mountain View. The new fitness court offers 10 pieces of equipment, providing free outdoor workouts for anyone 14 and older, regardless of fitness level, using body weight exercises.
The project was funded by El Camino Health, the Park Land Dedication Fund, and the California Parks and Recreation Society’s 75th Anniversary Fitness Grant.
What's OnStage *@
Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts*
Picture of Beijing Guitar Duo Holding Guitar Cases
Beijing Guitar Duo to perform Mid-Autumn Melodies concert on Saturday, Sept. 21.
Experience the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Some of MVCPA's upcoming events are featured below. For all upcoming performances, visit [ ].
*September 21 *| Beijing Guitar Duo | Bay Area Chinese Music Association Experience the Beijing Guitar Duo, featuring acclaimed guitarists Meng Su and Yameng Wang, in a captivating Mid-Autumn Melodies concert. Praised for their artistry and international acclaim, the duo will perform a diverse program showcasing their virtuosity and musical chemistry. Don't miss this enchanting evening of classical guitar. | Tickets [ ]
*September 21-22* | New Stage Intl. Music Festival & Competition | Nova Music Production This exciting event invites young musicians from around the globe to showcase their skills and passion for music. Whether you're a solo artist or part of a group, join us for a celebration of creativity and culture. Saturday’s competition is free to attend, while Sunday’s concert event is ticketed. | Learn More Here [ ]
*September 26 *| “Giants Rising” Screening | Sempervirens Fund Journey into the heart of America’s most iconic forests: GIANTS RISING reveals the secrets and the saga of the coastal redwoods–the tallest and among the oldest living beings on Earth. Presented by Sempervirens Fund. Discussion to follow. | Tickets [ ]
*September 27 & 28* | *The Golden Goose* | Peninsula Youth Theatre The Simple Family has a hard time making ends meet because…well…they’re simple. But when Super Simple helps an old woman in the woods, she gives him a gift that will take him on an amazing adventure! | Tickets [ ]
*September 28* | *Flying High: Big Band Canaries Who Soared* | Jazz at the Ballroom We’re celebrating the great canaries—female vocalists who started with popular big bands such as Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, and Benny Goodman—who went on to spectacular solo careers after spreading their wings and creating their own sounds and styles. | Tickets [ ]
Upcoming Events
For a complete list and information about upcoming public meetings,
visit [ ].
*Sept. 18* | Music on Castro: Dolce Trio | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*Sept. 19* | "Foundations of Affordable Housing" Workshop | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Mountain View Community Center, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.
*Sept. 20* | Concerts on the Plaza: Native Elements | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.
*Sept. 21* | Harvest History Festival | 9 a.m. - noon | Heritage Park, 771 Rengstorff Ave.
*Sept. 22* | Caltrain Electrification: Electric Slide Dance Party | 10:30 a.m. | Farmers' Market, 600 W. Evelyn Ave.
*Sept. 25* | Music on Castro: JazZ Cats | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*Sept. 27* | Concerts on the Plaza: Cumbia Paradiso | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.
*Sept. 28* | Teen Wellness Retreat | 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | Mountain View Community Center, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.
*AskMV at Your Service*
Available 24/7, Ask Mountain View is an easy way to send your questions, concerns and compliments directly to City staff who can help you. Download the app or submit a request online at [ ].
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