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City Hall Connection eNewsletter: Sept. 18, 2024
- [Registrant]City of Mountain View
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Mountain View, CA
- Posted : 2024/09/18
- Published : 2024/09/18
- Changed : 2024/09/18
- Total View : 47 persons
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- 춤추고 싶은 마음만 있으면 된다 ! ! 함께 춤추지 않을래요 !?
나이, 경험 상관없이 ! 아기부터 키즈, 성인부터 시니어까지 ! 춤추고 싶은 사람이 즐겁게 춤출 수 있는 Genki Crew Dance School ! Hip-Hop, 발레, Jazz, Mommy and Me 피트니스, Nirvana Fitness Nirvana 피트니스 등 해보고 싶은 것을 찾을 수 있다 !
Genki Crew Dance School
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- ジャパンクラブは関西淡路大震災を機に災害時の相互扶助を目的に設立されました。ベイ...
Japan Club of the Bay Area
- 모찌 도넛을 미국에서 함께 퍼뜨립시다 ! 하와이, 샌프란시스코, 로스앤젤...
일본에서도 친숙한 모찌 도넛과 하와이에서 유명한 호놀룰루 커피를 더해 도넛 카페로 새롭게 출점 확대합니다. 함께 하와이, 캘리포니아에서 널리 퍼뜨려 봅시다. 맛은 물론이고 모양도 화려하고 귀여운 도넛들. 어떤 걸 고를지 고민이 되네요. 인스타그램에 올리기 딱 좋은 도넛. 초콜릿, 쿠키 & 크림 등 기본 맛부터 콩나물, 말차, 호지차 등 일본식 맛 등 약...
+1 (808) 384-2948Mochill
- 주 샌프란시스코 일본 총영사관의 관할 지역은 캘리포니아 중북부, 네바다주...
275 Battery Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94111 Sacramento Street와 Battery Street의 모퉁이에 있는 건물
+1 (415) 780-6000在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館
- 최첨단 불임치료와 높은 성공률을 자랑하는 불임치료 클리닉 [CCRM Fe...
가뜩이나 불안감이 가득한 불임 치료. 게다가 어려운 영어와 전문용어, 하고 싶은 말이 잘 전달되지 않는 답답함, CCRM San Francisco에서는 그런 걱정이 없습니다. 일본인 여성 의사]에 의한 [최첨단 불임 치료]와 [최강의 팀]이 여러분을 맞이합니다. 현재 대면 또는 원격 온라인 진찰을 받고 있으므로, 우선은 일본어로 상담을 받아보시지 않겠습...
+1 (650) 646-7500CCRM San Francisco
- 도쿄에서 출발한 헤어, 네일, 속눈썹, 페이셜 스파의 토탈 뷰티를 실현하...
재현성 높은 헤어 커트 기술 & 스타일링의 용이성으로 정평이 난 헤어 스타일리스트 MASATO와 네일 디자인뿐만 아니라 항상 고객의 손톱의 건강과 아름다운 형태 형성을 염두에 둔 시술로 인기 있는 네일리스트 ATSUKO가 2021년 6월 캠벨에 종합 뷰티 살롱 오픈 ★ 일본에서도 경험이 풍부한 전문 스태프가 고객 한 분 한 분에게 맞는 세심한 상담을 통...
+1 (408) 430-3004J Flow Hair and Nail
- ★ 헤어컷 신규 예약 접수 중 ★ '환대'를 컨셉으로 고객뿐만 아니라 직...
전 직원 모두 일본인 ! 높은 품질의 기술과 환대 서비스로 매일 좋은 인상을 남길 수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다 !
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- 일본의 야요이켄의 맛을 전해드립니다. 다양한 메뉴로 일본의 맛을 마음껏 ...
스키야키, 돈가스 정식, 고등어 소금구이 정식, 야키니쿠 중, 믹스 토지 정식 등이 인기다. 일본의 맛을 그대로 재현하고 있으며, 일본산 쌀 100%로 만든 밥이 무한리필이다. 차분한 분위기의 가게에서 여유로운 시간을 즐겨보자.
+1 (650) 315-2287YAYOI Hillsdale
- 라면( $ 12), 도시락( $ 12), 일식 케이터링 ・ 배달은 맡겨주...
사무실, 파티, 학교, 라면, 도시락, 일식 케이터링이 필요할 때 연락주세요, Kenichi Kawashima's kitchen이 찾아갑니다. \ Kawashima's Kitchen의 매력은 뭐니뭐니해도 라이브감 ! ! / 눈앞에서 만들어지는 요리가 그대로 셰프에 의해 당신 앞에 배달됩니다. 셰프가 고객의 생생한 목소리를 직접 들을 수 있어 신속한...
+1 (415) 238-4447Kawashima's Kitchen
- 일본 이사를 베이 지역에서 ! 미국 내 이사, 장거리 이사를 맡겨주세요 ...
[귀국편] 이사가 결정되면 먼저 견적을 받아보세요 ! 이사 시기가 겹치므로 귀국 2개월 전부터 준비하시는 것이 좋습니다. 포장부터 포장이사까지 풀서비스부터 예산을 줄이고 싶은 분들을 위한 기본 서비스까지. 잔여 가구 처분, 지인 배송, 하우스 클리닝 등의 옵션도 있습니다. [주 간 이사] 미국 내 장거리 이사 가재도구와 자동차를 함께 이사 예산에 따라 ...
+1 (650) 773-6411Cross Nations, Inc.
- 회사 ・ 비즈니스 ・ 상속 ・ 민사 ・ 형사 등 일-미 이중언어 변호사가...
우리는 한미일 법률 ・ 회계 전문가이며, 회사 ・ 비즈니스 ・ 상속 ・ 민사 ・ 형사 등 폭넓은 분야에서 서비스를 제공하는 로펌입니다. 우리의 업무 스타일은 대형 로펌처럼 경비가 우선이고, 변호사 개개인의 의미가 희박한 스타일이 아닙니다. 각 구성원의 개성을 중요하게 생각하고, 이를 이해하고 활용하면서 로펌으로서의 팀워크를 구축해 나가고 있습니다. 이러한...
+1 (415) 618-0090Marshall Suzuki Law Group, LLP
- イーストベイ、Pleasant Hillにある幼児、小学生、中高生、大人を対象と...
大切な幼児、学童期、バイリンガル教育を実践してみませんか。くるみ日本語クラスは、小さい子供から大人まで 「楽しみながら日本を学ぶ」環境づくりを目指しています。少人数制クラスで 経験豊かな教師が 生徒一人一人のレベルに合わせ、手作りのカリキュラムできめ細かい指導を心がけています。 現在は全クラス オンラインで開講中。幼児期から、読む、書く、聞く、話す」4つの力を総合的に伸ばします。設置クラスは幼児ク...
+1 (925) 289-8296くるみ日本語クラス
- ♪ 클래식 발레 교실 ♪ 어린이부터 시니어까지, 미경험자도 환영. 임산부...
아름다운 클래식 음악에 맞춰 유연하게 몸을 단련해 보세요 ? Foster와 SF에서 진행 중 ! Monique ・ 발레는 아이와 어른 모두 개인에게 타겟을 정하여 즐겁고 활기차게 연습할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 조금씩 조금씩, 꾸준히 오래 지속하다 보면 몸은 몇 센티미터씩 빠지고, ・ 목 근육이 탄탄하게 만들어진다. 그리고 아름다운 클래식의 선율에 ...
+1 (415) 240-5377モニーク・バレエ
- 베이 지역에 총 5개 매장 ! 인기 실력파 살롱 VIANGE HAIR에서...
VIANGE HAIR | TOKYO | SAN FRANCISCO | 일본 최고 수준의 퀄리티를 베이 지역에서 실현하는 인기 살롱. 긴자, 아오야마에서 경험이 풍부한 스타일리스트가 유기농 소재를 고집하며 TOKYO의 트렌드 스타일을 전 세계에 전파하고 있습니다. 일본과 미국 양쪽의 유행의 최첨단을 도입하고 세계에 통하는 일본의 기술을 융합하여 완성된 오리...
+1 (925) 361-5376HAIR VIANGE
Sept. 18, 2024
News and Information from the City of Mountain View [ ].
*Foundations of Affordable Housing Workshop*
Foundations of Affordable Housing Workshop Flyer
The City of Mountain View will co-host an event with SV@Home called “Foundations of Affordable Housing.” This workshop is part of SV@Home’s education series offered throughout Santa Clara County over the past year.
The workshop provides an overview of affordable housing, responding to homelessness, and solutions. *A light dinner will be provided*. The event is open to the public.
*Thursday, Sept. 19*
*6 – 7:30 p.m.*
*Mountain View Community Center
Maple Room*
*201 S. Rengstorff Ave.*
This is a hybrid event with a Zoom link provided upon registration. Spanish translation will also be offered.
To register, visit Foundations of Affordable Housing Workshop [ ].
*Forum on the Future of Community Policing*
Forum on the Future of Community Policing
Join the Mountain View Public Safety Advisory Board and the Mountain View Police Department for a Forum on the Future of Community Policing. The discussions will focus on internet safety and gang education.
*Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024
7 - 8:30 p.m.
St. Athanasius Church
160 N. Rengstorff Ave.*
The event will be in Spanish. English interpretation will be available.
For more information, email Lt. Fernando Maldonado at
City Council Identifies Funding
Priorities for Measure G
On June 25, the City Council approved, by unanimous vote, the placement of Measure G on the ballot for the Nov. 5 General Municipal Election for voter consideration. Measure G, if approved by voters, would increase the existing property transfer tax only for property sales over $6 million up to $15 per $1,000.
On Sept. 10, the City Council identified the following funding priorities for the next 10 years if Measure G is approved by voters:
* Public Safety Facilities
* Parks, Open Space, and Biodiversity
* Affordable Housing
* Other general governmental services, including road maintenance, active transportation, small business support, and homeless support services, among others
For more information, visit the Measure G webpage [ ].
4th Annual Teen Wellness Retreat
Teen Wellness Retreat
The 4th Annual Teen Wellness Retreat is almost here! This free event for 9th - 12th grade teens is filled with workshops, activities and resources designed to help you de-stress, recharge and boost your confidence!
*Saturday, Sept. 28*
*9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.*
*Mountain View Community Center*
*201 S. Rengstorff Ave.*
Check out the event guide [ ] to view workshop offerings, event activities, a detailed schedule, and more. Register for the event here [ ].
Family Health & Wellness Fair
Assemblymember Marc Berman is hosting an annual Family Health & Wellness Fair in partnership with the Mountain View Whisman School District.
*Saturday, Sept. 21*
*1-4 p.m.*
*Mistral Elementary*
*505 Escuela Ave.*
The event will include activities for kids, free food, free school supplies and backpacks, flu and COVID vaccines, and more.
For more information, call 650-324-0224 or visit the event webpage [ ].
Library Happenings
Sci-Fi September
*Sci-Fi September*
Join the Mountain View Public Library for a special sci-fi or science-related program.
* Thursday, Sept. 19 [ ]—You're invited to an exclusive virtual conversation with bestselling science fiction writer Jack Campbell, author of the new "Doomed Earth" [ ] series, the "New York Times" bestselling "Lost Fleet" [ ] series, "Genesis Fleet" [ ] series and more.
* Thursday, Sept. 19 [ ]—Kids, wear your favorite pajamas or astronaut suit for an out-of-this-world storytime! Enjoy songs, books and rhymes as we explore the wonders of space and all things alien to celebrate Sci-Fi September.
* Tuesday, Sept. 24 [ ]—Join us for a fascinating presentation on the future of human exploration to Mars with Dr. Pascal Lee from the Mars Institute, SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center.
* Saturday, Sept. 28 [ ]—Enjoy The Retro Roadshow’s presentation about the connections between science fiction and science fact and learn how sci-fi influenced the evolution of personal computers and video games. Then get hands-on with a variety of vintage computers and video game consoles.
Hispanic Heritage Month
*Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month*
* Saturday, Sept. 21 [ ]—Enjoy a mariachi concert by Trio Sol de Mexico in Pioneer Park. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.
* Thursday, Sept. 26 [ ]—Local history author Nick Perry will share the fascinating history of two Mountain View neighborhoods with deep Hispanic roots—Jackson Park and Castro City. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.
Citywide Garage Sale Survey
Two women looking at items for sale during Citywide Garage Sale
Thank you to everyone who participated in the City of Mountain View's annual Citywide Garage Sale this past weekend! There were more than 175 sellers with thousands of treasures available for sale.
The City strives for continuous improvement and our goal is to make next year's event even better. Please help by taking our short survey to provide insights about your experience and suggestions to improve next year’s event. We are eager to hear from everyone: sellers, shoppers and those unable to participate.
Take the survey at [ ].
Cuesta Park Fitness Court
Woman using exercise equipment at Cuesta Park Fitness Court
The City of Mountain View hosted held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 12, to celebrate the opening of the new fitness court at Cuesta Park.
The Cuesta Park fitness court was developed as part of an initiative to provide outdoor fitness equipment at parks throughout Mountain View. The new fitness court offers 10 pieces of equipment, providing free outdoor workouts for anyone 14 and older, regardless of fitness level, using body weight exercises.
The project was funded by El Camino Health, the Park Land Dedication Fund, and the California Parks and Recreation Society’s 75th Anniversary Fitness Grant.
What's OnStage *@
Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts*
Picture of Beijing Guitar Duo Holding Guitar Cases
Beijing Guitar Duo to perform Mid-Autumn Melodies concert on Saturday, Sept. 21.
Experience the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Some of MVCPA's upcoming events are featured below. For all upcoming performances, visit [ ].
*September 21 *| Beijing Guitar Duo | Bay Area Chinese Music Association Experience the Beijing Guitar Duo, featuring acclaimed guitarists Meng Su and Yameng Wang, in a captivating Mid-Autumn Melodies concert. Praised for their artistry and international acclaim, the duo will perform a diverse program showcasing their virtuosity and musical chemistry. Don't miss this enchanting evening of classical guitar. | Tickets [ ]
*September 21-22* | New Stage Intl. Music Festival & Competition | Nova Music Production This exciting event invites young musicians from around the globe to showcase their skills and passion for music. Whether you're a solo artist or part of a group, join us for a celebration of creativity and culture. Saturday’s competition is free to attend, while Sunday’s concert event is ticketed. | Learn More Here [ ]
*September 26 *| “Giants Rising” Screening | Sempervirens Fund Journey into the heart of America’s most iconic forests: GIANTS RISING reveals the secrets and the saga of the coastal redwoods–the tallest and among the oldest living beings on Earth. Presented by Sempervirens Fund. Discussion to follow. | Tickets [ ]
*September 27 & 28* | *The Golden Goose* | Peninsula Youth Theatre The Simple Family has a hard time making ends meet because…well…they’re simple. But when Super Simple helps an old woman in the woods, she gives him a gift that will take him on an amazing adventure! | Tickets [ ]
*September 28* | *Flying High: Big Band Canaries Who Soared* | Jazz at the Ballroom We’re celebrating the great canaries—female vocalists who started with popular big bands such as Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, and Benny Goodman—who went on to spectacular solo careers after spreading their wings and creating their own sounds and styles. | Tickets [ ]
Upcoming Events
For a complete list and information about upcoming public meetings,
visit [ ].
*Sept. 18* | Music on Castro: Dolce Trio | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*Sept. 19* | "Foundations of Affordable Housing" Workshop | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Mountain View Community Center, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.
*Sept. 20* | Concerts on the Plaza: Native Elements | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.
*Sept. 21* | Harvest History Festival | 9 a.m. - noon | Heritage Park, 771 Rengstorff Ave.
*Sept. 22* | Caltrain Electrification: Electric Slide Dance Party | 10:30 a.m. | Farmers' Market, 600 W. Evelyn Ave.
*Sept. 25* | Music on Castro: JazZ Cats | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*Sept. 27* | Concerts on the Plaza: Cumbia Paradiso | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.
*Sept. 28* | Teen Wellness Retreat | 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | Mountain View Community Center, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.
*AskMV at Your Service*
Available 24/7, Ask Mountain View is an easy way to send your questions, concerns and compliments directly to City staff who can help you. Download the app or submit a request online at [ ].
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