Aug Sustainability Newsletter
- [등록자]City of Mountain View
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Mountain View, CA
- 등록일 : 2024/08/21
- 게재일 : 2024/08/21
- 변경일 : 2024/08/21
- 총열람수 : 43 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- ★ 헤어컷 신규 예약 접수 중 ★ '환대'를 컨셉으로 고객뿐만 아니라 직...
전 직원 모두 일본인 ! 높은 품질의 기술과 환대 서비스로 매일 좋은 인상을 남길 수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다 !
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- 베이 지역의 야구를 좋아하는 사람들이 모였습니다 ! 초보자도 환영합니다 ...
북가주 사무라이 야구 리그는 SF 베이 지역 ・ 실리콘 밸리를 기반으로 활동하는 연식 야구 단체입니다. 성인부터 어린이, 아마추어부터 고시원 경험자, 학생부터 엘리트 주재원까지 다양한 분야에서 활동하는 야구 애호가들이 모입니다. 초보자도 환영 ! 본고장 미국에서 마음껏 야구를 즐기고 싶으신 분, 직접 팀을 만들고 싶으신 분, 커뮤니티를 넓히고 싶으신...
+1 (408) 307-2003北カリフォルニアサムライ野球リーグ
- 인기 스타일리스트 Summer가 당신의 매력을 끌어냅니다 ! 첫회 한정 ...
인기 스타일리스트 Summer가 당신의 새로운 매력을 이끌어냅니다 ! 첫 방문 시 20% 할인 혜택 ! 여성과 남성 모두를 위한 다양한 헤어 메뉴가 준비되어 있습니다. 헤어 커트, 펌, 염색, 발레아쥬, 디지털 펌, 케라틴 트리트먼트, 스트레이트 펌, 딥 트리트먼트 등 당신의 머리카락을 최고의 빛으로 만들어 드립니다. 비비나비를 방문하신 고객님들께는 특별한...
+1 (408) 627-2457Summer Hair Salon
- Milpitas, Great Mall 근처에 있는 신슈 와규를 취급하는 ...
신슈 와규의 맛을 세계에 알리고 싶다는 생각으로 운영하고 있는 일본식 고깃집입니다. 고기에 국한되지 않고 다양한 요리와 술을 즐길 수 있도록 되어 있으므로 가족 모임, 회식, 데이트 등 다양한 장면에서 즐길 수 있기를 바랍니다. 여러분의 방문을 기다리고 있습니다. 저희 가게의 자랑은 일본 나가노에서 직접 조달한 신슈 프리미엄 와규입니다. 이 고품질의 소...
+1 (669) 263-6152Meat Time
- 미국 전역에서 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고, 일본인 커뮤니...
후라토는 뉴욕을 거점으로 미국 전역에서 활동하는 비영리 단체로, 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고 일본인 커뮤니티를 지원하고 있습니다. 미국에서 의료와 보험의 복잡성에 직면한 일본인과 그 간병인, 고령화에 따라 고립되는 시니어가 늘어나는 가운데, 우리는 필요한 정보와 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 온라인 활동도... +1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- San Joseの昔ながらの本格居酒屋です。火~金 1:00amまで営業中!メニ...
+1 (408) 452-8751Izaka-ya
- 기존 카이로프랙틱과는 다른 생물학에 기반한 고도의 치료법. 일자목, 측만...
본원의 CBP 치료로 일자목, 측만증도 치료할 수 있습니다. 엑스레이 진단으로 통증과 저림의 원인을 파악하여 자세 개선, 척추 교정을 통한 근본적인 치료를 합니다. 다른 치료법으로 해결되지 않는 만성적인 증상에도 효과적입니다. 자극적이지 않고 몸에 무리가 가지 않는 치료법으로 서서히 틀어짐을 제거하기 때문에 아이부터 어른까지 안심하고 치료를 받을 수 ...
+1 (408) 738-8610ミッシマー寿美子 ドクター・オブ・カイロプラクティック
- 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역에 거주하는 와세다대학교 졸업생들의 동창회입니다...
샌프란시스코 인문회는 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역에 거주하는 와세다대학교 졸업생들의 동창회입니다. 회원은 약 100명이며, 연 1회 정기총회 외에 피크닉, 콘서트, 세미나 등을 개최하여 회원 상호간의 친목을 도모하고 있습니다.
- 매주 토요일을 중심으로 연간 43일 동안 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역에 사...
'확실한 힘을 길러 、 국제사회에서 활약할 수 있는 아동・학생의 육성'을 교육목표로 삼고 있습니다. 토요일에 통학하며, 일본에서 사용되는 교과서를 사용하여 일본 학교의 교육 내용 ( 본교는 4과목 )을 배웁니다.
+1 (415) 989-4535サンフランシスコ日本語補習校
- 최신 재고 정보 올렸습니다 ! SF지역 고객님들께는 판매, 매입 모두 특...
미국에서 28년간 고객의 카 라이프를 지원하며 ! 신뢰의 증표 ! 고객과의 인연을 소중히 ! ! AB오토타운의 영업방침은 "지역밀착형 서비스"입니다. 경험과 실적을 바탕으로 고객 한 분 한 분과의 인연을 소중히 여기며, 상황에 맞는 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 미국계 매장에는 없는 일본인 직원의 세심한 서비스로 고객을 맞이합니다. ★ 샌프란시스코, 산호...
+1 (310) 212-7990AB Auto Town
- 써니베일에서 기능성 신경과와 스포츠 카이로프랙틱을 전문으로 하고 있습니다...
신체의 움직임, 내장 기능, 오감 ( 시각, 청각, 후각, 미각, 촉각 )은 중추신경 ( 대뇌, 소뇌, 뇌간 )에 의해 지배된다. 척추의 움직임이 나빠지고 말초신경, 중추신경의 기능저하가 몸의 이상을 초래한다. 추나요법은 약물 이외의 방법으로 몸의 이상을 다스리는 의학이다. 어떤 증상이든 포기하지 마시고, 먼저 카이로프랙틱 의사에게 상담해 주십시오. ...
+1 (408) 738-0707Hiro Sugawara, D.C.
- 일본어 부모-자녀 놀이모임 '밤비' 회원 모집 중 매월 셋째 주 화요일 ...
샌프란시스코 재팬타운에서 진행되는 0~4세 정도의 일본인 놀이 그룹입니다.
日本語の親子プレイグループ バンビ
- 일본 이사를 베이 지역에서 ! 미국 내 이사, 장거리 이사를 맡겨주세요 ...
[귀국편] 이사가 결정되면 먼저 견적을 받아보세요 ! 이사 시기가 겹치므로 귀국 2개월 전부터 준비하시는 것이 좋습니다. 포장부터 포장이사까지 풀서비스부터 예산을 줄이고 싶은 분들을 위한 기본 서비스까지. 잔여 가구 처분, 지인 배송, 하우스 클리닝 등의 옵션도 있습니다. [주 간 이사] 미국 내 장거리 이사 가재도구와 자동차를 함께 이사 예산에 따라 ...
+1 (650) 773-6411Cross Nations, Inc.
- ジャパンクラブは関西淡路大震災を機に災害時の相互扶助を目的に設立されました。ベイ...
Japan Club of the Bay Area
- 사무직, 교통사고, 스포츠, 가사 등 일상적으로 발생할 수 있는 신체적 ...
과도한 업무, 과도한 화면 시청, 스마트폰과 태블릿 사용으로 목과 어깨가 뻣뻣하게 굳어 있지는 않나요? 심할 때는 머리까지 무겁게 느껴지지는 않나요? 또한 원격근무로 집 밖으로 나가지 않고 앉아서 일하느라 허리가 무거워지고 있지는 않으신가요? 미국 공인 스포츠 카이로프랙터와 상담해 보세요. 본원에서는 UnitedHealthcare 보험을 취급하고 있습니다....
+1 (408) 343-3835福田カイロプラクティック
Sustainability Newsletter Banner
"Click here [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/city-managers-office/sustainability/archives ] to read this newsletter in Spanish, Chinese, or Russian."
In this quarter's newsletter: (click section name to jump directly to the topic)
* Electrify Mountain View [ #A1 ] [ #A2 ]
* Plant-Based Eating [ #A3 ]
* Recycling and Zero Waste Events [ #A4 ]
* Transportation [ #A408 ]
* Biodiversity Strategy and Urban Forest Plan [ #A5 ]
* Water Resources for the Home and Garden [ #Water ]
Electrify Mountain View
Go Electric Advisor
Bringing home the benefits of switching to electric is easier than ever with Silicon Valley Clean Energy’s Go Electric Advisors ready to help you make your home safer, more efficient and healthier. Visit Go Electric Advisor’s website [ https://goelectric.svcleanenergy.org/ ] or call 833-243-4235 to reach an Advisor.
Heat pump water heater installed in garage
Your Water Heater
When was the last time you thought about your water heater? How old is that “gas-guzzler” anyway?
*Did you know?* Heat pump water heaters are more efficient, safer, healthier and less polluting than gas water heaters. Learning about heat pump water heaters can feel complicated, luckily Silicon Valley Clean Energy has developed the HPWH Best Practices Guide [ https://svcleanenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/HPWH-Best-Practices-Guide-2024.pdf ] to walk you step-by-step through what to consider. Learn more about how a heat pump works, how to select one for your home, and how you can lower your energy bills.
Your Quiet and Eco-friendly Gardening
Spread the word to your friends and neighbors. For quiet and eco-friendly gardening, consider going electric! Electric landscape tools are now available for checkout from the Day Worker Center of Mountain View. Since the Tool Library Program’s launch this spring, over 100 hours of clean, electric gardening have been completed through this City-sponsored program. Learn more on the Tool Library website [ https://www.dayworkercentermv.org/tool-library/ ].
Click to return to top. [ #gd_top ]
Plant-Based Eating
"Our plant-based eating program focuses on promoting healthy and sustainable food choices, supporting equitable access to healthy food, and spreading awareness about the positive health and environmental impacts of a plant-based diet."
Plant-Based On-the-Go
When the weather’s right for hiking, what kind of plant-based lunches and snacks are good for the trail (or car ride, picnic, on-the-go)? Good hiking foods last out of the fridge for a few hours and are hardy enough to bounce around a bit in a backpack. For full recipes that travel well, download the PDF of recipes we cooked at our Plant-based Summer Picnic [ https://www.mountainview.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/9598 ] last June.
plant-based sandwich [ https://zerowastechef.com/2022/08/24/how-to-make-3-ingredient-gnocchi/ ]
Mix and match to your taste:
* Sliced bread or roll
* Plant-based tortilla, pita, bagel, or wrap
* Spreads, like hummus or tapenade
* Tomatoes
* Avocado
* Lettuce, sprouts, or your favorite greens
* Peppers: roasted red peppers, bell peppers, or pepperoncini
* Onion
* Cucumber
* Shredded carrots
* Pickles
* Grilled eggplant or zucchini
* Salt and pepper
* Fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, or parsley
* Or just a classic peanut butter and jelly
hand holding snackbar in front of lake view [ https://zerowastechef.com/2015/05/21/vegan-pesto/ ]
* Nut and trail mixes, add carob chips for a sweet note
* Apples, clementines/oranges, dates
* Peanut butter (with apple, banana, cracker, etc.)
* Ants on a log – celery, peanut butter, and raisins
* Fruit leathers or dried fruit
* Snack bars
* Tortilla or potato chips, popcorn, or rice cakes
* Roasted chickpeas
*Tips to Try:*
* Put lettuce between the spread and bread to keep bread crisp
* Keep wet ingredients (like sliced tomatoes) separate, and put on just before eating
* Use reusable Velcro or zip-secured bags to cut down on single-use plastic
What are your favorites? Tell us on @MVSustainability [ https://www.instagram.com/mvsustainability ] or CollaborateMV [ https://collaborate.mountainview.gov/plant-based-eating ] Remember to pack your trash for composting later!
Click to return to top. [ #gd_top ]
Recycling and Zero Waste Events
Hazardous waste items such as paint and cleaning chemicals
Hazardous Household Waste Drop-off Event
Free household hazardous waste collection event coming to Mountain View on Saturday, August 24!
Safely dispose of paint, batteries, electronics, auto fluids, used oil, garden chemicals, propane tanks, fluorescent and LED lightbulbs, aerosols and more.
Appointments are required; call 408-299-7300 or book your appointment online at HHW.org [ https://hhw.santaclaracounty.gov/home ]. To schedule online, click the blue “Make a Free Appointment” button then select Mountain View on the calendar for August 24. Upon appointment booking you will receive the specific Mountain View drop-off location.
People behind clothes rack
Citywide Garage Sale
The Citywide Garage Sale is back, and registration is open now! Find more information and register here [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events/citywide-garage-sale ].
Join hundreds of residents holding garage sales at their homes September 14 - 15. This event supports the City's Zero Waste goals by keeping reusable items out of the landfill and conserving natural resources.
Sellers may choose to participate on one day or both days of the sale. The event is advertised in local and regional newspapers, social media, websites, etc. Registration closes Wednesday, September 4.
Prior to the event, the City will publish the garage sale addresses and items for sale/donation on the City’s website and on printed maps. This year, a new online map will allow participants to filter garage sales by dates open and items listed, as well as other enhanced features to help attendees plan which homes to visit for the event.
People composting outdoors [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events ]
Worm Composting Workshop October 5
Find out how to build healthy soil and reduce kitchen food waste through worm composting at this FREE workshop for residents. Great for families, apartments, town houses, or anyone who produces a lot of food scraps!
The workshop will be held on Saturday, October 5 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Heritage Park, 771 Rengstorff Avenue. The event will be held outdoors. For more information and to register, click here [ https://cesantaclara.ucanr.edu/Home_Composting_Education/ ] or call the Rotline at 408-918-4640. Walk-ins are also welcome.
A volunteer aiding residents to drop of papers for the Paper Shredding Event. [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events ]
Free Confidential Paper Shredding November 2
Looking for a safe way to securely shred and recycle your confidential paperwork and documents? A free paper shredding event is available for Mountain View and Sunnyvale residents on Saturday, November 2, at the SMaRT Station (301 Carl Road, Sunnyvale) from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn more here [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events ].
* Proof of residency is required (e.g., Driver’s License or utility bill).
* Limit of five banker-sized boxes or paper bags per household.
* Paperclips, staples, spiral notebooks, and rubber-bands are acceptable. Please refrain from disposing of heavy binders or binder clips to prevent damage to shredding equipment.
* Event line closes at 3:00 p.m. sharp. Late arrivals will be turned away.
Click to return to top. [ #gd_top ]
Drive Wise Vision Zero [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/city-manager-s-office/sustainability-and-resiliency/transportation/ebike-voucher ]
Vision Zero Marketing and Outreach Campaign
The City launched a traffic safety awareness campaign for Vision Zero in early August 2024. We hope to see an increasingly safe environment on our city streets so that more students and adults will choose to walk, roll and ride transit to school, work, and all over town. Vision Zero aims to reduce the number of traffic deaths in our city to zero. Vision Zero is an integrated set of policies, plans and programs based on the philosophy that fatal collisions are unacceptable and preventable. To learn more, visit the Vision Zero website [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/roads-and-transportation/transportation-planning/vision-zero ].
California Street “Complete Streets” Pilot Project Coming Soon
The City of Mountain View has a project to enhance safety, eliminate fatal or severe injury crashes, and increase the number of sustainable trips on California Street between Showers Drive and Shoreline Boulevard. As part of the 2024 repaving project, the City plans to install new crosswalks and sidewalk corners, and redo the lane striping on California Street. This neighborhood will first experience a Pilot Project, which will be evaluated before it becomes permanent. Once installed, some Recology customers on California Street will need to place their containers in a new location on California Street. For more information, visit the California Pilot website. [ https://collaborate.mountainview.gov/CaliforniaPilot ]
Measure B Logo
Caltrans Repaving of El Camino Real Will Begin after Labor Day
Caltrans will repave El Camino Real (SR-82) in Mountain View and Palo Alto, all lanes in both directions, beginning this Fall 2024. Construction night work will include scraping off old pavement, and repairing cracks and potholes. Caltrans will install new pavement, lane striping, high visibility crosswalks, ADA curb ramp improvements, protected bike lanes, and 3 new pedestrian crossing beacons at Bonita Avenue, Crestview Drive and Pettis Avenue. The space where on-street parking has been will be repurposed and used for the bike lane. Protected bike lanes help increase safety on our roads and can help increase the number of sustainable trips. Once installed, this will be the first time and first location where El Camino Real will be open to cyclists of all ages and abilities. This project received financial support from the voter-approved 2016 Measure B program and from the city. To learn more, visit the [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/city-projects-bids/el-camino-real-improvements ]El Camino Project website [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/city-projects-bids/el-camino-real-improvements ].
Red and White electric Caltrain
Caltrain Launches Electric Service
Caltrain will be launching their electrified service in September! The new electric fleet is quieter, accelerates and decelerates faster (reducing travel times), increases local air quality and health, and reduces climate impacts.
Click to return to top. [ #gd_top ]
Biodiversity Strategy and Urban Forest Plan
biodiversity header
The City of Mountain View has launched the community engagement process for the Biodiversity and Urban Forest Plan (Plan). The Plan will be built on science-based guidance and community needs, values, and priorities, and will be the first of its kind in the Bay Area to serve as a progressive framework that defines biodiversity requirements for landscaping and tree canopy. The Plan will also inform and influence City projects and ordinances regarding vegetation, wildlife, and habitats, and include Urban Forestry to replace the existing 2015 Community Tree Master Plan.
The success of the Plan will depend on active community engagement. Your input matters! There are many opportunities to get involved including pop-up events, community workshops, a survey, and a shared idea board. Please visit the project webpage [ https://collaborate.mountainview.gov/biodiversity ] for more information and to stay up to date. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on topics including habitat restoration and enhancement, preserving green spaces and natural resources, environmental resiliency, and increasing tree canopy!
Click to return to top. [ #gd_top ]
Water Resources for the Home and Garden
Landscape water rebates [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/landscape ]
New! Receive Design Assistance for the Landscape Rebate Program
Convert your grass to approved California-friendly landscapes and receive a rebate. Apply for the Landscape Rebate Program to get a free onsite consultation for proposed front yard lawn conversions only. The new Landscape Design Assistance Program offers rebate applicants with access to a pre-approved professional landscape designer for a two-hour consultation. Explore landscape information and resources [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/landscape ] for ideas and inspiration, and sign up for a landscape rebate [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/residential/rebates-and-programs ] today!
Leak Detection
Did you know a leaky toilet can waste up to 5 gallons of water per minute, or 300 gallons per hour? The most common home water leaks are due to worn toilet flappers and broken irrigation components. You can save water and money by performing periodic leak checks. Identify where your water meter is located and how to read it for water use investigations. Visit the website [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/residential/how-to-read-your-meter ] to view step-by-step leak check instructions [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation ], or contact us for assistance.
Free Water-Efficient Gear
Mountain View residents and businesses can order free water-efficient devices directly from Valley Water’s Online Shopping Cart. Devices include low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators, garden hose nozzles, toilet leak detection tablets, and more. View a complete list of available items at the Online Shopping Cart [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/residential/rebates-and-programs ] and order today.
Water Resources [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation ] | 650-903-6216 | ConserveWater@MountainView.gov
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