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Preocupaciones / Consulta
  • magumi
  • 2005/09/21 10:25

大使館のサイトを見ると、学生ビザを取る際の面接でI−20が必要だとなっているのですが、、、 誰か、学生ビザの取り直しをされた方、アドバイスを下さい。

  • はむりん
  • 2005/10/03 (Mon) 21:07
  • Informe


  • wassup
  • 2005/11/22 (Tue) 12:22
  • Informe

from my experience, I think it is hard to get F1 V in SF. According to my friend, you should get F1 visa in japan first and come to SF. I could renew the passport easily in 大使館. I think you can also do F1 but i am sure it is hard to do in US coz of 9/11. I am sorry if this INF cannot help you.

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