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고민 / 상담
  • taro
  • 메일
  • 2023/03/14 02:35


現在、日本に住みながらアメリカ在住の友人とCalifornia州でPartnership LLCを立ち上げました。
このLLCからの分配は受け取っていませんが、Partnership LLCの収益は個人の収入と見なされるということでTaxReturnを行っています。



California Return Status:

California Return Status Explanation:
This California return was rejected by the California Franchise Tax Board 3/13/2023 1:36 PM. This return was rejected due to the Rule Number(s) shown below.

Rule Number: F540/NR/2EZ-220

Rule Number Explanation:
There is an error with the Prior Year California Adjusted Gross Income amount provided. The Primary Taxpayer on this return is ineligible to participate in the Self-Select PIN program. FTB's records indicate the Primary Taxpayer did not file a prior year individual income tax return and does not have a shared secret amount.

They may still e-file by signing a California e-file Return Authorization for Individuals, form (FTB 8453 or 8453-OL). During the Filing Step, select the Signature Option instead of the Paperless Option. Before submitting, you will be prompted to print Form 8453 or 8453-OL. Sign this form and keep it with tax records for at least 4 years.< br />

In order to electronically file this return, please correct the error(s) shown, then re-transmit the return using TaxAct. This return will not be billed a second time for a re-transmission. If, for some reason, the error(s) cannot be corrected, you will need to print and file a state paper return for this California return in TaxAct.

“ 昨年のタックスリターンで申告漏れを見つけてしてしまいました。 ” 에 대해 기입한 내용의 유효기간이 끝났습니다
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