- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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日本人と、日本に 興味を持つ方を会員とする お母さんと子供のグループです。 主な活動エリアはサンノゼ、クパチーノ、サニーベール近郊。パークデーやイベントの開催、シリコンバレーの情報を載せたニュースレターを年10回発行しています。さくらクラブは宗教団体や営利団体とは無関係で、会員の有志によって運営しています。友達の輪を広げたい、子供の遊び相手を探している、シリコンバレーでの子育て情報がほしい保護者の...
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最近、自分で色々考えても問題が解決できず、心が疲れていませんか?心配事やストレスでどこから手をつけていいかわからない状態が続いているなら、臨床心理士と気軽に一度話してみませんか? 30分の初回無料オンラインコンサルテーションと便利なオンラインカウンセリングもしています。
+1 (408) 410-2672Misao Takano, LMFT
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「この地球のどこかにいる キミの力になりたい。」塾講師を生業として早30年以上の月日が流れました。素晴らしい教え子たちにめぐまれたおかげで、私立中学、高校、大学等、それぞれの入試において、毎年多数のトップレベル校進学者を輩出することが出来るようになりました。この指導力が世界のどこまで通用するのか。世界の家庭教師「オンライン匠takumi」は、自分自身の挑戦です!
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当社は、サンフランシスコ・ロサンゼルスで新車から中古車まであらゆるメーカー、あらゆる車種を扱う、カリフォルニア州陸運局公認カーディーラーです。他州への新車販売やリースも行っております。HPではアメリカの車販売システムやリースの仕組みなど、お客様のお役に立つ情報を掲載しております。ぜひご覧ください!*新車販売*中古車販売 *買取*リース
+1 (415) 468-0415San Francisco Fleet & Leasing
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年齢、経験関係なし!赤ちゃんからキッズ、大人からシニアの方まで! 踊りたい人が楽しくダンスできるのがGenki Crew Dance School!Hip-Hop、バレエ、Jazz、Mommy and Meフィットネス、Nirvanaフィットネスなどなど、やってみたいが見つかります!
Genki Crew Dance School
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[帰国便] 引越しが決まったらまず見積りを!引越し時期は重なるので帰国の2ヶ月前から準備されることをお勧めします。梱包から開梱サービスまでの一環したフルサービスから、予算を抑えたい方への基本サービスまで。残存家具の処分や知人への配達、ハウスクリーニング等のオプションも有り。[州間引越し] 米国内の長距離の引越し ご家財と車を一緒に引越し ご予算によっては同時配達も可能。大陸横断で日数が掛かるので注...
+1 (650) 773-6411Cross Nations, Inc.
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日米両国に在住の日本人女性達に乳がんに関する最新の情報 、乳がん治療後の生活の取り組み、乳がん早期発見、 啓発情報発信を押し進めていく非営利団体です。 Knowledge is power. 正しい知識は患者自身の力、支えになると信じて活動しています 。
Young Japanese Breast Cancer Network / SF
View as a webpage / Share [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAFREMONT/bulletins/3c1ebf5 ]
Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
November 15, 2024
Parking [ https://city.fremont.gov/parkingenforcement ]
Fremont Approves Amendments to Parking Regulations
On Tuesday, November 12, the Fremont City Council approved amendments to the Fremont Municipal Code that enhances the City’s authority to enforce rules that prohibit long-term street parking (72 hours) as well as parking oversized vehicles in residential neighborhoods. The new code will require that any vehicle that has been parked in the same location for 72 hours move at least 1,000 feet from its current location and may not return to the same parking spot for at least 24 hours. The vehicle could be cited or towed under certain circumstances if not moved within 36 hours of receiving a City-issued warning.
Additionally, oversized vehicles, including any attached trailers, vehicles, or loads which exceed 22 feet in length, and/or 6 feet in width and 7 feet in height, are no longer allowed to park on any public street within 100 feet of a residential property line. The ordinance allows for limited exemptions of loading/unloading, emergency vehicles and commercial deliveries. If the oversized vehicle is not moved within 24 hours after receiving a warning notice, the vehicle could receive a citation and will be at risk for getting towed.
The new rules will become effective in December 2024. Utilizing existing resources, City staff will prioritize the City’s most urgent safety concerns. More information is available at *https://city.fremont.gov/parkingenforcement [ https://city.fremont.gov/parkingenforcement. ].*
*More Information* [ https://fremontcityca.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_LegiFile.aspx?Frame=&MeetingID=1980&MediaPosition=&ID=5285&CssClass= ]
America Recycles Day [ https://kab.org/our-signature-programs/america-recycles-day/ ]
*Recycle Right for America Recycles Day!*
Today is *America Recycles Day [ https://kab.org/our-signature-programs/america-recycles-day/ ]*, a nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting recycling across the country. We celebrate by promoting recycling and encouraging our community to recycle right. Check out the five recycling myths below that we’re debunking to help educate our community. Thanks to everyone who is already doing their part to recycle right!
* Someone else will sort through my waste bins and containers if I don’t sort my materials properly. FALSE: *Make sure to sort your waste properly into the correct bins and containers*.
* Used paper towels, paper plates, and paper cups belong in recycling bins and containers because they’re made of paper. FALSE: *Composting is the best option.*
* Tossing food scraps in garbage bins and containers is acceptable since the scraps will go back into the soil after being dumped into the landfill. FALSE: *Toss food scraps in the green organics/compost bin or container.*
* Styrofoam™ can be recycled. FALSE: Styrofoam*™* cannot be recycled in Fremont. *All styrofoam™ must be placed in garbage bins and containers.*
* Plastic bags are easily recycled. FALSE: *Toss plastic bags in garbage bins and containers.*
*More Information* [ https://content.govdelivery.com/landing_pages/48947/3593f1a6234a0b3684cea619a99f4361 ]
City seal in mosaic tile, City Council Meeting in text, and City of Fremont logo with three mountain peaks [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2976934/608 ]
Upcoming Council Meeting on November 19
At next week’s City Council meeting on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, which begins at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 3300 Capitol Ave., the meeting agenda will include the following items and more:
* Emergency Plumbing Repair at the Police Center - Receive Completion Report and Terminate Emergency Action for Repair at Police Center Project.
* Credit Card Payment Processing - Authorize the City Manager, or Designee, to Enter into a Service Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for Credit Card Payment Processing.
* Amendment to the FY 2023/24 Action Plan and Authorize City Manager to Enter Into Agreement with Abode Services - Public Hearing (Published Notice) on Amending the FY 2023/24 CDBG and ESG Action Plan and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into an Agreement with Abode Services for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Funding for the Sunrise Village Shelter.
Visit our Agenda Center to view the complete *meeting agenda [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2976934/608 ]*.
*View Meeting Agenda* [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2976934/608 ]
Holidays at the Plaza [ https://www.facebook.com/events/8138170902955143/ ]
*Save the Date: Holidays at the Plaza Event on Friday, December 6!*
Kick off the holiday season with Fremont's inaugural Holidays at the Plaza event on Friday, December 6, from 4:00 to 9:00 pm in Downtown Fremont! This free, family-friendly event offers a festive tree lighting, hot chocolate, a holiday market, photobooth, and a ticketed kids' gingerbread cookie decorating activity. Plus, don’t miss a special visit from the Grinch! It’s the perfect way to make festive memories and celebrate the season with friends and family.
*More Details * [ https://www.facebook.com/events/8138170902955143/ ]
Campaign Signs [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/code-enforcement/political-campaign-signs ]
Reminder to Remove Political Campaign Signs
This is a reminder that all political campaign signs displayed in Fremont must be removed by Wednesday, November 20. This follows the City’s sign ordinance which states that signs must be removed within 15 days after an election.
To help with the disposal of signs, a public waste bin is available in the parking lot behind Fremont City Hall at 3300 Capitol Ave.
The City will proactively remove illegal campaign signs or open a code enforcement case as they are discovered. Anyone can report illegal campaign signs to the City’s Code Enforcement team by *email <code_enf@fremont.gov>*, by calling 510-494-4430, or through the City’s *online reporting form [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/report-issues ]*.
Thanks for your cooperation!
*More Information* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/code-enforcement/political-campaign-signs ]
Online Permit Services [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/building-safety ]
Online Permit Services Not Available During Thanksgiving Holiday Closure
The City’s online permitting portal, *Citizen Access [ https://fremont.gov/citizenaccess ],* will be taken offline for the Thanksgiving holiday closure. Citizen Access will not be available from Wednesday, November 27 at 5:00 pm through Monday, December 2 at 8:00 am. Online requests for permits and building inspections will not be available during this time. This includes building, planning, and engineering permits. Please keep this in mind when planning construction and development projects requiring these types of permits.
The City’s inspection scheduling phone line will still be available during the closure to request a building inspection for the following week. Anyone who needs to request an inspection can call 510-494-4885.
For more information, contact the City’s Building and Safety Division by phone at 510-494-4460 or by *email <bldinfo@fremont.gov>.*
Winter Needs [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/how-to-help ]
Donate Items to Help Keep Our Unhoused Neighbors Warm This Winter
As the rainy, colder weather arrives, our unhoused neighbors are in greater need of essential items to help keep them safe and warm. The City is asking the community to donate items through our partnership with *Bay Area Community Services (BACS) [ https://www.bayareacs.org/ ].* Donated items will be distributed through City programs and services, such as the *Safe Parking Program [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/homeless-services/safe-parking ]* and the *Housing Resource Center [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/homeless-services/housing-resource-center-access-point-services ]*. Items will also be shared with BACS to ensure they get to those who need them as quickly as possible.
An updated *Homeless Services Needs List* [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/14346/638422259207530000 ] is available for those interested in donating items.The items most needed are the following:
* T-shirts
* Jackets/Coats
* Sweatpants
* Sweaters
* Undergarments
* Socks
All clothing items should be in adult sizes from small to XXXL. Drop-off locations and hours are listed on the *Homeless Services Needs List [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/14346/638422259207530000 ]*. No appointment is necessary.
Every donation, no matter how small, can help ensure that our neighbors have the essential items they need to stay safe during the cold weather. If you have already donated items or plan to do so, thank you for your support and for giving back!
*How to Help* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/how-to-help ]
COVID Tests [ https://covidtests.gov/ ]
Get Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests this Winter
Every U.S. household is eligible to *order four free at-home COVID-**19 tests* [ https://www.covid.gov/tests ].
Before you throw out "expired" COVID-19 tests you may have on hand, *check to see if the expiration dates have been extended* [ https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/home-otc-covid-19-diagnostic-tests#list ].
Patterson House [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/fremont/activity/search?onlineSiteId=0&activity_select_param=2&activity_keyword=Twilight%20Time%20Holiday%20Open%20House%20at%20the%20Patterson%20House&viewMode=list ]
Step Back in Time for a Victorian Christmas at the Patterson House
Experience the magic of a Victorian Christmas at a beautifully restored Queen Anne mansion, where you can celebrate the holiday season as it was at the turn of the 20th century. This unique event offers a glimpse into the past, with docents in period costumes guiding you through 14 rooms adorned with elegant, Victorian-style holiday decorations.
As you tour the mansion, you’ll enjoy live music that enhances the festive atmosphere, along with refreshments to make the experience even more delightful. This event is family-friendly, with free admission for children 12 and under (limit two per paying adult or senior).
Don't miss this chance to make holiday memories and enjoy the timeless beauty of Victorian Christmas traditions!
*More Details* [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/fremont/activity/search?onlineSiteId=0&activity_select_param=2&activity_keyword=Twilight%20Time%20Holiday%20Open%20House%20at%20the%20Patterson%20House&viewMode=list ]
calendar and stars [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
*Friday, November 15* [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/fremont/activity/search/detail/13240?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]*:* Evening of Magic, Parent and Child Workshop from 6:45 to 8:00 pm, Centerville Community Center and Park, 3355 Country Dr.
*Friday, November 15: [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/facilities-rentals/community-centers/olive-hyde-art-gallery ]* Art Reception for Olive Hyde Art Gallery Exhibition 'Connecting Cuts' from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Olive Hyde Art Gallery, 123 Washington Blvd.
*Friday, November 15 through January 7, 2025* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/facilities-rentals/community-centers/olive-hyde-art-gallery ]*:* Olive Hyde Art Gallery Exhibition 'Connecting Cuts', Thursday through Sunday each week, 12:00 to 5:00 pm, Olive Hyde Art Gallery, 123 Washington Blvd.
*Monday, November 18*: [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2976915/619 ] Library Advisory Commission Regular Meeting from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Fremont Main Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd., Fukaya Room A.
*Monday, November 18 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2976916/618 ]:* Human Relations Commission Meeting from 7:00 to 10:00 pm, 3300 Capitol Ave., HR Training Room.
*Tuesday, November 19 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2976936/627 ]*: Zoning Administrator Meeting, at 3:00 pm, Development Services Center, 39950 Liberty St.
*Tuesday, November 19 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2976931/608 ]*: City Council Closed Session, at 5:45 pm, City Hall, 3300 Capitol Ave.
*Tuesday, November 19 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2976934/608 ]*: City Council Meeting, at 7:00 pm, City Hall, 3300 Capitol Ave.
*Thursday, November 28* [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1508/17?curm=11&cury=2024 ]*:* City offices closed in observance of Thanksgiving.
*Friday, November 29* [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1510/17?curm=11&cury=2024 ]*:* City offices closed for the day after Thanksgiving.
*View Full Calendar* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
In Case You Missed It:
Giving Hope: Make life a little brighter for others in our community. [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/human-services/give-back/giving-hope ]
Fremont's Manufacturing Week Featured on KPIX [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_VVq2wnY9E ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ https://my.fremont.gov ]
*Help the City of Fremont **turn your thoughts **into actions! *
*my.fremont.gov [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/ ]*
*Newsletter Archive & Subscribe* [ https://www.fremont.gov/about/news-media/newsletters ]
Stay Connected with City of Fremont, California: Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/cityoffremont ] Twitter [ https://twitter.com/fremont_ca ] Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/Fremont_CA/ ] LinkedIn [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/cityoffremont ] Nextdoor [ https://nextdoor.com/agency-detail/ca/fremont/city-of-fremont-1/ ] YouTube [ https://www.youtube.com/CityOfFremont ] Fremont Website [ https://fremont.gov/ ]
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