The Fremont Connection, October 25, 2024 Issue
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Fremont
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Fremont
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/10/25
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/10/25
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/10/25
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 36 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
- 保険のことなら総合保険代理店のダイワ保険にお任せください !自動車保険、医療保険...
個人用、企業用の全ての保険を取り扱います。保険はもしもの時に備えて大変重要です。ダイワ保険ではお客様のニーズを理解し、多数の保険会社の中から一番お客様に最適なプランを用意して頂きます。弊社のWebサイトもご覧下さい ! www.daiwainsurance.com
+1 (310) 540-8595ダイワ保険代理店
- サニーベールの日系ビューティサロンです。"Natual All&quo...
~自然のチカラをいかして美しく健康に~ 漢方・ハーブなど東洋医学の深い知識を生かしながらトータルビューティーサービスを提供します。オーガニック白髪染めや髪が逆につやつやになるケラチンデジタルパーマが当店おすすめです。男性にはスカルプマッサージも大好評!日本語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。
+1 (408) 309-9557NAO'RU Beauty Salon
- ★ヘアカット新規ご予約受付中★「おもてなし」をコンセプトに、お客様だけでなくスタ...
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- 不動産売買をお考えですか?私たちは手数料がよりお手頃で、経験と実績のある不動産会...
サクラ リアルティ(Sakura Realty)は、サンフランシスコ イーストベイにて20年以上のキャリアを持つベテランMBA/ブローカー、Yasumi Davis (丸山 康美)が率いる不動産専門会社です。遺言検認(Probate Sale)、信託(Trust Sale)、差し押さえ(Short Sale, REO)などの複雑な手続きを含む住宅の売買、アメリカのご自宅を売って日本への永住帰国をお...
+1 (925) 381-3201Sakura Realty / Yasumi Davis, MBA/CEO
- 全米で日本語を話す医療者と患者をつなぎ、日本人コミュニティに向けた医療情報やサポ...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- 法律に関するご質問は、弊社まで日本語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。会社法、移民...
+1 (415) 398-8508広田・工藤法律事務所
- 【車買取専門店】クルマ売るなら買取満足度No.1を目指すBubka!へ
円安の今がチャンス!日本送金為替手数料&送金手数料がゼロのキャンペーン中!100,000円以上もお得!為替手数料&送金手数料がゼロのキャンペーン中!ご存知でしょうか? 通常、銀行やペイパルなどを利用して日本へ送金すると、為替手数料が発生し、送金金額から引かれた分が、受け取り金額になります。例えばお車の売却金額が$20000の場合、売却先のディラーやご自身でアメリカドルから日本円へ一般的な銀行を通じ...
+1 (650) 284-9213Bubka!(ブブカ)
- デスクワークや交通事故、スポーツや家事など、日常的に起こりうる身体の痛みや不調に...
+1 (408) 343-3835福田カイロプラクティック
- 大学編入、学位取得、英語の学習など、目的に合わせて学べるSanta Claraの...
+1 (408) 855-5025Mission College
- 在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館の管轄地域は、中北部カリフォルニア州、ネバタ州と...
275 Battery Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94111 Sacramento Street とBattery Street の角のビル
+1 (415) 780-6000在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館
- 日本語の親子プレイグループ「バンビ」会員募集中 毎月第3火曜日午前に開催中
サンフランシスコ ジャパンタウンにて行われている0〜4歳位までの日本人のプレイグループです。
日本語の親子プレイグループ バンビ
- ~世界を相手に戦う日系企業、個人事業主のチカラに~米国進出に必要な税務業務(法人...
Ozawa, Kaneko and Associates LLPは、1.財務諸表監査、レビュー、コンピレーション業務、2. アドバイザリーサービス、3.会計アウトソーシングサービス、そして4.税務サービスの4つの分野で皆様のニーズに合わせたサービスを御提供しております。経験豊富なスタッフが日系企業特有の問題やベンチャー企業にありがちな特有な問題に対処しながら各種サービスを御提供していきます。
+1 (650) 445-8035小澤、金子会計事務所
- 人気スタイリストSummerがあなたの魅力を引き出します!初回限定20%OFF!...
人気スタイリストSummerが、あなたの新たな魅力を引き出します!初回のご来店で20%OFFの特典!女性も男性も、幅広いヘアメニューをご用意しています。ヘアカット、パーマ、ヘアカラー、バレイヤージュ、デジタルパーマ、ケラチントリートメント、ストレートパーマ、ディープトリートメントなど、あなたの髪を最高の輝きに導きます。びびなびをご覧いただいたお客様には特典あり!ご予約はTEXT & TEL:(40...
+1 (408) 627-2457Summer Hair Salon
- 全米11拠点+東京。アメリカ最大のネットワークを持つ人材紹介・人材派遣会社です。...
+1 (408) 973-7890iiicareer | Interesse International Inc. Silicon Valley
- Nail & Eyelash専門店 日本人スタッフが丁寧に仕上げます
日本人スタッフによる VIANGE SPA Nail & Eyelash専門店 OPENジェルネイルは日本製のジェルを使用している為、爪に優しく安心。アメリカで、お気に入りのネイルサロンを見つけられない方、現地のサロンに不安がある方、最新のアートを楽しみたい方など、一人一人に合ったNailを経験豊富なネイリストがご提案させて頂きます。まつ毛エクステは、最も自然なまつ毛に近い最高級のセーブルを使用。...
+1 (408) 320-4940VIANGE SPA NAIL&EYELASH
View as a webpage / Share [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAFREMONT/bulletins/3be155e ]
Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
October 25, 2024
Movies Under the Stars. Aug. 23, Kung Fu Panda 4; Sept. 27, Migration; Oct. 25, Ghostbusters Frozen Empire [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/events/movies-under-the-stars ]
Join Us Tonight for Free Movie Night
Tonight is the last Movie Under the Stars for the season featuring Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire! This is a free and family-friendly event for all. Bring your low beach chairs, and picnic for dinner to enjoy the movie. Closed captions will be available.
*Additional Details* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/events/movies-under-the-stars ]
Fremont Ranked #9 Greenest City
Fremont Greenest City
The City is excited to share that of the 100 largest U.S. cities, Fremont has been ranked as the 9th greenest! According to a *2024 study by WalletHub* [ https://wallethub.com/edu/most-least-green-cities/16246 ], Fremont shines in protecting the environment, providing green spaces, and promoting clean and renewable energy sources.
This recognition highlights Fremont’s commitment to environmental sustainability. From our comprehensive *Climate Action Plan [ https://www.fremont.gov/climateactionplan ] *to our community’s active participation in green initiatives, we’re making strides towards a climate ready future. Way to go, Fremont! Let's keep up the “green” work!
*WalletHub Study* [ https://wallethub.com/edu/most-least-green-cities/16246 ]
aerial of Fremont with homes and trees
Fremont Named the Least Stressed City
Travel + Leisure has recognized Fremont as the least stressful city in the U.S.!
WalletHub conducted a study comparing 182 urban cities to analyze 39 key factors such as traffic, unemployment, poverty, and obesity.
Fremont came out at the top of the list as having the lowest overall stress rating due to our health and safety, low divorce rate, and low financial stress.
Earlier this year, WalletHub also named Fremont as one of the best family-friendly cities.
*Travel + Leisure Article* [ https://www.travelandleisure.com/fremont-california-least-stressed-city-in-america-8725639 ]
Manufacturing Week [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAFREMONT/bulletins/3bb872b ]
13th Annual Manufacturing Week Success
Fremont’s 13th Annual Manufacturing Week was a resounding success, underscoring the city’s position as an innovation hub and a statewide leader in advanced manufacturing. Fourteen leading companies opened their doors to over 500 students ranging from elementary school to graduate-level engineering.
This City-led initiative, sponsored by the California Manufacturers & Technology Association and in partnership with Fremont Unified School District, Mission Valley ROP, Ohlone College, San Jose State University, and CSU East Bay, aims to bridge the gap between local education and industry. Students had the opportunity to explore career pathways in modern manufacturing and engineering, strengthening the talent pipeline and inspiring the next generation of our local workforce.
The collaborative effort highlights the City’s commitment to keeping our economy strong and growing jobs through uplifting local residents. Special thanks to our hosting companies: AMAX, Bionova, Bloom Energy, Boehringer Ingelheim, Delta Electronics, Lam Research, Nextracker, Owens Design, Quanta, Seagate, Supernal, Tesla, Thermo Fisher, and Wisk Aero.
Playground Maintenence [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/parks#!/ ]
Playground Maintenance Projects Begin October 28
Beginning on Monday, October 28, several parks throughout the city of Fremont will be closed to undergo maintenance to improve playground surfacing. During this time, the following playgrounds will be fenced off and closed to the public: Aqua Caliente Park, Gomes Park, Lone Tree Park, Peregrine Park, Sabercat Playground in Central Park, Warm Springs Community Park, and Westridge Park. The playgrounds will re-open in approximately one week.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Your support and patience are greatly appreciated.
For project updates, visit *Fremont Parks Update.* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/parks ] For further information, please contact our Park Maintenance Division by email at *ParkMaintenance@fremont.gov* or call 510-979-5799.
Halloween Traffic Safety
Plan Ahead for a Spook-tacular and Safe Halloween!
Statistics show that kids are twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween than on any other day of the year. There are many easy ways to stay safe, including making you and your costumes stand out by adding reflective elements for higher visibility to other roadway users, or by having a flashlight handy. Designate a route and review it with your group of trick-or-treaters beforehand and try to stay in well-lit areas.
*Halloween Traffic Safety Tips* [ https://www.nsc.org/community-safety/safety-topics/seasonal-safety/autumn-safety/halloween ]
Police Department Community Survey
Police Department Survey Closes Oct. 31
There is still time to complete the Fremont Police Department's Community Survey. Responses are being accepted until October 31.
Each year, the results of the Community Survey help the Department improve services and identify primary concerns our community would like to address. You do not need to register or create an account to take the survey. All responses are completely anonymous.
*Take the Survey* [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/fpdsurvey2024 ]
calendar and stars [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
*Friday, October 25: [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/agenda-center/senior-citizens-commission/-FlexSetting_Category-16 ] *Senior Citizens Commission Regular Meeting from 9:30 to 11:00 am at the Age Well Center South Fremont: 47111 Mission Falls Court.
*Friday, October 25* [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Flinks-1.govdelivery.com%2FCL0%2Fhttps:%252F%252Fwww.fremont.gov%252Fgovernment%252Fdepartments%252Fparks-recreation%252Fevents%252Fmovies-under-the-stars%2F1%2F0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000%2Fs6E1I4S7oK9SQ6y8EkHvPMbbskYvlYGpQ9dlfJxmxZs=373/1/01000192a153b894-83fd5c34-2dfa-41c3-8932-2088c3265bc5-000000/TFBEbN5C2kOlTvdTChO-GHaF7OTIQpAQ_9TJRFV1hto=375 ]: Movies Under the Stars: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, at 7:00 pm in Central Park.
*Saturday, October 26 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Flinks-1.govdelivery.com%2FCL0%2Fhttps:%252F%252Fanc.apm.activecommunities.com%252Ffremont%252Factivity%252Fsearch%252Fdetail%252F13206%253FonlineSiteId=0%2526from_original_cui=true%2F1%2F0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000%2FKQSJzO1N-5xn3skwO3zV7UZhUiUVnffLBlK5hzrbjfk=373/1/01000192a153b894-83fd5c34-2dfa-41c3-8932-2088c3265bc5-000000/CV7DqGV00O7kO-BaT6LynYxBw5QfX6w1OesPrgly28Y=375 ]*: Diwali Art Workshop from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Shinn Historic Park and Arboretum.
*Saturday, October 26* [ https://local.nixle.com/alert/11266699/?sub_id=0 ]: Fremont Police Department National Drug Take Back from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Fremont Elks Lodge, 38991 Farwell Drive.
***Saturday, November 9 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2191/ ]: ***Open House at Fremont Nature Learning Center from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, 40224 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
**Monday, November 11 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FCalendar%2FEvent%2F1506%2F7/1/01000192a153b894-83fd5c34-2dfa-41c3-8932-2088c3265bc5-000000/Q8kkFNozxNK2AViz5nkGkWPcax1utYltSCs99t3YRDg=375 ]*: *City offices closed in observance of Veterans Day.
*Friday, November 15 [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/fremont/activity/search/detail/13240?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]*: Evening of Magic, Parent and Child Workshop from 6:45 to 8:00 pm, Centerville Comm. Center and Park, 3355 Country Drive.
*Thursday, November 28 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1508/17?curm=11&cury=2024 ]:* City offices closed in observance of Thanksgiving.
*Friday, November 29 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1510/17?curm=11&cury=2024 ]*: City offices closed for the day after Thanksgiving.
*View Full Calendar* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ https://my.fremont.gov ]
*Help the City of Fremont **turn your thoughts **into actions! *
*my.fremont.gov [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/ ]*
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