October Activities Newsletter
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Sunnyvale
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Sunnyvale, CA
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/10/01
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/10/01
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/10/01
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 37 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
- Nail & Eyelash専門店 日本人スタッフが丁寧に仕上げます
日本人スタッフによる VIANGE SPA Nail & Eyelash専門店 OPENジェルネイルは日本製のジェルを使用している為、爪に優しく安心。アメリカで、お気に入りのネイルサロンを見つけられない方、現地のサロンに不安がある方、最新のアートを楽しみたい方など、一人一人に合ったNailを経験豊富なネイリストがご提案させて頂きます。まつ毛エクステは、最も自然なまつ毛に近い最高級のセーブルを使用。...
+1 (408) 320-4940VIANGE SPA NAIL&EYELASH
- ベイエリアの野球好きが集まりました!未経験者大歓迎!お気軽にご連絡ください!
+1 (408) 307-2003北カリフォルニアサムライ野球リーグ
- 2月4日新学期開始! 説明会開催!! SAPIX USAサンノゼ校は全クラス「対...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
- JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving need...
JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving needs of the Japanese American community through offering programs, affordable services and facility usage.
+1 (415) 567-5505Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
- \あなたの”キレイ”をレベルアップ!/サンフランシスコに憧れて東京からやって参り...
アメリカで日本と同じサービスを受けられるヘアサロンです。サンフランシスコで日本人美容院の先駆けとして35年もの長きに渡る歴史を持つ美容院を去年の春に譲り受け、Nepenji salonとして営業中。レギュラーパーマから、デジタルパーマ、ストレートパーマまでお任せください。
+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- 【2025年1月受講生 募集中!】JVTA ロサンゼルス校で映像翻訳 (字幕・吹...
JVTA ロサンゼルス校では現在、1/7/2025から始まるクラスの受講生を大募集! まずは、無料の個別カウンセリングで詳細をご紹介いたします。お試しクラスは、$656~受講可能✨
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- 食事のアドバイスから、一人一人にあったパーソナルトレーニング(個人セッション)ま...
+1 (408) 836-5523忍耐塾/パーソナルトレーナー立林宏太(たてばやしこうた)
- ★ベイエリア23年の実績だから安心★対面レッスンとオンラインレッスンをご提供中!...
+1 (408) 260-8600English Communication Service (ECS)
- 文部科学省認定カリフォルニア校の姉妹園、全日制日本人幼稚園。日本語による保育・教...
+1 (408) 243-1174西大和学園サンノゼ校幼稚園
- 貯蓄が増える『アメリカの保険』選びをお手伝いします!
+1 (408) 318-9035insurance 110
- アメリカでの国際結婚・婚活をサポート!海外在住の日本人女性・男性の皆様へ。glo...
+1 (510) 316-7918glow MATCH MAKERS
- 最近心が疲れていませんか? 自分で色々考えても問題が解決できず、心配事やスト...
最近、自分で色々考えても問題が解決できず、心が疲れていませんか?心配事やストレスでどこから手をつけていいかわからない状態が続いているなら、臨床心理士と気軽に一度話してみませんか? 30分の初回無料オンラインコンサルテーションと便利なオンラインカウンセリングもしています。
+1 (408) 410-2672Misao Takano, LMFT
- 日本の引越をベイエリアで! 米国内引越し、長距離引越しお任せ下さい!残存家具の処...
[帰国便] 引越しが決まったらまず見積りを!引越し時期は重なるので帰国の2ヶ月前から準備されることをお勧めします。梱包から開梱サービスまでの一環したフルサービスから、予算を抑えたい方への基本サービスまで。残存家具の処分や知人への配達、ハウスクリーニング等のオプションも有り。[州間引越し] 米国内の長距離の引越し ご家財と車を一緒に引越し ご予算によっては同時配達も可能。大陸横断で日数が掛かるので注...
+1 (650) 773-6411Cross Nations, Inc.
- オンライン気功教室 開催中! San Joseにて、医療気功一筋17年の気功師に...
このような症状でお悩みではありませんか?◎ 頭痛、腰痛、坐骨神経痛、ヘルニアの痛みで困っている◎ ストレスが取れない、疲れがひどい、悩みで苦しい◎ 最近元気がない◎ うつ病、パニック症候群◎ 交通事故の後遺症でつらい◎ 抗がん剤治療の副作用がキツイ大丈夫です、あきらめる必要はありません。是非一度ご相談下さい。
+1 (408) 332-4608Kikoh-in
- 緊急時も対応可能!予防ケアから手術、整形外科まで幅広くサポートします。週7日営業...
+1 (925) 433-5900Animal Care Hospital of Walnut Creek
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*October 2024 Activities Newsletter*
October Activities Newsletter
Active Aging Week Activities
Adults 50+, join us for a week of FREE activities where you can connect with other Sunnyvale community members and discover new ways to stay healthy and active as you age. No registration necessary, but space is limited. Questions? 408-730-7360
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Senior Center Laurel Room [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Life of a Service Dog Presentation
1 - 3 p.m.
Sunnyvale Theater [ https://g.co/kgs/D46GhTD ]
Active Aging Movie (Call 408-730-7360 for movie title)
2:15 - 3:15 p.m.
Recreation Center Ballroom [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/3j92T56XAJWXdbXg9 ]
SunnyFIT Fitness Class
Tuesday, 10/1
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Indoor Sports Center [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/wTd3LkUukpZydbuE7 ]
Zumba Gold
9:30 a.m. - noon
Murphy Park [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/CPrQPpjpSzA3EAW67 ]
Table Tennis Lessons
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Senior Center Laurel Room [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Intimacy and Healthy Aging Presentation
1:30 - 3 p.m.
Senior Center Orchard Pavilion [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Ballroom Dance Lesson - West Coast Swing
Wednesday, 10/2
9:15 - 10:15 a.m.
Senior Center Orchard Pavilion [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Body & Core Fitness Class
1 - 3:30 p.m.
Senior Center Orchard Pavilion [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Ballroom Dance Drop-In
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Senior Center Laurel Room [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Mindfulness and Art Class
Thursday, 10/4
2 - 3 p.m.
Senior Center Laurel Room [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Gluten Free Baking Demonstration
5 - 6:30 p.m.
Senior Center Orchard Pavilion [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Top Shelf Big Band performance
Friday, 10/4
1 - 2 p.m.
Senior Center Orchard Pavilion [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/6sc6zmAcueesuJt28 ]
Strong Muscles and Bones Fitness Class
*Halloween Costume Swap *
*Tuesday, Oct. 22 **· 3:30 to 5 p.m. · *Columbia Middle School [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/mPVaHhZ8DvVbx7iA6 ]
Pick up or donate costumes at our Costume Swap! Children are invited to grab a free costume while supplies last. Limit one costume per child.
We are accepting new or clean, gently used children's costumers and accessories from Oct 1 to 15.
*Drop-off locations and times: *
Columbia Neighborhood Center [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/S3PME6NGMJKwLXtT8 ]
* M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
* S, 9 a.m. to noon
Sunnyvale Public Library [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/ruq74pwNqQDPBY467 ]
* M-Th, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
* F-S, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
* Su, 1 to 6 p.m.
*Learn More* [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/News/News/268/111 ]
SYBL Early Bird Registration
SYBL Basketball [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=basketsun ]
Register your child for our popular Sunnyvale Youth Basketball League (SYBL)! League is open to boys and girls in grades K-8. Teams are structured by grade level and meet for a weekly, one hour practice and play seven games during the season. Teams fill up quickly so secure a spot early!
* *Early Bird Deadline:* Friday, Oct. 18
* *Registration Closes:* Monday, Nov. 4
*Sign up now!* [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=basketsun ]
Therapeutic Recreation Halloween Dance
*Friday, Oct. 25 · 7 to 9:30 p.m. · **Senior** Center* [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/Z6zB6ZAqpBmdZ3ny7 ]* *
Get spooky and bust a move! Individuals with disabilities ages 16+ are invited to join us for an epic Halloween dance party. $7 admission fee and $3 optional for photo booth.
Event is presented by the City of Sunnyvale Therapeutic Recreation and the City of San Jose All Access Recreation.
Questions? 408-730-7359.
Spooky StoryWalk®
Trick or Treat, Bugs to Eat by Tracy C. Gold [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/6110/19?curm=10&cury=2024 ]
*Wednesday, Oct. 30 · 4 to 6 p.m. · **Columbia Park* [ https://maps.app.goo.gl/2hoS1kAjVsaNmmH87 ]
Stroll through the park and read Trick or Treat, Bugs to Eat by Tracy C. Gold. There is a craft at the end of the walk, while supplies last. Families are encouraged to wear costumes and bring a treat bag.
This program is for children of all ages and their caregivers.
No registration is required, but supplies are limited.
Questions? 408-730-7800.
Community Event and Neighborhood Grants Available
The Community Event and Neighborhood Grant Programs cycle for 2025 is now open. The City awards up to $48,000 for events and projects taking place between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2025.
*The Community Events Grant Program (CEGP)* is for free, non-religious community events that celebrate the Sunnyvale community and supports up to 40% of total event expenses.
*The Neighborhood Grant Program (NGP)* is for free neighborhood events or projects organized by registered Neighborhood Associations. This grant supports up to $1,250 for neighborhood associations with 250 or fewer households or up to $1,750 for neighborhood associations with 250 or more households.
*Application Deadline:* Friday, Oct. 18
*Apply Here* [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/city-services/customer-resources/affordability-and-assistance/city-grants-and-loans ]
*Camps for November Break *
Keep your kids occupied Nov. 25 to 27. Register for one of our fun and educational camps!
* Camp Discovery [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=discovery ]
* Gymnastics Camp [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=gymwinter ]
* Mining and Building Epic Camp [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=MiningEpicCamp ]
* Mission Space Camp [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=missionspacecamp ]
* Ultimate Train Camp [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=traincamp ]
* Winter Wonderlab Camp [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=winterwonderlabcamp ]
* Wizarding World of Engineering Camp [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=WizardEngineeringCamp ]
* Scratch #GameMaker Camp [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=gamemaker ]
*Register Now* [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?module=AR&keyword=schoolbreakcamps ]
City Honors 2024 Community Awardees
2024 Community Awards [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/about/about-sunnyvale/community-awards ]
The following groups and individuals were recognized at the State of the City event for making a difference in the Sunnyvale Community. Join us in congratulating them!
* *Businessperson/Business of the Year*
* Leigh Odum
* *Contribution to the Arts: *
* Nitya Narasimhan
* *Distinguished Resident: *
* Mark Kato
* *Educator of the Year:*
* Aisha Lomando
* *Environmental Achievement: *
* Community for Natural Play Surfaces
* *High School Student of the Year:*
* Rohan Mittal
* *Volunteer of the Year*
* Cortney Jansen
* *Mayor's Award of Excellence (Individual)*
* Janet Camp
* *Mayor's Award of Excellence (Group) *
* Sunnyvale Rotary Club
Nominations are open now for the 2025 Community Awards.
*Deadline is June 1, 2025*.
*Submit a 2025 Nomination* [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/about/about-sunnyvale/community-awards ]
Quick Links
Classes and Activities Registration [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/splash.html ]
Special Events [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/special-events ]
Sunnyvale Aquatics [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/aquatics ]
Apply for a Sunnyvale Recreation Job [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale?keywords=recreation ]
Recreation Scholarship Program [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities ]
[ https://www.facebook.com/SunnyvaleRecreation ] [ https://www.instagram.com/sunnyvale_recreation ] [ https://www.youtube.com/sunnyvalerecreation ]
*Contact Us*
Sunnyvale Recreation
Email Sunnyvale Recreation <recreation@sunnyvale.ca.gov>
Sunnyvale.ca.gov [ https://Sunnyvale.ca.gov ]
Manage Subscriptions [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CASUNNYVALE/subscriber/new?preferences=true ] | Subscriber Help [ https://subscriberhelp.granicus.com/s/ ]
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