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1. Safe neighborhoods around Berkeley 545 view 3 res Question 2025/01/22 13:47
I will be staying at UC Berkeley for a year and am looking for a place to live alone.
I'm thinking of not only the Berkeley area, but also commuting by BART, so I'm considering places around El C...
2. Day Care in San Mateo 436 view 0 res Question 2024/10/20 23:22
I am looking for a Japanese day care that my 2 year old can attend on a full time basis. If you know of a daycare that would fall into this category in San Mateo, could you please give me the name of ...
3. Coming to visit from Japan 555 view 0 res Question 2024/09/08 02:13
Hello everyone
My childhood friend is coming to visit me from Japan.
I will be here for the foot week in October

Any recommendations for sightseeing spots, good Chinese sweets, etc...
4. Security in and around San Francisco 1k view 4 res Question 2024/08/04 10:38
Nice to meet you.
Southern California is a homemaker living in Orange County.

My daughter is in 11th grade and will be going to Stanford, UC Berkeley, and UC Davis for college previews....
5. Location of EV charging stations in Japantown 638 view 0 res Question 2024/01/07 22:37
Question. I use an EV charging app called ChargePoint. I heard that there is a ChargePoint charging station in a garage in Japantown, San Francisco, but I was wondering if anyone knows where it is loc...
6. Illegal ? 3k view 4 res Question 2023/11/26 11:49
I went to a hair salon the other day.
I tried to ask for the same female stylist as last time because I liked the style, but she said she only works in the evening on weekdays, and I didn't have ...
7. I am planning to send a small package to Japan, do... 1k view 0 res Question 2023/07/17 16:54
Also, please let me know if you know of any websites with information about the latest cosmetics (e.g. Chanel Eau de Parfum 100ml )) and other Japanese import regulations.
8. I am looking for an ESL-based summer school. 2k view 1 res Question 2023/06/26 10:26
I came to Foster City at the end of April. I'm new to a lot of things …. I can't seem to find a summer school for my kids ! Anyone know where I can find one !.
9. Recent travelers to San Francisco International Ai... 2k view 1 res Question 2023/05/02 15:57
Have they done away with customs declarations ? My parents, who are in their 70s, are coming here in May, and I am worried because it will be the first time they are coming alone, and neither of them ...
10. Questions about the apartment situation 1k view 1 res Question 2022/12/21 09:12
Does a furnished apartment include a bed? It is normal to get it locally ? Please tell me - !.
11. Japanese language materials for 5 year olds 2k view 1 res Question 2022/12/15 09:25
My child is now 5 years old and I would like to teach him Japanese.
Please let me know if you have any recommendations !
Thank you.
12. Green Card Application 1k view 0 res Question 2022/12/10 09:44
Has anyone started applying for a green card during the OPT period? This is an application for permanent residence through marriage to an American citizen. I have a few questions and thought I would p...
13. Water purifier is Brita ? Server type ? Faucet ins... 1k view 0 res Question 2022/10/16 07:24
I'm preparing to come to the US … One of many questions.
I have a drinking water problem for daily use, which one do you guys recommend ?
Brita, water server, faucet type …
I don't know...
14. What do you wear in July ?? 1k view 1 res Question 2022/07/10 10:09
My family and I will be traveling from Arizona to San Francisco for a week in the middle of this month. What do you guys dress like in July in San Francisco ? Please let me know.
15. Tell us anything you would like to know about life... 4k view 2 res Question 2022/02/23 12:01
We are currently looking for a place to live and are considering the Cupertino and Sunnyvale area.

I have the impression that it is a good place to work and make friends, but
How do you...
16. Baby Playground 3k view 1 res Question 2022/02/08 11:50
Please let me know if you know of any places near Mountain View where babies ( crawling and holding on ) can play!
Also, please let me know if there is a community of Japanese mothers raising chi...
17. Good things I bought at Daiso 3k view 8 res Question 2021/12/12 23:39
It's so convenient that Daiso is now available in the US. Please let us know what you are happy with your purchases.
18. Dual Nationality Ticket Reservations 4k view 1 res Question 2021/10/26 21:31
Which passport information should I register for a plane ticket for a temporary return to Japan with a child of dual nationality ? ?

Please tell me how to do this when buying one way instead...
19. Do you take your own cup to Starbucks ?? 2k view 6 res Question 2021/09/03 21:13
I have yet to bring my own cup.
If I bring it, does it have to be a cup sold at Starbucks ?
If not, there is a size issue.
20. Japan Stock Sales 787 view 0 res Question 2021/08/16 16:27
I have completed the transfer-out procedures in Japan, but I hold Japanese stocks in a Japanese securities account.
I would like to sell these shares, but my brokerage firm advised me to file a t...
21. rhinoceros beetle (esp. the Japanese rhinoceros be... 885 view 0 res Question 2021/07/22 08:27
? ?
My 4 year old son loves insects and wants to buy a beetle, but I don't know if they are in demand in the U.S. or not, but I couldn't find any information about them ….
If anyone knows an...
22. basic income 822 view 0 res Question 2021/06/17 10:48
What is the basic income that we sometimes hear about these days ??
23. What are your plans for summer school and furlough... 2k view 1 res Question 2021/05/24 10:18
Last year we only had online summer school. This year seems to be a little better, but what are your plans Somehow I have a feeling that some summer camps will not allow yo...
24. Those who have used Airbnb since Corona 1k view 0 res Question 2021/05/17 12:42
Those renting on Airbnb or those who have used it since Corona.
Have you changed anything significant ??
25. About Green Card 1k view 0 res Question 2021/05/13 03:06
I have an upcoming interview for a green card and will have an interpreter.
Is it OK if a friend or acquaintance can act as an interpreter ?
or do I have to ask for an interpr...
26. Please let me know if you know of any stores that ... 1k view 0 res Question 2021/03/01 02:30
I would like to give my niece some dolls, and would love to know if you know of any stores in the San Francisco and Bay Area that sell dolls. Please let me know.
27. President Trump 1k view 4 res Question 2021/01/21 03:44
I ask this question to those who know exactly what has been going on.
How can Biden be president when we know that Canada, Italy, Germany, the Vatican, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and dozens of...
28. 2019年のタックスリターン 3k view 1 res Question 2020/03/24 22:38



29. 2020年2月3日について 1k view 0 res Question 2019/12/17 05:11

30. パロアルトからサンフランシスコ観光 2k view 2 res Question 2019/04/18 12:00
31. AF 3k view 1 res Question 2019/03/05 18:16
32. クレジットカード 4k view 1 res Question 2019/03/03 20:25
33. 運転免許試験(実技)の保険について 4k view 1 res Question 2019/02/01 10:49
34. この場合、洗濯機を自腹で買い替える必要あるか?(賃貸物件) 3k view 1 res Question 2018/12/12 17:59
35. ネイルサロン 3k view 1 res Question 2018/10/30 07:21
San Jose、Cupertino周辺で日本人ネイリストさんが居るネイルサロンを探しています。
36. 日本へのお土産は? 3k view 1 res Question 2018/07/25 23:31
トレジョーのエコバック、お菓子、Bath & Body Worksのハンドクリームなど、結構過去にあげてしまったので、定番のお土産サイクルが2周目に入りそうなのです。
37. 学歴について教えてください 4k view 1 res Question 2017/08/24 16:42
38. サンマテオ、ヘイワードパークステーション辺りの治安 3k view 1 res Question 2017/06/17 23:11
物件を探しています。サンマテオ ヘイワードパークステーション駅の近くの治安はどうですか?
カルトレインの駅もあるし、便利かなと思ったのですが 人通りが少ない感じがして危険でしょうか?

39. 日本のパスポート用写真について 4k view 5 res Question 2017/04/17 08:32
日本のパスポート用写真を撮影してくれる所を探しています(出来ればMountain View、North San Jose近郊で)。FedexやWalgreen、Post Officeなどでは写真のサイズが規格外なので撮れないと言われました。どなたか最近(ここ1,2年で)日本のパスポート更新された方などでわかる方いらっしゃればよろしくお願いします。
40. 通販商品のアメリカ転送について 1k view 0 res Question 2016/06/24 13:46
41. サンフランシスコのおすすめ 3k view 0 res Question 2016/02/13 15:16
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