All classes are small-group classes. From the new school year, face-to-face and online classes will be offered. We will offer classes in either of these formats depending on the grade level of the students. We are a Japanese language school aiming for "usable Japanese language skills. We have a wide range of classes from parent-child classes to junior and senior high school students. In addition, abacus ・ and private ・ lessons are also popular.

It is the desire of the entire staff at Sakura Gakuen to build the confidence of the children in the future by constantly sharing with them that it is wonderful to be able to use two different languages while living in the United States, and to understand and maintain an understanding of the Japanese language and culture. To this end, Sakura Gakuen does not cram Japanese into the classroom, but rather provides a fun atmosphere where children respect and stimulate each other, and where they can constantly improve. We also provide an environment where children can understand and share Japanese culture with their Japanese-speaking friends and teachers in the same way they do with their Japanese-speaking friends and teachers, such as taking off their shoes at the entrance and saying "Itadakimasu" with their hands together before snacks. The program is based on a unique curriculum designed by our staff with both Japanese and American educational experience, which incorporates the best aspects of the Japanese educational system and allows students to make steady progress in their Japanese language skills in an American environment!

Sakura Gakuen Japanese Language School
Sora International Preschool

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