Select [Beauty / Health]

1. [Wanted] Recommended shiatsu practitioner ・ acupun... 134 view 0 res Beauty / Health 2024/01/07 03:41
I moved to the US a few months ago and am looking for a Shiatsu or acupuncture therapist to recommend.
I used to get regular massages in Japan (shiatsu and acupuncture), but I have not been able ...
2. The Bay Area's beauty needs are ?. 1k view 0 res Beauty / Health 2023/04/26 16:18
Hello, my name is Saya, and I have been an esthetician and massage therapist in Japan for 10 years and in the U.S. for about 2 years.
As I receive feedback from many customers on a daily basis, I...
3. Additional vaccinations after a dose of JJ's vacci... 562 view 0 res Beauty / Health 2021/08/04 13:18
They can give additional vaccinations to those who have had the JJ-made vaccine and wish to receive it.
4. Robot Nail Salon CLOCKWORK 662 view 0 res Beauty / Health 2021/07/20 14:04
They have the world's first robot nail salon, and it only costs about $8. !
5. Vaccine recipients 5k view 18 res Beauty / Health 2021/07/05 08:04
I know some of you have already received the vaccine, but what are your thoughts? I would also like to know if you have any advice regarding appointments and vaccinations.
6. I found information on telemedicine. 1k view 0 res Beauty / Health 2021/04/07 21:52
Here is the URL I referred to. You can take a look if you like.
7. まつげエクステ 5k view 11 res Beauty / Health 2020/11/27 21:16
パロアルト~サンノゼ間あたりでまつ毛エクステを施術してくれる日系のお店を探してます。(フリーランスで出張サービスしていただける形でも可) 情報お持ちの方いらっしゃればぜひ教えてください!
8. Miki Hair 4k view 0 res Beauty / Health 2017/06/20 02:50
Santa ClaraにあるMiki Hairと言う美容室へ行かれた事のある方はいらっしゃいますか?
9. インプラントおすすめ 4k view 1 res Beauty / Health 2017/03/24 11:26
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