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1. I want to live in Japan and the U.S.(87view/0res) Problem / Need advice 2024/06/27 04:44
2. Social networking sites were maliciously exposed.(80view/0res) Problem / Need advice 2024/06/21 18:29
3. Santa Clara High School ・ About Wilcox High School(468view/1res) Problem / Need advice 2024/06/10 11:35
4. If you know of a hotel you would recommend, please...(1kview/4res) Local news 2024/04/29 09:01
5. traffic accident(1kview/4res) Problem / Need advice 2024/04/26 01:29
6. About having a cat though I go back to Japan tempo...(2kview/6res) Pet / Animal 2024/03/23 21:38
7. Short-term sitter needed.(516view/0res) Work / Career 2024/03/21 21:38
8. Security in and around San Francisco(489view/3res) Question 2024/03/17 12:59
9. hamster(502view/0res) Pet / Animal 2024/03/15 20:47
10. I am looking for someone to lend me a koto.(131view/0res) Problem / Need advice 2024/02/09 07:46


Problem / Need advice
  • boobee219
  • 2005/07/30 10:32

LAの語学学校からCity College of San Franciscoに行きたいと思っている者です。シスコに1度も行った事がない上、知り合いもいません。。。皆様教えて下さい。LAと比べるとシスコの住み心地や違いは?車が無くても生活できるか?▲レッジに通うのにどの地域までなら通学可能か?(近いほど良い思いますがSF周辺地理がわからないので)どの辺りがオススメか、又やめた方がいい地域はありますか?その他サンフランシスコやCCSFのアドバイス等ありましたらお願いします。 boobee

  • サンフランシスコ人
  • 2005/11/22 (Tue) 00:10
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50 miles。

  • wassup
  • 2005/11/22 (Tue) 12:14
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1.Japan town in sf is nice and cozy( I liive here now)
2.Sunset area ( I lived there and Also cool place)

3.No down town area coz personaly I feel unsecure and unclean.


Japan town in SF is neat ( where I live)
Sunset area is also nice and cozy(near the baech)( great place for your lover.)

I don recommend down town coz personaly I feel unsecure and unclean.(some might not think but,,,,,,,)

anyway sorry for writing english. I @ scholl right now so......


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