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Climate Ready Fremont Newsletter - October 2024

Find out the latest Sustainability news for Fremont.

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October 2024
Bay Area SunShares Program

Are you interested in solar and battery storage for your home? ☀️ We've got you! The City has once again partnered with Bay Area SunShares (https://www.bayareasunshares.org/) to offer Fremont residents discounts on these systems. SunShares makes it simple and more affordable by negotiating discounts with pre-vetted installers.

Whether you want to power your home with clean energy or keep the lights on during a power outage, SunShares can help. Don’t miss your chance to switch to clean energy and make your home more resilient!

Discounts are available for a limited time through November 15, 2024. To learn more, visit the BayAreaSunShares website (https://www.bayareasunshares.org/) or attend their upcoming informational webinar:

Bay Area SunShares Informational Webinar
Wednesday, October 16
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Zoom Webinar
Register (https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vOfjFr_bRemy8kIkx8sBEQ#/registration)
Learn More (https://www.bayareasunshares.org/)
Addressing Illegal Dumping

The City is committed to keeping Fremont a clean and vibrant community. We have established a multifaceted, active approach to address the ongoing problem of illegal dumping, including providing responsible waste disposal options for residents, implementing preventative measures, deploying surveillance cameras throughout Fremont, and imposing fines for violations. Additionally, the City continues to make reporting illegal dumping easy for residents, as most incidents can be reported online. For more information, visit the City’s Illegal Dumping webpage (https://city.fremont.gov/illegaldumping) . Let's work together to protect our environment and enhance the quality of life for our community and future generations!
Learn More (https://city.fremont.gov/illegaldumping)
Fremont’s Coastal Cleanup Day: A Community Success

This year’s Coastal Cleanup Day in Fremont was a remarkable display of community spirit and environmental commitment. On Saturday, September 21, a group of 247 enthusiastic volunteers came together to make a significant impact on our local waterways, collecting an impressive 920 pounds of trash, 300 pounds of recyclables, and 180 pounds of compost from seven designated sites throughout Fremont. Among the usual debris, some interesting finds included a shop vac, tow hitch, broom, and even a toy dinosaur. This illustrates the diverse types of waste that accumulate in our environment and emphasizes the importance of keeping our public spaces clean.

A big thank you to all our dedicated volunteers! We encourage everyone to continue their efforts in reducing waste and protecting our natural resources. Together, we can ensure that Fremont remains a beautiful place for generations to come.
International Walk and Roll to School Day: A Community Success

October 9 was International Walk and Roll to School Day. Students and families walked, biked, skated, took transit, and more to get to school. Thirty-four of Fremont’s public schools (including four high schools) participated in the event. Fremont's elected officials and City staff were present at schools across the city to help greet students, distribute giveaways, and thank them for walking and rolling. By choosing these active transportation options, our community is contributing to our climate action goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. Way to "roll," Fremont! For more information on the City’s Safe Routes to School Program and the best routes to bike or walk to school, visit the City's webpage (https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/transportation-engineering/walking-bicycling/safe-routes-to-school) .
Learn More (https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/transportation-engineering/walking-bicycling/safe-routes-to-school)
California Climate Credit

The City would like to remind residents that you will receive an automatic California Climate Credit (https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/climatecredit) on your October electricity bill as part of California's Cap-and-Trade Program. The credit of $55.17 will appear on your PG&E bill. This credit is designed to help offset the costs of energy use and support California’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These credits are part of the state's ongoing efforts to fight climate change while providing financial relief to residents.
Learn More (https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/climatecredit)
Go Green This Halloween

Halloween is a time for fun and creativity, but it can also create a lot of waste. From disposable costumes to single-use decorations, the environmental impact can add up. This year, why not try a more sustainable approach to your spooky festivities? With a few eco-friendly swaps, your Halloween can be just as spooky and fun.
* Opt for DIY Costumes: Skip the fast fashion costumes and get creative by making your own! Repurpose clothes, use fabric scraps, or hit the thrift store for materials. DIY costumes not only reduce waste but also add a unique personal touch.
* Use Eco-Friendly Decorations: Instead of buying plastic decorations, use natural or reusable alternatives. Pumpkins, gourds, and dried corn make excellent fall-themed décor and can be composted afterward. You can also reuse decorations from previous years or craft your own from recyclable materials.
* Choose Sustainable Treats: Choose candies with minimal packaging or buy in bulk to reduce plastic waste. You can also look for fair trade, organic, or locally made treats to hand out. Another fun idea? Offer small, non-edible gifts like pencils or seed packets.
* Reuse or Donate: Once Halloween is over, save your costumes and decorations for next year or donate them to friends, schools, or local organizations. This keeps them out of landfills and helps someone else celebrate sustainably.

Also, remember to compost your pumpkins to give them a new purpose! Composting creates a rich fertilizer that can be used for gardening. It also reduces waste and greenhouse gas emissions. To learn more about composting, visit the City's Composting webpage (https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/environmental-services/recycling-compost-garbage/composting-food-scraps) . To take action, visit the Composting Action on My Climate Ready Fremont (https://myclimatereadyfremont.gov/actions/3572) .
EV Discount Campaign

Are you ready to drive or ride electric? Discounts are available through Ride and Drive Clean (https://rideanddriveclean.org/ev-discounts-fall-2024/) . Check them out below!

EV Discount Campaign - Through October 31 (https://rideanddriveclean.org/ev-discounts-fall-2024/)
Save money and the planet by choosing to drive electric. You can take advantage of savings on EVs and drive emission-free with lower prices.

Ebike Discount Campaign - Through November 3 (https://rideanddriveclean.org/fall-2024-ebike-discounts/)
Be part of the switch to clean transportation by riding an Ebike. Get around without polluting the environment.

Having more EVs and Ebikes on the road plays an important role in the City's climate action efforts (https://www.fremont.gov/climateactionplan) to reach a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality no later than 2045. The transportation sector is currently the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Fremont, contributing over 60% of emissions.
Community Classes & Events

Moon Gardening
Date: Wednesday, October 16
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Centerville Library,
3801 Nicolet Ave
Learn More (https://aclibrary.bibliocommons.com/events/66eb24f11d9fd3a585fdf0b1)

Join this event to garden by the light of the moon. Gloves and tools will be provided. All ages are welcome.

ACWD Water Treatment Plant Tour
Date: Saturday, October 19
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: ACWD Water Treatment Plant, 42436 Mission Blvd
Learn More & Register (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/acwd-water-treatment-plant-no-2-tour-imagine-a-day-without-water-registration-1016875190067?aff=oddtdtcreator)

Join ACWD as they recognize the 10th anniversary of the Imagine a Day Without Water campaign by attending a behind-the-scenes guided tour of their water treatment plant in full operation. See the work done to ensure the safe delivery of drinking water 24/7. Hosted by Alameda County Water District (ACWD) (https://acwd.org/) .

Bee Knowledgeable! Bee Wise!
Date: Saturday, October 19
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Centerville Library,
3801 Nicolet Ave
Learn More (https://aclibrary.bibliocommons.com/events/670031d160de922f006b61e4)

Attend this Girl Scout presentation to learn why bees are so important. You'll learn fascinating and unusual bee facts, discover the crucial role that native bees play in our environment, and take part in a hands-on activity where you'll create your own bee house to take home and help make a difference. Everyone is welcome, and no registration is needed.

Urban Cycling 101: Day 1 - Classroom Workshop
Date: Saturday, October 19
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Fremont Main Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd
Learn More & Register (https://bikeeastbay.org/events/urban-cycling-101-day-1-classroom-workshop-2/)

Learn the basic rules of the road and how to equip your bicycle, fit your helmet, use different types of bike infrastructure, and avoid common hazards. Hosted by Bike East Bay (https://bikeeastbay.org/) .

Urban Cycling 101: Day 2 - Road Class
Date: Sunday, October 20
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Fremont BART Station, 2000 Bart Way
Learn More & Register (https://bikeeastbay.org/events/urban-cycling-101-day-2-road-class-3/)

Participate in on-road and on-your-bike practice sessions. Work in small groups with certified instructors to improve your bike handling skills, emergency maneuvers, and ability to confidently and safely bike on all types of streets and pathways. Hosted by Bike East Bay (https://bikeeastbay.org/) .

Save Money on a Pre-Owned EV
Date: Wednesday, October 23
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Learn More & Register (https://rideanddriveclean.org/events/save-money-on-a-pre-owned-ev-3/)

Join EV experts to learn how you can save money on a pre-owned EV with the Pre-Owned Discount Campaign from Ride and Drive Clean (https://rideanddriveclean.org/) . Learn about incentives, charging, and good value pre-owned EVs.

Re-Think Your Lawn: Creating Water-Efficient and Climate Resilient Landscapes
Date: Saturday, October 26
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: ACWD Headquarters, 43885 S. Grimmer Blvd
Learn More & Register (https://bawsca.org/classes_2.php?id_evnt=494)

Learn how to transform your water-thirsty lawn into a beautiful, low maintenance and water efficient landscape that can better withstand emerging impacts of climate change, including prolonged droughts. Information about ACWD's Lawn Be Gone rebate will be provided. Hosted by Alameda County Water District (ACWD) (https://acwd.org/) .
Help the City turn your thoughts into actions!
my.fremont.gov (https://www.my.fremont.gov/)

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  • [登録者]City of Fremont
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Fremont, CA
  • 登録日 : 2024/10/14
  • 掲載日 : 2024/10/14
  • 変更日 : 2024/10/14
  • 総閲覧数 : 9 人
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