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CENTRAL: Artificial Intelligence and Aging

The City of Santa Clara - Stay Connected

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CENTRAL: Artificial Intelligence and Aging

* Date: 02/08/2025 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
* Location: Central Park Library - Edinger Room
2635 Homestead Road
Santa Clara, California 95051 [ http://www.google.com/maps?f=l&hl=en&q=2635+Homestead+Road+%2c+Santa+Clara%2c+California+95051 ]

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly permeating every facet of modern life, driven by breakthroughs in deep learning, natural language processing, and computational biology. As a part of Silicon Valley Reads programs, in this talk we'll examine how AI is revolutionizing aging-in-place technologies through advanced computer vision, sensor networks, and predictive analytics that enable seniors to maintain independence while ensuring safety and well-being.

The presentation will highlight cutting-edge developments in AI-driven drug discovery and biomarker identification, with a particular focus on the potential development of an "aging vaccine" – interventions that could target fundamental mechanisms of cellular aging.

*Presenter: *Prof. Dr. Ronjon Nag is an Adjunct Professor in Genetics at the Stanford School of Medicine, and a Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute Fellow. He has a Ph.D. from Cambridge, an M.S. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a B.Sc. from Birmingham in the UK.

Professor Nag teaches AI, Genes, Ethics, Longevity Science and Venture Capital. More recently he has worked on the intersection of AI and Biology. He has been awarded the IET Mountbatten Medal by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the 2021 IEEE-SCV Outstanding Engineer Award, the $1m Verizon Powerful Answers Award, the 2023 COX AI Lifetime Achievement Award, the 2023 MIT Great Dome Award, and is the 2024 Inductee in the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame. 

*Seating is first-come, first-served. If you wish to receive e-mail reminders, you can register on Eventbrite [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/artificial-intelligence-and-aging-tickets-1103851271869?aff=oddtdtcreator ].*

If you have questions about the program, please contact: librarians@santaclaraca.gov


This year Silicon Valley Reads looks at how technology can empower humanity. Technology — and artificial intelligence — is a huge part of living in Silicon Valley and increasingly around the world. And it’ll also be the topic for the Santa Clara County “community reads” program, which will explore the theme “Empowering Humanity: Technology for a Better World.”   

To find out about all of the exciting events pertaining to SVR for both adults and students, please keep an eye on this link: https://www.siliconvalleyreads.org/2025 [ https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2F492a.edulnk.com%2Fe%2Ff2her%2FvQLkfk%3F__%24u__%26nk%3DNjc0ZGVhYmMyNDNkNDExMmNjZGU2NzljLHJzY2htaWR0QHNhbnRhY2xhcmFjYS5nb3Y6Ojp6Y3prN29yZmpicHJ3endm&data=05%7C02%7CRSchmidt%40santaclaraca.gov%7C5534909fe14c402a3eb208dd12f4abe3%7C28ea354810694e81aa0b6e4b3271a5cb%7C0%7C0%7C638687564269477429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=2tF1t5C7CxhaNWZ%2B2UzeVeqSnQp86j4jBUtfmXSPCjc%3D&reserved=0

"*Your attendance to this program grants permission to the City of Santa Clara to take your photograph and/or your child's photograph for marketing purposes.*"

"*The content in this program is not necessarily those of the City of Santa Clara and the Santa Clara City Library. Individual decisions based on this program are solely the responsibility of the attendee.*"



Click here for more information [ https://www.santaclaraca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/100893/ ]
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  • [登録者]City of Santa Clara
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Santa Clara, CA
  • 登録日 : 2025/01/29
  • 掲載日 : 2025/01/29
  • 変更日 : 2025/01/29
  • 総閲覧数 : 37 人
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