2024 September Senior Center Monthly Newsletter
- [등록자]City of Mountain View
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Mountain View, CA
- 등록일 : 2024/08/29
- 게재일 : 2024/08/29
- 변경일 : 2024/08/29
- 총열람수 : 85 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 써니베일에서 기능성 신경과와 스포츠 카이로프랙틱을 전문으로 하고 있습니다...
신체의 움직임, 내장 기능, 오감 ( 시각, 청각, 후각, 미각, 촉각 )은 중추신경 ( 대뇌, 소뇌, 뇌간 )에 의해 지배된다. 척추의 움직임이 나빠지고 말초신경, 중추신경의 기능저하가 몸의 이상을 초래한다. 추나요법은 약물 이외의 방법으로 몸의 이상을 다스리는 의학이다. 어떤 증상이든 포기하지 마시고, 먼저 카이로프랙틱 의사에게 상담해 주십시오. ...
+1 (408) 738-0707Hiro Sugawara, D.C.
- 1990년에 설립된 경제 실리콘밸리는 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역에서 비즈...
이코노믹 실리콘밸리는 혁신의 성지 '실리콘밸리'를 기반으로 25년 이상 샌프란시스코 베이 지역의 비즈니스 전문가를 대상으로 한 네트워킹 행사를 개최해 왔다. 연간 총 700명 이상이 참가하는 네트워킹 행사를 통해 실리콘밸리뿐만 아니라 전 세계에서 주목받고 있는 핫한 비즈니스 이슈를 다루고, 해당 분야에서 활약하는 전문가를 초청하여 토론하고, 비즈니스 전문가...
経済シリコンバレー(Keizai Silicon Valley)
- 매주 토요일을 중심으로 연간 43일 동안 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역에 사...
'확실한 힘을 길러 、 국제사회에서 활약할 수 있는 아동・학생의 육성'을 교육목표로 삼고 있습니다. 토요일에 통학하며, 일본에서 사용되는 교과서를 사용하여 일본 학교의 교육 내용 ( 본교는 4과목 )을 배웁니다.
+1 (415) 989-4535サンフランシスコ日本語補習校
- 샌프란시스코 주립대학교에 있는 가장 큰 일본인 학생 단체 중 하나입니다.
샌프란시스코 주립대학에 있는 가장 큰 일본인 학생 단체 중 하나입니다. 일본인 학생의 취업활동 지원과 인재육성을 목적으로 하는 "JSA Career", 국적에 관계없이 일본 문화 ・ 언어 등에 관심이 있는 학생들과 교류하는 "JSA Social" 두 가지를 중심으로 활동하고 있습니다. "이라는 두 가지를 축으로 활동하고 있습니다.
+1 (415) 338-1111サンフランシスコ州立大学日本人学生会
- 베이 지역의 야구를 좋아하는 사람들이 모였습니다 ! 초보자도 환영합니다 ...
북가주 사무라이 야구 리그는 SF 베이 지역 ・ 실리콘 밸리를 기반으로 활동하는 연식 야구 단체입니다. 성인부터 어린이, 아마추어부터 고시원 경험자, 학생부터 엘리트 주재원까지 다양한 분야에서 활동하는 야구 애호가들이 모입니다. 초보자도 환영 ! 본고장 미국에서 마음껏 야구를 즐기고 싶으신 분, 직접 팀을 만들고 싶으신 분, 커뮤니티를 넓히고 싶으신...
+1 (408) 307-2003北カリフォルニアサムライ野球リーグ
- 응급상황에도 대응 가능 ! 예방진료부터 수술, 정형외과까지 폭넓게 지원합...
일본으로의 반려동물 귀국 조건이 세계에서 가장 까다롭기 때문에, 익숙하지 않은 수의사라면 막판에 문제가 생겨도 끝까지 도움을 받을 수 없는 등의 걱정이 있을 수 있습니다. 저희 병원의 고객님이라면, 저희 병원이 끝까지 책임지고 돌보아 드리므로 안심하셔도 됩니다. 일본어 메일로 문의 ( 의료 상담은 삼가해 주십시오 ) 도 가능하므로 부담 없이 연락 주시기 바...
+1 (925) 433-5900Animal Care Hospital of Walnut Creek
- San Joseの昔ながらの本格居酒屋です。火~金 1:00amまで営業中!メニ...
+1 (408) 452-8751Izaka-ya
- サクラメントで28年以上の実績があるケアホームです。主に日本人、日系アメリカ人、...
American River Care Home
2001년에 설립된 ACCO Venture Group은 로스앤젤레스 및 국제적으로 기업 및 개인을 위한 전체 회계 서비스 및 컨설팅을 제공하고 있습니다. < 경기의 상승과 하락에 관계없이 국제화는 끊임없이 진행되고 기업 간 경쟁은 점점 더 치열해지고 있습니다. LA의 남쪽 교외, 남가주 최대의 일본계 커뮤니티에 위치한 저희 사무소는 지금까지 수많은 ...
+1 (310) 765-1915ACCO VENTURE GROUP
- Nail&속눈썹 전문점 일본인 직원이 정성껏 마무리해 드립니다.
일본인 스태프에 의한 VIANGE SPA Nail&속눈썹 전문점 OPEN 젤 네일은 일본산 젤을 사용하기 때문에 손톱에 부드럽고 안심할 수 있습니다. 미국에서 마음에 드는 네일 살롱을 찾지 못한 분, 현지 살롱이 불안한 분, 최신 아트를 즐기고 싶은 분 등 한 분 한 분에게 맞는 네일을 숙련된 네일리스트가 제안해 드립니다. 속눈썹 연장술은 가장 자연...
+1 (408) 320-4940VIANGE SPA NAIL&EYELASH
- 자동차를 잘 사는 방법을 알려드립니다 ! 샌프란시스코 ・ 로스앤젤레스 지...
당사는 샌프란시스코 ・ 로스앤젤레스에서 신차부터 중고차까지 모든 메이커, 모든 차종을 취급하는 캘리포니아 주 도로교통국 공인 자동차 딜러입니다. 다른 주에도 신차 판매 및 리스를 제공하고 있으며, 홈페이지에는 미국 자동차 판매 시스템, 리스 시스템 등 고객님께 도움이 되는 정보를 게재하고 있습니다. ! * 신차 판매 * 중고차 판매 * 매입 *...
+1 (415) 468-0415San Francisco Fleet & Leasing
- 일본 유일의 NATA 공인 운동 트레이너 겸 스포츠 의학&기능신경학 전문...
국내 유일의 기능신경학 전문의(DACNB)와 스포츠의학 전문의(DACBSP ®)의 두 가지 학위를 보유하고 있으며, NATA 공인 운동 트레이너이기도 한 닥터 코이케의 클리닉입니다. 서니베일과 샌마테오에 클리닉이 있습니다. 스포츠 장애로 인한 요통이나 어깨 결림, 원인 불명의 신체적 불편함으로 고민하는 분, 운동 능력 향상을 목표로 하는 분은 연락주세요 !...
+1 (408) 444-2202Health Integration Chiropractic
- 자동차買取専門店】車売るなら買取満足度No.1を目指すBubka!
엔저인 지금이 기회 ! 일본송금 환전수수료 & 송금수수료 제로 캠페인 중 ! 100,000엔 이상 할인 ! 환전수수료 & 송금수수료 제로 캠페인 중 ! 알고 계셨나요? 보통 은행이나 페이팔 등을 이용해 일본으로 송금할 경우, 환전수수료가 발생하여 송금 금액에서 차감된 금액이 수령 금액이 됩니다. 예를 들어, 자동차 판매 금액이 $ 20000인 경우,...
+1 (650) 284-9213Bubka!(ブブカ)
- 모찌 도넛을 미국에서 함께 퍼뜨립시다 ! 하와이, 샌프란시스코, 로스앤젤...
일본에서도 친숙한 모찌 도넛과 하와이에서 유명한 호놀룰루 커피를 더해 도넛 카페로 새롭게 출점 확대합니다. 함께 하와이, 캘리포니아에서 널리 퍼뜨려 봅시다. 맛은 물론이고 모양도 화려하고 귀여운 도넛들. 어떤 걸 고를지 고민이 되네요. 인스타그램에 올리기 딱 좋은 도넛. 초콜릿, 쿠키 & 크림 등 기본 맛부터 콩나물, 말차, 호지차 등 일본식 맛 등 약...
+1 (808) 384-2948Mochill
- 캘리포니아 주 인가 일영 이중언어 유치원. 일/영어를 재미있고 효과적으로...
캘리포니아 주 인증 일영 이중언어 프레스 스쿨입니다. 소수정예로 다양한 행사도 !
부담없이 메일로 문의해 주세요. 소라 프리스쿨에서는 아이들이 친구, 선생님을 진심으로 배려하며 좋은 인간관계를 맺을 수 있는 사회성을 키웁니다. 일상 생활 속에서 미의식을 소중히 여기고, 인사, 식사 등의 생활습관과 매너를 익히도록 지도합니다. 소라 프리스쿨... +1 (650) 593-7672Sora International Preschool
Senior Center Newsletter Banner
Senior Center
*266 Escuela Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94040
*Contact Us
*Phone: 650-903-6330
Email: senior.center@mountainview.gov
Website: MountainView.gov/Seniors [ http://www.mountainview.gov/seniors ]
Monday - Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
New & Now
The Senior Center will be closed Monday, Sept. 2 in observance of Labor Day.
* Matter of Balance has returned, Mondays, 12 - 2 p.m. starting Sept. 9. Click here [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/08/21/file_attachments/2974023/MV%20Flyer%20Fall%20 ] for additional information regarding registration.
* Dust off your dancing shoes and join us for our Fall Dance on Wed. Sept. 25 at 4 p.m. Details below.
* Our Annual Holiday Bazaar returns Saturday, Nov. 23. If you wish to be a vendor, see details below.
This month's workshops include: Independent Living Skills, Santa Clara VTA and The Loneliness Hub by Peninsula Family Services.
FALL CLASS GUIDE PIC [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/classes ]
Check out the brand-new revamped Fall Class guide featuring new classes including Matter of Balance, MVLA Zumba Gold, Erhu Group, and MVLA Technology classes and 45+ additional classes to join. Click here [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/classes ] to view.
Please sign up for workshops in advance by sending an email to senior.center@mountainview.gov, <senior.center@mountainview.gov>calling the Front Desk at 650-903-6330 or stopping by in person. This will allow us to contact you if there is a program change.
independent living skills 1
Independent Living Skills
"Thursday, Sept. 5"
"Social Hall, 1 p.m."
Independent Living Skills (ILS) are any Activity of Daily Living (ADL) that an individual may need skill development to maintain or increase their independence. Silicon Valley Independent Living Center’s ILS Coordinators will assist in building skills: Time Management, Self-Advocacy, Basic Computer Skills, Internet Safety, Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, use of Public Transit systems, Budgeting and Bill Pay, Completing and Understanding paperwork and more.
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)
"Thursday, Sept. 19"
"Social Hall, 1 p.m."
Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) will be providing a Senior Mobility Options presentation. Come and learn about transportation resources and programs available throughout Santa Clara County for older adults in Mountain View and beyond! Presented by Valley Transportation Authority Communications/Outreach staff.
Peninsula Family Services
The Loneliness Hub by Peninsula Family Services
"Thursday, Sept. 26"
"Social Hall, 1 p.m."
Peninsula Family Services will explore the difference between being 'alone,' a physical state of being by yourself and being 'lonely,' an emotional state of feeling disconnected. In this workshop, we'll dive into how our Loneliness Hub is tackling the loneliness epidemic by offering practical solutions, including the support of senior peer specialists. Discover how these services are making a real impact and learn ways to cultivate connections.
ice cream social [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/07/30/file_attachments/2952239/Ice%20Cream%20Social.jpg ]
Ice Cream Social
Courtyard, 12 p.m.
Beat the heat at our final Ice Cream Social of the season! Join us in the Senior Center Courtyard on Wednesday, Sept. 11 for a cool treat (while supplies last) and great company as we wrap up the summer in style. This event is the perfect way to sweeten your day! 55+ welcome.
holiday bazaar vendor registration 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/08/27/file_attachments/2979088/Vendor%20Registration%20Day.pdf ]
Vendor Registration Day
Social Hall, 2 p.m.
Registration begins at 2 p.m., however starting at 1 p.m. we will hand out numbers at the Senior Center Front Desk to facilitate registration. No other queues will be recognized. For additional information, visit MountainView.gov/HolidayBazaar [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/holiday-bazaar ].
Fall Dance 9/24 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/08/16/file_attachments/2969555/Fall%20Dance%20PDF.pdf ]
Fall Dance
Social Hall, 4 - 6 p.m.
Shake off the autumn chill and join us for a delightful evening of dancing, music, and great company at the Fall Dance! Whether you’re twirling across the dance floor or tapping your toes, there’s something for everyone. DJ and light refreshments will be provided in the Social Hall of the Senior Center. 55+ welcome.
Indoor Dining
Community Services Agency's Senior Nutrition Program has a full dine in meal service in the Social Hall of the Mountain View Senior Center. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Sign in will begin at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The Social Hall will close at 1 p.m. Menu subject to changes.
*Lunch service is first come, first served. On occasion, not all patrons can be served.*
September Lunch Menu
2024 sept lunch menu [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/08/19/file_attachments/2971369/LUNCH%20MENU%20SEPTEMBER%202024.pdf ]
Click to enlarge
Now Showing Sign
*Movies are on Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 p.m.
Wednesday movies start at 5:30 p.m.*
Come to one of our movie showings in Multipurpose Room B.
Maximum seating for movies is 36. First come, first serve.
When available, screenings have captions for the hard-of-hearing. There is no fee to enjoy these popular movies and seating begins 30 minutes before the show.
*NOTE: Please bundle up or bring a lap blanket with you to the movie. The room tends to be on the cooler side.*
"Sept. 3, 4 & 6"
April 6, 1917, as an infantry battalion assembles to wage war deep in enemy territory, two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message that will stop 1,600 men from walking straight into a deadly trap.
"Genre: Action/ War"
"Starring: Sam Mendes, Krysty Wilson-Cairns"
"Rated: R"
"Running Time: 1 Hour 59 Minutes"
The Social Network 1
The Social Network
"Sept. 10, 11 & 13"
As Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg creates the social networking site that would become known as Facebook, he is sued by the twins who claimed he stole their idea and by the co-founder who was later squeezed out of the business.
"Genre: Docudrama "
"Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake"
"Rated: PG-13"
"Running Time: 2 Hour 1 Minutes"
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
"Sept. 17, 18 & 20"
Born under unusual circumstances, Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt) springs into being as an elderly man in a New Orleans nursing home and ages in reverse. Twelve years after his birth, he meets Daisy, a child who flickers in and out of this life as she grows up to be a dancer (Cate Blanchett). Though he has all sorts of unusual adventures over the course of this life, it is his relationship with Daisy and the hope that they will come together at the right time, that drives Benjamin forward.
"Genre: Romance/ Fantasy "
"Starring: Bradd Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Taraji P. Henson, Julia Ormond"
"Rated: PG-13"
"Running Time: 2 Hour 47 Minutes"
The Long Game
*The Long Game*
"*Sept. 24, 25 & 27*"
In 1955, five young Mexican-American caddies, out of the love for the game, were determined to learn how to play, so they created their own golf course in the middle of the South Texas desert.
"Genre: History/ Sport"
"Starring: Jay Hernandez, Dennis Quaid, Cheech Marin"
"Rated: PG-13"
"Running Time: 1 Hour 52 Minutes"
ice cream social Aug 2024
Ice Cream Social
Aug. 14
Photo by AH
Prior registration is required for all Social Services unless otherwise stated. Call the Front Desk at 650-903-6330 or stop by in person.
aarp driver safety 1
AARP Initial and Refresher Driver Safety Courses will be offered in the Fall at the Mountain View Senior Center. To take the Refresher course, you must have taken the initial AARP Smart Driver course 3 or less years ago. Cost: $20 for AARP members; $25 for non-AARP members. Please pay on first day of course by check or cash only. Check is preferred. Arriving 10 - 15 minutes prior to class start time is strongly encouraged. To sign up for one of these courses, please call the Senior Center Front Desk at 650-903-6330.
_Upcoming Renewal Course_: *September 24* from 4 - 8 p.m.
_Upcoming Initial Course_: *October 14 and October 15* from 4 - 8 p.m.
SALA appointments at the Senior Center on the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. In order to receive free legal services, patrons must be at least 60 years of age and a Santa Clara County resident.
Free Grocery pick-up is the first through fourth Tuesday of each month, 8:30 - 10 a.m. Pre-registration is necessary. Please see the Front Desk for more information or visit the Free Grocery program on days/times of operation. Sponsored by the Second Harvest Food Bank [ http://www.shfb.org/ ].
BP screening
Free blood pressure screenings from a volunteer registered nurse on the second and fourth Fridays of each month from 12:30 - 1 p.m. in the Counseling Room. No prior registration required.
Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) appointments are available at the Senior Center the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Volunteer counselor can help you understand your specific rights and health care options.
apple assistance 2024
Are you struggling to understand your iPad or iPhone? 30 minute appointments are available with a volunteer on each Wednesday of the month between 8:45 - 10:45 a.m. to answer your questions.
Mountain View Senior Center will host AARP Tax-Aide post-season tax help on Wednesday, Oct. 9 2024, at 9 or 10 a.m.
newcomers tour sept 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/08/21/file_attachments/2974036/Newcomer ]
A tour welcoming you to the Senior Center is scheduled the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. in the Lobby. Staff will review classes, upcoming events, social services and more.
puzzle swap sept 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/08/21/file_attachments/2974039/Puzzle%20Swap%20-%20September.pdf ]
Variety is the spice of life! Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Lobby between 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Bring a puzzle(s) and swap with ours at no charge. No prior registration needed.
dvd library cropped
Stop by the Front Desk and explore our DVD library of 850+ movies and enjoy them for up to a week. DVD's are checked out and returned at the Front Desk.
book club
The Book Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. The book selection for September is "The Last Russian Doll [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/07/24/file_attachments/2946209/The%20Last%20Russian%20Doll%20by%20Kristen%20Loesch.jpg ]" by Kristen Loesch. October selection is "Station Eleven [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/08/16/file_attachments/2969605/Station%20Eleven%20by%20Emily%20St%20John,%20John%20Mandel.jpg ]" by Emily St John, John Mandel.
*SENIOR CENTER* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center ]
*NUTRITION PROGRAM [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/nutrition-program ]*
*SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDES [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/senior-resource-guide ]*
*VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/volunteer-opportunities ]*
*CLASS GUIDES [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/classes ]*
*SENIOR CENTER RENTAL [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/senior-center-rental ]*
Alejandra Hernandez <Alejandra.Hernandez@mountainview.gov> – Senior Recreation Coordinator
Angela Mackowski <angela.mackowski@mountainview.gov> - Recreation Coordinator
Roy Day <roy.day@mountainview.gov> – Administrative Assistant
Mitchell Roman <mitchell.roman@mountainview.gov> – Recreation Leader II
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