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City of Fremont Announces $100,000 Hiring Bonus for Lateral Police Officers
The City of Fremont has also implemented additional programs to further increase the recruitment and retention of existing Police Officers.
*FREMONT, Calif. – *December 20, 2024 – The City of Fremont has established a new $100,000 signing bonus* for up to 10 newly hired Lateral Police Officers. The bonus is one of the nation’s largest law enforcement hiring incentive, significantly increasing the City’s current $20,000 Lateral Police Officer signing bonus.
In addition to the new hiring incentive, the City has recently established additional hiring incentive programs aimed at improving retention and benefits for existing Police Officers. In recent years the law enforcement profession has experienced a dramatic decrease in applicants and despite the many challenges contributing to the current vacancy rate within our Police Department, the City has been actively implementing measures to overcome this obstacle.
Since January, the City has hired 17 police officers. Despite accelerated marketing and recruitment efforts to increase the number of applicants in recent years, the vacancy rate has fluctuated between 30-35 officer jobs at any given time. The vacancy rate is attributed to a variety of factors including less applicants interested in a law enforcement career. The City of Fremont has historically offered exceptional pay and benefits to its’ public safety employees. Over the last five years, the Fremont Police Officer’s Association (FPA) has received a 30.5% salary increase and recently accepted additional retention benefits mid-contract to further address the vacancy rate.
“Across the City of Fremont, we are committed to offering competitive compensation for our employees. This new police lateral hiring incentive reflects our dedication to attracting experienced, high-caliber officers. By investing in strategic solutions to address staffing challenges, we aim to contend with the current Police Officer shortage in this highly competitive hiring market,” stated Fremont Mayor Raj Salwan. “The safety of our community remains our top priority, and we believe these proactive steps will help maintain the exceptional level of service our residents expect and deserve.”
Other noteworthy hiring and retention incentives recently approved for Fremont Police Officers include an expedited hiring and training program for lateral officers, a double-overtime pilot program, and new longevity pay for officers who have served for eight years.
“Fremont remains a safe community thanks to the dedication of our police department and the support of an engaged community. Recruiting and retaining skilled officers is critical to our success,” stated Fremont Police Chief Sean Washington. “This substantial $100,000 hiring bonus positions us to attract exceptional lateral officers who are eager to join a top-tier police department that is using state-of-the-art technology to advance public safety and set the highest standard in policing.”
According to a 2024 survey [ https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/2024-11/IACP_Recruitment_Report_Survey.pdf ] conducted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), more than 70% of its member agencies reported that recruitment is more difficult now than five years ago. The same survey found that on average, agencies are operating at 91% of their authorized staffing levels, almost at a 10% deficit. Due to these staffing challenges, 65% reported they reduced services or specialized units to prioritize essential functions. At this time, the City of Fremont has approximately 35 police officer vacancies out of 205 sworn positions.
The City of Fremont’s Police Department currently has openings for the positions of Police Officer, Police Dispatcher, Animal Services Supervisor, Management Analyst, and Police Records Supervisor. Apply to become a Fremont Police Officer today at https://jobs.fremontpolice.gov.
"*This new bonus is structured with $10,000 provided upon acceptance of a final offer of employment with the City of Fremont; an additional $10,000 paid upon completion of the Field Training Officer (FTO) Program; an additional $15,000 paid upon successful completion of probation; an additional $15,000 paid upon one (1) full year following completion of probation; $15,000 provided upon two (2) years following completion of probation; $15,000 paid upon three (3) years following completion of probation; and the remaining $20,000 paid for completing the final six (6) months (months 55-60) for a total of five (5) years of service."
*Amy Gee
*Public Affairs Manager
Fremont Police Department
*Geneva Bosques*
Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs
City of Fremont
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