Climate Ready Fremont Newsletter - January 2025
- [登録者]City of Fremont
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Fremont, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/28
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/28
- 変更日 : 2025/01/28
- 総閲覧数 : 53 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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日本人と、日本に 興味を持つ方を会員とする お母さんと子供のグループです。 主な活動エリアはサンノゼ、クパチーノ、サニーベール近郊。パークデーやイベントの開催、シリコンバレーの情報を載せたニュースレターを年10回発行しています。さくらクラブは宗教団体や営利団体とは無関係で、会員の有志によって運営しています。友達の輪を広げたい、子供の遊び相手を探している、シリコンバレーでの子育て情報がほしい保護者の...
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+1 (650) 867-7017Merritt Law
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+1 (408) 410-2672Misao Takano, LMFT
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このような症状でお悩みではありませんか?◎ 頭痛、腰痛、坐骨神経痛、ヘルニアの痛みで困っている◎ ストレスが取れない、疲れがひどい、悩みで苦しい◎ 最近元気がない◎ うつ病、パニック症候群◎ 交通事故の後遺症でつらい◎ 抗がん剤治療の副作用がキツイ大丈夫です、あきらめる必要はありません。是非一度ご相談下さい。
+1 (408) 332-4608Kikoh-in
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日米両国に在住の日本人女性達に乳がんに関する最新の情報 、乳がん治療後の生活の取り組み、乳がん早期発見、 啓発情報発信を押し進めていく非営利団体です。 Knowledge is power. 正しい知識は患者自身の力、支えになると信じて活動しています 。
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January 2025
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
In November 2024, the Fremont City Council adopted the FEMA-approved 2024 Tri-Cities Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (http://fremont.gov/mitigationplan) . Developed in collaboration with the Cities of Newark and Union City, the Alameda County Water District, and Union Sanitary District, this plan aims to reduce community risks associated with natural hazards. Potential hazards for Fremont include earthquakes, flooding, landslides, sea level rise, severe weather, tsunamis, and wildfires. The plan assesses the risk these hazards pose and sets goals and strategies to reduce the long-term risk. It is also an integral component of the City's General Plan (https://fremont.gov/generalplan) and aligns with the City's Climate Action Plan (https://www.fremont.gov/climateactionplan) . To learn more and read the complete Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, visit the plan webpage (http://fremont.gov/mitigationplan) .
In accordance with the plan, the City has compiled comprehensive risk mapping for the community. Visit the plan webpage (http://fremont.gov/mitigationplan) to access the City's Natural Hazards Map. Simply enter your address in the map to see how different natural hazards might affect your area. The map aligns with the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan and reflects the most current available data from federal, state, and local sources.
Read Plan & View Map (https://fremont.gov/mitigationplan)
Electricity Bill Credits and Savings
This month, Fremont households that participate in income-qualifying rates under the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) programs will receive a $100 credit on their latest electricity bill from Ava Community Energy (Ava) (https://avaenergy.org/) , Fremont's electricity provider.
Additionally, all Fremont households will receive an $8.82 credit on their electricity bill, and commercial customers will also receive some savings.
Ava's bill credits and savings program is just one part of their mission to make the transition to energy efficiency more cost-effective for customers.
Read Press Release (https://avaenergy.org/news/press-release-ava-community-energy-kicks-off-the-new-year-by-issuing-22mm-in-bill-credits-to-its-customers/)
Environmental Sustainability Commission
Interested in climate action and sustainability in Fremont? Consider serving on the City's Environmental Sustainability Commission (https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/city-clerk/boards-commissions-committees/environmental-sustainability-commission) . The commission currently has the following vacancies:
* Development/Construction Industry Representative
* Environmental Organization Representative
If you represent this type of industry or organization and are interested in applying, complete the application (https://www.fremont.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/12825/638156760137830000) and submit it to the City Clerk's Office (https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/city-clerk) .
Learn More about Commission (https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/city-clerk/boards-commissions-committees/environmental-sustainability-commission)
Grant Opportunity for Reusable Transport Packaging Materials
Are you part of an organization that uses plastic film to wrap your pallets? Do you use other disposable transport packaging materials like low-grade wood pallets and cardboard boxes? StopWaste (https://www.stopwaste.org/) is offering grants up to $10,000 for reusable transport packaging materials (https://www.stopwaste.org/at-work/stopwaste-grants/grant-types/reusable-transport-packaging-equipment-grants) that can save you money and cut your waste. Reusable materials eligible for grant funding include reusable pallet wraps, rubber pallet bands, durable pallets, hand-held crates, bulk containers, refillable drums, and dunnage. This grant is available to nonprofits, businesses, institutions, and school districts. The application deadline is February 24. By using reusable materials, your organization can help create a climate ready Fremont (https://www.fremont.gov/climateactionplan) !
Learn More & Apply (https://www.stopwaste.org/at-work/stopwaste-grants/grant-types/reusable-transport-packaging-equipment-grants)
Additional equipment grants for waste prevention projects are available through StopWaste. View all grant opportunities. (https://www.stopwaste.org/at-work/stopwaste-grants)
Go Green This Game Day!
Ready for some football? 🏈 As you huddle with friends and family for the big game, remember that the environment needs a win too! Score big by tackling recycling and becoming a composting champion. Toss clean and dry cans and bottles in the blue bin. Toss food scraps and food-soiled paper like pizza boxes, paper plates, and napkins in the green bin. Every action counts, no matter how big or small. Thanks for doing your part to help us create a climate ready Fremont. We make a great team!
* City of Fremont - Composting Food Scraps (https://city.fremont.gov/composting)
* My Climate Ready Fremont - Compost Action (https://myclimatereadyfremont.gov/actions/3572)
* StopWaste - What Goes Where Guide (https://resource.stopwaste.org/curbside/fremont)
* StopWaste - Food Scrap Composting (https://www.stopwaste.org/at-home/reduce-and-reuse/reducing-wasted-food/food-scrap-composting)
Community Classes & Events
LEAF Volunteer Opportunities
Date: Varies
Time: Varies
Location: LEAF Urban Garden,
55 Mowry Ave.
Learn More (https://www.fremontleaf.org/volunteer)
Volunteer with Local Ecology and Agriculture Fremont (LEAF) (https://www.fremontleaf.org/) to learn about sustainable gardens and help grow them!
New Year. New Ride.
Date: Monday, February 3
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Learn More & Register (https://rideanddriveclean.org/events/new-year-new-ride-5/)
Join experts to learn how you can make the switch from a gas-powered car to an EV or Ebike in the new year. This webinar covers incentives, new EVs for 2025, the total cost of EV ownership, and charging at home and on the road. Hosted by Ride & Drive Clean (https://rideanddriveclean.org/) .
Bay Area Regional Climate Action Plan Public Workshop
Date: Tuesday, February 11
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Learn More & Register (https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/c2eNJ4i9Q9q3cLWNK_g4oQ#/registration)
Learn about the preliminary strategies that may be included in the Bay Area Regional Climate Action Plan (https://www.baaqmd.gov/plans-and-climate/climate-planning/bay-area-regional-climate-action-planning-initiative) , which is being prepared by the Bay Area Air District (https://www.baaqmd.gov/en/) . These strategies include building and vehicle electrification, composting, expansion of urban green spaces, and supporting regional renewable energy development.
Save the Date for Earth Day Fair
Date: Saturday, April 19
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Downtown Event Center & Plaza, 3500 Capitol Ave.
Save the date for Fremont's annual Earth Day Fair! Event information coming soon.
Help the City turn your thoughts into actions!
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