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Adult Monthly Newsletter, Dec. 10 - Winter Reading, Gingerbread Village
- [Registrant]Sunnyvale Public Library
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Sunnyvale
- Posted : 2024/12/10
- Published : 2024/12/10
- Changed : 2024/12/10
- Total View : 53 persons
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Keywords Newsletter
Adult Monthly Newsletter, Dec. 10
Sweater weather is finally upon us. Celebrate the season with our Winter Reading Challenges for youth and adults. Visit the Library this month to see this year's Sunnyvale Gingerbread Village.
From Thursday, Dec. 12 to Monday, Dec. 23, the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library will be having a holiday book sale in the lobby. Shop jigsaw puzzles, cookbooks, art books, gift books and more.
Also this month: Lower your energy bills [ ], attend a vocal ensemble performance [ ], and practice essential laptop repair skills [ ].
Scroll down or visit our calendar [ ] to view more programs happening in December.
See you soon,
"Your Librarians"
*P.S. The Library will have modified hours on the following days:*
* *Monday, Dec. 23 - Early close at 6 p.m.*
* *Tuesday, Dec. 24 - Closed*
* *Wednesday, Dec. 25 - Closed*
* *Monday, Dec. 30 - Early close at 6 p.m.*
* *Tuesday, Dec. 31 - Closed*
* *Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025 - Closed*
Winter Reading
2025 Adult Winter Reading Challenge [ ]
Read 3 books by Jan. 12 to win
Last month, we announced our Winter Reading Challenge for children and teens. By popular demand, we have brought back our Winter Reading Challenge for adults.
Adults age 18 and up can join the Adult Winter Reading Challenge. The challenge runs through Jan. 12, 2025. If you complete the challenge by reading at least 3 books you'll receive a $5 Friends of the Library gift certificate and will be entered to win a grand prize. Log books online on Beanstack.
Claim your gift certificate starting Thursday, Jan. 2.
*Register on Beanstack* [ ]
Need help with Beanstack? Watch our Beanstack tutorial videos [ ] or talk to a librarian in-person, over chat or over the phone at 408-730-7300, option 4.
"Generously sponsored by the Friends of Sunnyvale Public Library [ ]."
Sunnyvale Gingerbread Village
This year's Gingerbread Village is themed after Whoville, the Grinch and tropical holidays. [ ]
On display through Jan. 11
The Sunnyvale Gingerbread Village is back in the Library lobby, with over forty houses, tiki bars, wintry scenes and more made by your neighbors. This year's themes are Whoville, the Grinch and tropical holidays. See the village at the Library until Saturday, Jan. 11.
Thank you to everybody who contributed a gingerbread creation, to the volunteers who assembled the village, and to Winnie Lam from the Sunnyvale Arts Commission for organizing this project.
View photos of the Sunnyvale Gingerbread Village on Facebook [ ]. (No login required.)
"Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library."
We Recommend
Watch This
The Green Knight [ ]
"The Green Knight [ ]" (2021)
"The Green Knight" is an adaptation of Arthurian lore starring Dev Patel. On Christmas Day, the court of King Arthur receives a challenge from the Green Knight: that any knight who lands a blow against him shall win his axe, but must travel to his chapel the following Christmas to receive the blow in return. Sir Gawain accepts the challenge and beheads the Green Knight. A year passes, and now Gawain must journey to accept his fate. Borrow it on DVD [ ] or Blu-Ray [ ].
Cook This
Stained glass cookies made by melting hard candies into sugar cookie frames [ ]
Looking for a more colorful cookie recipe to dazzle the kids? Stained Glass Cookies [ ] are made by melting hard candies into a sugar cookie frame. All you need are basic cookie supplies, hard candies (e.g., Life Savers or Jolly Ranchers) and either cookie cutters or a small knife.
Try this recipe using our Christmas Cookie Cutter Kit [ ], our Hanukkah Cookie Cutter Kit [ ] or any of the other Cookie Kits [ ] we have available for borrowing.
Upcoming Programs
*IN-PERSON: Silent Book Club*
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
Take a moment to unwind with some quiet reading time. Bring a book of your choice, or choose one from the Library's shelves. After an hour of silent reading together, you'll have time to socialize with your neighbors about what you're reading or anything else. Registration is not required.
*ONLINE: Giving the Gift of Lower Energy Bills*
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 7 to 8 p.m.
Online via Zoom – you will receive the link after registering
Looking to lower your energy bills and make your home more efficient? Learn about Rising Sun Center for Opportunity's "Green House Calls" program. Attendees of this event will also be entered to receive a free energy saving kit. This program will take place online over Zoom. Registration is required.
Register for Giving the Gift of Lower Energy Bills [ ]
"This program is part of our “Electrify Your Life” speaker series, supported by the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Decarbonization Demonstration Grant."
*IN-PERSON: Parenting Program: Parenting from a South Asian Perspective*
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
Join us to discuss the unique challenges South Asian parents face while raising children in the U.S. This talk will explore how to navigate cultural differences, balance traditional values with modern parenting styles and foster confident kids who thrive in both worlds. We'll also discuss on how to cultivate self-compassion as we navigate the complexities of parenting in a changing world. Please note that this program is for adults only, and is not intended for children. Registration is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome.
Register for Parenting Program: Parenting from a South Asian Perspective [ ]
*IN-PERSON: Voices of Silicon Valley - Contemporary Holiday Performance*
Saturday, Dec. 14, 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
Join us for a fantastic vocal performance from the Voices of Silicon Valley. They will be singing holiday songs as well as fun contemporary songs. Registration is not required but space may be limited.
*IN-PERSON: Essential Laptop Repair Skills*
Sunday, Dec. 15, 2 to 4 p.m.
Library Program Room
Did you know that every second, an astonishing 800 laptops are thrown away? In this hands-on workshop, learn the basic skills to repair a ThinkPad laptop. Practice how to clean, replace and check the health of the laptop's battery, RAM, fan and screen. *Note: Laptops will be provided to participants. Do not bring your own device for repair. *No technical experience required. This program is for adults. Registration is required.
Register for Essential Laptop Repair Skills [ ]
*ONLINE: Help for the Holiday Blues*
Monday, Dec. 16, 7 to 8 p.m.
Online via Zoom – you will receive the link after registering
The holidays can be a time of joy, but can also bring mental health challenges. Join Shiveta Gandotra, PhD, LMFT, for a presentation on managing the holiday blues and seasonal depression. This program will take place online over Zoom. Registration is required.
Register for Help for the Holiday Blues [ ]
*ONLINE: Monthly Book Group**
Wednesday, Dec. 18, 7 to 8 p.m.
Online via Zoom – you will receive the link after registering
Engage in stimulating conversation about books and exchange perspectives about characters and plot while getting to know your neighbors. This month's selection is "All the Broken Places [ ]", by John Boyne. Ninety-one-year-old Gretel Fernsby has lived in the same mansion block in London for decades. Then, a new family moves into the apartment below her. Gretel can't help but begin a friendship with the little boy, though his presence brings back memories she would rather forget. Registration is required.
Register for Monthly Book Group [ ]
"Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library."
*IN-PERSON: Senior Center Book Group*
Friday, Dec. 20, 11 a.m. to noon
Sunnyvale Senior Center, Laurel Room
550 E Remington Drive
Join us for a monthly book group at the Senior Center. This month's selection is "True Sisters" [ ], by Sandra Dallas. In 1856, Mormon converts Nannie, Louisa, Jessie and Anne make the 1,300-mile journey on foot from Iowa City to Salt Lake City. Each woman will test the boundaries of her faith and learn the true meaning of survival and friendship along the way. Registration is not required.
Learn more about Senior Center Book Group [ ]
"Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library."
*IN-PERSON: New Year Mindfulness Practice*
Sunday, Jan. 5, 2025, 2 to 3 p.m.
Library Program Room
Start your new year with a guided mindfulness session featuring gentle exercises for connecting the body and mind, balancing the nervous system and developing self-compassion. Registration is not required.
*IN-PERSON: Lunar New Year Calligraphy Class*
Monday, Jan. 6, 2025, 6 to 7 p.m.
Library Program Room
Ring in the Year of the Snake with a special calligraphy class led by Jojo Liu! This session introduces the basics of Chinese calligraphy, including brush techniques, stroke order, and the art of writing auspicious New Year phrases to celebrate the occasion. This program is for adults only. Registration is required.
Register for Chinese Calligraphy Workshop [ ]
Ongoing Programs
* *Next ESL Conversation Group Online: *Monday, Dec. 23 - Register [ ] [ ] [ ]
* *Next ESL Conversation Group In-Person:* Monday, Dec. 16
* *Next Sewing Lab:* Tuesday, Dec. 10
* *Next Get Connected:* Wednesday, Dec. 11
* *Next Bike Safety Information and Repair Workshop:* Saturday, Jan. 4
* *Next Friends of the Library Book Sale:* Saturday, Jan. 18
Check our Events Calendar [ ] for times and descriptions of each program.
Got Kids or Teens?
[ ]
IN-PERSON: Children's Library of Things Showcase
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Library Program Room
Come be the first to see the new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Library of Things collection for children! Items will be available for checkout during the showcase on a first-come basis.
Due to limited space, only a certain number of people will be allowed into the room for 20 minutes at a time. This may result in a slight wait time. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Registration is not required.
*Got kids or teens? Don't miss the Kids' or Teen Newsletters. *Subscribe to City Newsletters. [ ] [ ]
*Program Disclaimer
This program uses a third-party website link. By attending this program, you may be using a website not operated by the Sunnyvale Public Library. For privacy concerns or questions, review Zoom's privacy policies [ ]. View YouTube's privacy policies [ ]. View Facebook's privacy policies [ ].
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Sunnyvale will make reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. If you require special accommodation, please contact the library at 408-730-7300 or chat with a librarian [ ] at least three days in advance of the program.
Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the programs or views expressed at the program.
We're Hiring!
Want to serve the community and bridge information gaps? The Library is hiring Part Time Librarians in Children and Teen Services [ ] and Technology Services [ ]. Librarian positions require a Master's degree in Library and Information Science from an American Library Association accredited program.
Quick Links
Virtual Assistance [ ]
Library Catalog [ ]
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