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The Fremont Connection, January, 17, 2025 Issue
- [Registrant]City of Fremont
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Fremont
- Posted : 2025/01/17
- Published : 2025/01/17
- Changed : 2025/01/17
- Total View : 70 persons
- Find local business with Town Guide
- サンフランシスコ ・ ベイエリアでのリムジンサービスは信頼できます。安心のイシ・...
もっと安全に。 もっと快適に。 あなたの旅をサポート致します。 空港送迎から観光チャーターまで幅広くご要望にお応え致します。 《ナパ ・ ソノマワナリーツアー》 《サンフランシスコ市内観光ツアー》など、お客様のご希望をお聞きしながら、ご一緒にコースを決めていただく観光チャーターも行っています。
+1 (650) 259-1883Ishi Limousine
- JVTA ロサンゼルス校
JVTA ロサンゼルス校
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- フリーモントにある日系大型スーパーマーケットです。新鮮なシーフードやお肉、人気の...
+1 (510) 399-4832Osaka Marketplace
- レッドウッドシティ駅すぐにある日本食居酒屋!和食材を使った創作料理や日本酒、ウィ...
+1 (650) 257-7653Kemuri Japanese Baru
- 最近心が疲れていませんか? 自分で色々考えても問題が解決できず、心配事やスト...
最近、自分で色々考えても問題が解決できず、心が疲れていませんか?心配事やストレスでどこから手をつけていいかわからない状態が続いているなら、臨床心理士と気軽に一度話してみませんか? 30分の初回無料オンラインコンサルテーションと便利なオンラインカウンセリングもしています。
+1 (408) 410-2672Misao Takano, LMFT
- 伝統的なそろばんをベースにした人生を変える暗算プログラム。暗算力、記憶力、集中力...
計算力を鍛えるそろばん・アバカスクラスを1979年から開校しています!オンラインでも学べるから、自宅で効率よく計算スキルを磨けます。お子さまの学力向上や暗算力アップに最適なプログラムです! 学校の成績向上、自己肯定感を育む、簡単に学べる数学 暗算力 - 計算力 - 電卓なし - 正確さ - 即時解答 - SAT試験対策
+1 (650) 504-4440Super Math - San Francisco
- 最先端の不妊治療と高い成功率を誇る不妊治療クリニック【CCRM Fertiliy...
ただでさえ不安がいっぱいの不妊治療。それに加えて難しい英語や専門用語、伝えたいことがなかなか伝えたいことが伝わらないもどかしさ、CCRM San Franciscoではそんな心配はありません。【日本人女性医師】による【最先端の不妊治療】と【最強のチーム】であなたをお迎えいたします。現在は対面または遠隔オンライン診察を受け付けておりますので、まずは日本語でカウンセリングをしてみませんか。まずはご相談...
+1 (650) 646-7500CCRM San Francisco
- サクラメントで28年以上の実績があるケアホームです。主に日本人、日系アメリカ人、...
American River Care Home
- 新年度生受付中! SAPIX USAサンノゼ校は全クラス「対面・オンライン」のど...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
- 必要なのは踊ってみたい!の気持ちだけ!一緒に踊りませんか!
年齢、経験関係なし!赤ちゃんからキッズ、大人からシニアの方まで! 踊りたい人が楽しくダンスできるのがGenki Crew Dance School!Hip-Hop、バレエ、Jazz、Mommy and Meフィットネス、Nirvanaフィットネスなどなど、やってみたいが見つかります!
Genki Crew Dance School
- カリフォルニア州における相続、エステート・プランニング、 プロベート、トラスト・...
メリット法律事務所は遺言書、信託(トラスト)、委任状、医療介護指示書、プロベート、財産管理、税法の分野を専門とします。Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law by The State Bar of California
+1 (650) 867-7017Merritt Law
- \あなたの”キレイ”をレベルアップ!/サンフランシスコに憧れて東京からやって参り...
アメリカで日本と同じサービスを受けられるヘアサロンです。サンフランシスコで日本人美容院の先駆けとして35年もの長きに渡る歴史を持つ美容院を去年の春に譲り受け、Nepenji salonとして営業中。レギュラーパーマから、デジタルパーマ、ストレートパーマまでお任せください。
+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- ♪クラシックバレエ教室♪キッズからシニアまで、未経験の方も大歓迎。妊婦の方も、産...
+1 (415) 240-5377モニーク・バレエ
- 1万3千を超える日本語のコレクションを持つ公共図書館です。
+1 (415) 355-5727サンフランシスコ公共図書館ウェスタンアディション館
- Japanese Student Association at California State University, Fresno
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Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
January 17, 2025
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day In text: City of Fremont observed holiday [ ]
City Offices Closed in Observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
City of Fremont offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. This closure will not affect police and fire services, except the Fremont Police Department’s (FPD) front desk will be closed. City offices and FPD’s front desk will reopen Tuesday, January 21, for regular business hours.
Restaurant Week
Final Chance for Restaurants: Join the 3rd Annual Fremont Restaurant Week!
Are you a restaurant owner or do you know someone who is? If so, this is your last chance to participate in Fremont Restaurant Week 2025!
Restaurant Week takes place March 21-30 and is a celebration of Fremont's diverse culinary scene, where local restaurants feature special menus and exclusive deals throughout the week. Participating restaurants will benefit from extensive free marketing designed to attract more customers during what is often a slower period for business.
Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your restaurant’s unique offerings and flavors to the community. Join us in making this year’s event unforgettable!
*Please inform us if your restaurant would like to participate in Fremont Restaurant Week 2025 by emailing Economic Development Specialist, Travis Bell <> before the January 24 deadline*.
Wildfire Ready [ ]
Be Wildfire Ready Year-Round
Despite the cold weather conditions locally, the devastating fires in Southern California have provided a harsh reminder that we all need to remain ready for wildfire throughout the year, not only in the warmer months.
There are actions you can take throughout the year to increase your level of personal preparedness for a wildfire and increase wildfire resiliency in the Fremont community, regardless of where you live or the type of dwelling you reside in.
Here are a few key wildfire preparedness tips to keep in mind:
*1. Make a wildfire action plan - *Creating a well-thought-out Wildfire Action Plan is important for every family, regardless of where you live.
*2. Prepare and emergency 'Go Bag' - *Make an Emergency ‘Go Bag’, or an emergency supply kit for each person in your family long before any wildfire or disaster.
*3. Review your insurance coverage - *Do you know what damage is covered by your insurance when a disaster strikes?
*4. Sign-up for emergency alerts *
* *Nixle Alerts* from the Fremont Fire Department and Fremont Police Department by texting your zip code to 888777
* *AC Alert* emergency notifications in Alameda County by visiting **
* *Genasys Protect *("formerly known as Zonehaven") is an emergency communications platform with standardized evacuation zones established for all of Fremont, the entire County of Alameda, and many communities throughout the state. Take a moment to become familiar with your evacuation zone by visiting * *to locate your zone.
Wildfire won’t wait! The steps you take to prepare, prevent, and minimize damage of wildfires now, the better off you and your loved ones will be.
*Full Information* [ ]
Tri-City Animal Shelter [ ]
Tri-City Animal Shelter Expands Hours For Pet Adoption & Services
The Tri-City Animal Shelter has expanded lobby hours! Starting Wednesday, January 15, 2025, the Shelter lobby expanded its hours, and is now open to the public *Wednesday through Saturday, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. *
During open lobby hours, you will be able to obtain services such as pet licensing, lost/found pet retrieval and drop-off, pet fostering, volunteering, dropping off a donation, as well as viewing a list with photos of animals available for adoption.
We encourage community members who are looking to adopt an available pet to *view animals online [ ]* and make a 1:1 appointment prior to visiting the shelter. An appointment ensures the availability of staff to help facilitate socialization with potential pets and a timely expedited adoption process. While viewing animals without an appointment may be limited during some open hours, the shelter is also now pleased to offer open adoption hours, where no appointment is needed on the following days:
*Friday: 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm*
*Saturday: 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm*
To make an in-person appointment for adoption services, please call 510-790-6645 or send *an e-mail <>* to connect with a staff member. The Shelter is working toward increasing additional non-appointment viewing hours, so please be on the lookout for future communications.
If you or someone you know is looking for a new pet, or you need services the Tri-City Animal Shelter provides, we encourage you to drop by during the public hours. Please follow the Shelter on Instagram @TriCityAnimals or *Facebook [ ] *for the latest happenings, lost/found pets and to view pets available for adoption!
Thank you for your continued support!
City seal in mosaic tile, City Council Meeting in text, and City of Fremont logo with three mountain peaks [ ]
City Council Meeting Cancelled Next Week
The City Council meeting for next week is cancelled. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 4 at 7:00 pm.
Community Development Block Grant [ ]
Community Development Block Grant Application Open for Capital Projects
The City of Fremont is accepting pre-applications for Community Development Block Grant proposals for capital projects only. Proposed projects must be implemented in Fiscal Year 2025-2026 and completed by June 30, 2026. Applicants must be a Fremont-based organization, serving Fremont residents, and be a 501(c )(3) nonprofit, public agency, or a secular ministry or program of a religious organization. The deadline to submit a pre-application is January 23, 2025.
*Learn More* [ ]
Dog Park [ ]
Quarterly Maintenance at Central Park Dog Park
The *Central Park Large and Small Dog Park Areas [ ] *will be closed for quarterly maintenance January 21–23. The Dog Park will reopen on Friday, January 24.
Tasks include deep steam cleaning, maintaining shrubs/trees, and disinfecting the turf, structures, fixtures, and drinking fountains.
For more information, contact Park Maintenance by *email <> *or call 510-979-5799.
Crab Feed [ ]
Enjoy Crab Dinner & Support Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth
The Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth is holding its 18th Annual Crab Feed on Friday, February 14. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth. This year’s event will include a “Dine-in” and “Drive-Thru” option. Crab dinners are on sale now. Tickets cost $80 each and can be purchased online or in-person at the Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth offices between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm.
*Learn More* [ ]
Fremont City Hall sign with We're Hiring in text and Apply Now button with arrow. [ ]
We're Hiring: Join the City of Fremont!
Are you or someone you know looking for a meaningful career in public service? Working in City government is exciting, challenging, and rewarding! Our organization affects the livelihood of our community in very real, positive ways. Now more than ever, our City government needs smart, dedicated, and proactive people working together to sustain and improve our community.
Applications are still being accepted for several positions such as:
* Budget and Treasury Division Manager [ ]
* Business Manager [ ] (Public Works)
* Administrative Assistant [ ]
The City of Fremont offers a comprehensive benefits package, including a CalPERS Retirement Pension plan, general and holiday leave as well as medical, dental, vision, life, and long/short-term disability insurance.
*View Open Positions* [ ]
Earthquake Preparedness Grant Program [ ]
Earthquake Preparedness Grant Program Now Available for Fremont Homeowners
Attention Fremont homeowners! You can now register for a chance to receive grant funding to help strengthen your home against earthquakes. Registration just opened for California’s *Earthquake Brace + Bolt grant program* [ ], which offers eligible homeowners up to $3,000 toward a residential seismic retrofit. Applications are being accepted through February 26, 2025. This program aims to help homeowners lessen the potential for damage to their homes during an earthquake by "bracing" the crawl space, when necessary, and "bolting" the foundation to the frame. Only raised-foundation wood-framed homes built before 1980 qualify for the program. For income-eligible homeowners, a supplemental grant above the $3,000 may be available.
Also, the *Earthquake Soft Story* [ ] retrofit program is open and accepting applications. An Earthquake Soft-Story retrofit reinforces houses with a living space over a garage and makes these houses more resistant to earthquake damage caused by ground shaking. In this type of seismic retrofit, the foundation is bolted to the frame of the house, perimeter walls of the lowest story are braced, and the walls at the garage door (or any other large opening) are strengthened with plywood, steel, or other proprietary elements.
*See if you qualify* [ ] for one of these programs and then *register online* [ ].
For more information about [ ]*earthquake preparedness* [ ], please visit the City’s website.
"About the grant program: California Residential Mitigation Program (CRMP) was created as a joint-powers-authority entity formed by its members, the California Earthquake Authority (CEA), a public instrumentality of the State of California, and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). CRMP is a legally separate entity from its members."
calendar and stars [ ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
*Monday, January 20 [ ]:* City offices closed in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
*Tuesday, January 21 [ ]:* City Council Meeting Cancelled.
*Wednesday, January 22 [ ]*: Age Well Center South Fremont Open House Breakfast, 8:00 am to 11:00 am, 47111 Mission Falls Court.
*Friday, January 24 [ ]*: Senior Citizens Commission Meeting, 9:30 am to 11:00 am, 40086 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
*Saturday, January 25 [ ]*: Virtual (Free) Immigration Townhall Hosted by State Senator Dr. Aisha Wahab, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
*Tuesday, February 4 [ ]*: City Council Meeting, at 7:00 pm, City Hall, 3300 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, February 14: [ ]* Age Well Center Lake Elizabeth Crab Feed, 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm, 40086 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
*Monday, February 17 [ ]*: City offices closed in observance of President's Day.
*View Full Calendar* [ ]
In Case You Missed It:
Call for Artists: Central Park Community Center [ ]
Alameda County Water District’s 6th annual WaterClips Student Video Contest [ ]
Apply to be a City of Fremont Commissioner or Advisory Board Member [ ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ ]
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