Senior Center September Newsletter
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Sunnyvale
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Sunnyvale, CA
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/08/30
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/08/30
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/08/30
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 70 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
- ガリバーは、日本での中古車販売台数実績No1。お車の”売りたい”も”買いたい”も...
+1 (888) 430-3664ガリバーシリコンバレー店
- 法律に関するご質問は、弊社まで日本語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。会社法、移民...
+1 (415) 398-8508広田・工藤法律事務所
- <タックスリターン受付中!>投資・保険・住宅ローン・不動産購入・タックスリターン...
+1 (408) 712-9259Yoshihara Financial & Insurance Services
- 本校は、日英バイリンガル、日本語イマージョンの全日制プリスクール(キャンベルキャ...
+1 (408) 370-7600Springbridge International School
- モチドーナツをアメリカで一緒に広めていきましょ! ハワイ、サンフランシスコ、ロサ...
+1 (808) 384-2948Mochill
- だれでも手軽に始められ、そして生涯学ぶことができる。 それが書道です。フォスター...
+1 (650) 245-7767書道教室 田中有規子
- 日本人で唯一のNATA公認アスレチックトレーナー 兼 スポーツ医学&機能神経学専...
日本人で唯一機能神経学専門医(DACNB)とスポーツ医学専門医(DACBSP®)の2つの学位を有し、またNATA公認アスレチックトレーナでもあるDr.小池のクリニックです。サニーベールとサンマテオにクリニックがあります。スポーツ障害から、腰痛や肩こりに悩んでいる方、原因不明の身体の不調に悩んでいる方、アスレチックパフォーマンスの向上を目指したい方はご連絡ください!● スポーツ外傷● 腰痛● 坐骨神...
+1 (408) 444-2202Health Integration Chiropractic
- サニーベールの日系ビューティサロンです。"Natual All&quo...
~自然のチカラをいかして美しく健康に~ 漢方・ハーブなど東洋医学の深い知識を生かしながらトータルビューティーサービスを提供します。オーガニック白髪染めや髪が逆につやつやになるケラチンデジタルパーマが当店おすすめです。男性にはスカルプマッサージも大好評!日本語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。
+1 (408) 309-9557NAO'RU Beauty Salon
- 最先端の不妊治療と高い成功率を誇る不妊治療クリニック【CCRM Fertiliy...
ただでさえ不安がいっぱいの不妊治療。それに加えて難しい英語や専門用語、伝えたいことがなかなか伝えたいことが伝わらないもどかしさ、CCRM San Franciscoではそんな心配はありません。【日本人女性医師】による【最先端の不妊治療】と【最強のチーム】であなたをお迎えいたします。現在は対面または遠隔オンライン診察を受け付けておりますので、まずは日本語でカウンセリングをしてみませんか。まずはご相談...
+1 (650) 646-7500CCRM San Francisco
- 「日本食を、アメリカの文化に。」をモットーに、日本食がアメリカの中であたりまえの...
+1 (408) 320-2291EK FOODSERVICES, INC.
- ジャパンクラブは関西淡路大震災を機に災害時の相互扶助を目的に設立されました。ベイ...
Japan Club of the Bay Area
- \あなたの”キレイ”をレベルアップ!/サンフランシスコに憧れて東京からやって参り...
アメリカで日本と同じサービスを受けられるヘアサロンです。サンフランシスコで日本人美容院の先駆けとして35年もの長きに渡る歴史を持つ美容院を去年の春に譲り受け、Nepenji salonとして営業中。レギュラーパーマから、デジタルパーマ、ストレートパーマまでお任せください。
+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- 空港送迎、視察・観光ツアーなど、ハイヤー送迎サービスを行っています。創業30年の...
+1 (800) 794-0994AM World Express
- JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving need...
JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving needs of the Japanese American community through offering programs, affordable services and facility usage.
+1 (415) 567-5505Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
- 必要なのは踊ってみたい!の気持ちだけ!一緒に踊りませんか!
年齢、経験関係なし!赤ちゃんからキッズ、大人からシニアの方まで! 踊りたい人が楽しくダンスできるのがGenki Crew Dance School!Hip-Hop、バレエ、Jazz、Mommy and Meフィットネス、Nirvanaフィットネスなどなど、やってみたいが見つかります!
Genki Crew Dance School
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*Senior Center Activities Newsletter September 2024*
2024 Membership Update
We are happy to announce reduced rates for the remainder of 2024. If you haven't renewed your membership yet, now is the time!
The Sunnyvale Senior Center offers a wide variety of health, active, creative living programs for older adults! Don't waste time, become a Senior Center member today!
Open to Sunnyvale residents and nonresidents.
Membership is an annual fee (calendar year).
Active Aging Week
Save the Date: Sept. 30 - Oct. 4
Join us in celebrating the nationwide campaign in support of Active Aging Week, something new every day. More details to come.
Pier 39 and Fisherman’s Wharf
Pier 39
Enjoy a day by the Bay! Explore Pier 39 and Fisherman’s Wharf on your own terms. With so much to see and do, it can be challenging to navigate the options. We will provide a map and list of fun and interesting experiences that you can enjoy in this beautiful bustling waterfront. Whether it be the shops and restaurants at Pier 39, the SkyStar Wheel, Ghirardelli Square, Maritime National Park, Aquarium by the Bay or a Big Bus Tour - the options are endless. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a jacket. Weather by the bay can often be chilly.
* *Date:* Tuesday, Oct. 1
* *Time:* 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (check in at 9 a.m. at the Senior Center)
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *$61 Res / $76 Nonres
*Day trips are nonrefundable.*
*For more information or to register, call 408-730-7360.*
Fleet Week Rehearsal on the USS Potomac
Watch the Blue Angels fly over the Bay!
Enjoy an afternoon viewing the Blue Angels rehearsal flight show from the deck of the USS Potomac, FDR’s Historic Presidential Yacht. Beat the crowds and hustle and bustle while enjoying a substantial savings of $130 per person when compared to the weekend performances. This three-hour Bay cruise includes a box lunch; coffee, tea and water are complimentary. Beer and wine are available for purchase. The USS Potomac is a historically preserved yacht. Wheelchair access is limited to the top deck and restrooms have narrow doorways that will not accommodate wheelchairs. The Bay can be chilly in October so please dress in layers and bring your sunblock.
* *Date:* Thursday, Oct. 10
* *Time:* 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (check in at 11 a.m. at the Senior Center)
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *$220 Res / $275 Nonres
*Day trips are nonrefundable.*
*For more information or to register, call 408-730-7360.*
Allied Arts Guild & Café Wisteria Menlo Park
Enjoy a day of art, delightful cuisine and stunning gardens. The Allied Arts Guild in Menlo Park has provided a beautiful and historic environment for artists and visitors since 1929. Start the morning with a docent tour of many artistic creations followed by lunch at lovely Café Wisteria. After lunch, explore the artist studios and gardens. Lunch is a Mexican Buffet that includes Mexican Fresh Salad with Lime Cilantro Vinaigrette, Mixed Vegetable Fajitas, Chicken Fajitas, Cilantro Rice, Pinto Beans, Tortilla Chips with Fire Roasted Salsa and Mexican Chocolate Bread Pudding. Non-alcoholic beverages are included. This trip includes a moderate amount of walking with some steps and uneven surfaces.
* *Date:* Tuesday, Nov. 5
* *Time:* 9:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. (check in at 8:45 a.m. at the Senior Center)
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *$125 Res / $156 Nonres
*Day trips are nonrefundable.*
*For more information or to register, call 408-730-7360.*
Senior Center City Café
*Click menu image to enlarge*
Sept [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CASUNNYVALE/2024/08/14/file_attachments/2967465/9.%20September%202024.pdf ]
The Senior Center lunch program offers lunch meals Monday through Friday by reservation only. Make your reservation one day in advance or same day before 9:30 a.m. by calling 408-730-7371.
* Dine-In encouraged. *
* *Fees: *
* Daily Lunch $6
* 5-Meal Card $25
* *Important Dates:*
* *Monday, Sept. 2* CLOSED for holiday
Mercury Thermometer Exchange
Bring your thermometer in a closed container, inside of a plastic bag.
* *Date:* Wednesday, Sept. 8
* *Time:* 10:30 a.m. to noon
* *Location: *Sequoia Room, Senior Center
Creating with a Pencil
Learn to create and draw with simple tools. This is a no pressure class to develop your skills and have some fun!
* *Date:* Wednesdays, Sept. 4 - 25
* *Time:* 2:30 to 4 p.m.
* *Fees: *$44 Res / $55 Nonres
* *Location: *Virtual (you’ll receive a link the morning of the first class)
*Register for Creating with a Pencil * [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=jl6P1E0T1P131Z3F3K3J2O4A5P4S5F661J5Q4O6H6F016N3O5N6E1G6S5X5H6I7072615G68065H5I5O5F1J5M5Q6M541J5G5Y596E17715S684A0I734N6F6G1M025V6M&primarycode=IE7BGA&keyword=&beginmonth=&endmonth=&subtype=&category=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&sort=ActivityNumber&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&display=Detail&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&type=&gender=&daysofweek=&location=&age=&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=Search ]
Life of a Service Dog
service dog
Are you curious about service dogs? Come learn the differences between service dogs, therapy dogs and emotional support animals. Speaker Kathy Waddell will share the origin and history of service dogs the different models of training and types of service dogs, access rights, etiquette, and much more.
* *Date:* Monday, Sept. 30
* *Time:* 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
* *Fees: *Free
* *Location: *Senior Center, Laurel Room
Natural Laundry Ball Workshop
Learn to make a natural, safe and non-toxic laundry fabric softener dryer ball by using common household materials and ingredients. This method is less expensive, lessen your drying time when using this method and is environmentally friendly.
* *Date:* Wednesday, Oct. 2
* *Time:* 1 to 2 p.m.
* *Fees: *Free, *Registration Required*
* *Location: *Sequoia Room, Senior Center
*Register for Natural Laundry Product Workshop* [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=Ls6W721100092L31123M404N5O4Q4I6M005X605H5X0E004P4C49005W4P5A5J0H5G516R6F6M5T4X5649675T665A516I624I5K5207564Y6S530L4Q4Q5K531G674U56&primarycode=IE7LNH&keyword=&beginmonth=&endmonth=&subtype=&category=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&sort=ActivityNumber&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&display=Detail&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&type=&gender=&daysofweek=&location=&age=&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=Search ]
Free Trial Class - Online Joy of Pilates
Experience a free trial of our newest online Pilates class- “Joy of Pilates.” Joy of Pilates is a introductory mat class with an emphasis on healthy movements patterns. Improve range of motion, core strength, balance and overall sense of well-being. No experience is necessary. Please have a mat, two tennis balls and a bath towel on hand.
* *Date:* Wednesdays, Sept. 18
* *Time:* 5 to 6 p.m.
* *Fees: *Free, Registration Required
* *Location: *Virtual (Zoom link will be sent to your email the day before class)
*Register for Joy of Pilates Free Trial Class* [ https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=14PcY8uNm0i84gv3w32POQ9ZEy39zBpEo52AajeVvP9UOE42M0tUUktZNkI4U1VMNkY5M0dSRUJMMy4u ]
Pickleball Has Returned!
Pickleball drop-in gym sessions returned on Aug. 12.
* *Location: *Indoor Sports Center
* *Time: *Mondays from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Unfortunately, participation has been low, and the program will be cancelled by the end of October if participation does not increase. Please use your passes or purchase them soon to keep this once popular program going.
*We look forward to seeing you at the gym!*
*Buy Your Passes Today!* [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=lp5M6T6H1Q1H2J2X20342H4G5K4K566P034T5P516G08045V6O4X185V5V6N4W0I5M526D4T0C5W4X6J52706S4Q586H1C084P4965005V4V6T6C055H4E5D66086U4Z6J&type=&pmwebsearch_search=Yes&subtype=&category=Drop-In+Activities&age=&keyword=&keywordoption=Match+One&sort=PassCode&secondarycode=&display=Detail&module=PM&multiselectlist_value= ]
Evening of Cultural Arts presents
3 Queens Tribute (Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Tina Turner)
Honoring the queens: Tina Turner, Diana Ross and Aretha Franklin. Celebrating their legacy, talent and timeless impact on music.
Lea Sweet as Tina Turner, Stacy Carter as Diana Ross and Samantha Alexes as Aretha Franklin. Under the leadership of music director Nathan Owens the 3 Queens of Motown Tribute Show takes to the stage with a Las Vegas style, fantastic, high energy, show that pays honor to 3 Queens of the music business Tina, Diana, & Aretha. Plus you never know what other Motown tribute artist might show up for a guest appearance on the 3 Queens Tribute Show. Perhaps it will be our tribute to Stevie Wonder or Gladys Knight. Who knows?
* *Date:* Friday, Oct. 11
* *Time:* 7 p.m.
* *Fees: *$33
* *Location: *Sunnyvale Theatre, Community Center
Questions? Call 925-449-1724 or info@primetimeentertainment.com
*Purchase 3 Queens Tribute Tickets Today!* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/3-queens-tribute-aretha-franklin-diana-ross-tina-turner-tickets-933914432207?aff=erelpanelorg ]
Sunnyvale Community Players presents
In the Heights
In the heigts
In the Heights tells the universal story of a vibrant community in New York’s Washington Heights neighborhood – a place where the coffee from the corner bodega is light and sweet, the windows are always open and the breeze carries the rhythm of three generations of music. It’s a community on the brink of change, full of hopes, dreams and pressures, where the biggest struggles can be deciding which traditions you take with you, and which ones you leave behind.
* *Date: *Sept. 7 - 29
* *Run Time:* 120 minutes with 15 min Intermission
* *Location:* Sunnyvale Theatre
* *Ages: *PG-13 (Not recommended under 5)
*Purchase In the Heights Tickets Today!* [ https://www.sunnyvaleplayers.org/tickets ]
Senior Center Monthly Movie
Be sure to stop by the Senior Center to check out our next Monthly Movie! Find the title of the movie near the Senior Center flyer rack, across from the Front Desk.
* *Dates: *
* Monday, Sept. 9
* Monday, Sept. 23
* *Time:* 1 p.m.
* *Location:* Sunnyvale Theatre
Exhibit Program Brings Local Artists to the Walls of Sunnyvale
art exhib
Through May 2025, three walls in Sunnyvale will be home to a series of art exhibits by regional artists:
* Sunnyvale Senior Center (2 walls, main hallway)
* Sunnyvale Library (main entry)
Now through Oct. 2, see works by Susan Butler-Graham (left), Greta Waterman (middle) and Skye Becker-Yamakawa (right).
View the upcoming exhibits schedule [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/about/public-art ]
Driver Safety Course
Initial and Refresher Driver Safety Courses are offered periodically throughout the year at the Sunnyvale Senior Center. Register in advance, space is limited.* Please register at the Senior Center Front Desk by check only.*
* *Cost: *$20 AARP members; $25 non-AARP members (check only)
* *Upcoming Refresher Course:* Thursday, Sept. 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Senior Center Business Hours Update
Sorry we're closed
The Senior Center will be *closed on Monday, Sept. 2* in observance of Labor Day. We will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, Sept. 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Senior Center Staff
Quick Links
Classes and Activities Registration [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities ]
Activity Appointments and Passes [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/activity-appointments-and-passes ]
Sunnyvale Senior Center [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/community-centers/senior-center ]
City Special Events [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/special-events ]
Volunteer at the Senior Center [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/get-involved/volunteer ]
[ https://www.facebook.com/SunnyvaleRecreation ] [ https://www.instagram.com/sunnyvale_recreation/ ] [ https://www.youtube.com/sunnyvalerecreation ]
*Contact Us*
Sunnyvale Senior Center
Email Sunnyvale Senior Center <seniorcenter@sunnyvale.ca.gov>
Sunnyvale.ca.gov [ https://Sunnyvale.ca.gov ]
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