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March Kids Programs at SPL

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Just For Kids

Join us in March for programs honoring Holi and Women's History Month. We also have more Silicon Valley Reads [ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.siliconvalleyreads.org/&ved=2ahUKEwidtJq9_d2LAxXnFDQIHUHSDukQFnoECAkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw21ZaSV-MUHD5oSdzJIKaWl ] programs and our Cover to Cover spring reading program [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/services/reading-programs ]!


Many of our programs this month do not have registration. Space in our programs is still limited and the doors will close when the program is full.


For programs with registrations, we recommend arriving early. Registrants' spots are only guaranteed until the start of the program.


Scroll down or visit our calendar [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/events/calendar-month-view ] to view more programs happening in March.


All our best,
"Your Librarians"


Cover to Cover Reading Program

Cover to Cover Club
Read and earn gift cards with our Cover to Cover Reading Program!

March 1 through April 12
For children ages 4 to 12

Register on Beanstack [ https://sunnyvale.beanstack.org/reader365 ]


Receive an achievement award card for every five books read, up to three award cards during this six-week reading program. Pick up award cards at the Children's Information Desk after every five books read, one prize per visit, while supplies last.


Award cards are good-for-one free hamburger, cheeseburger or grilled cheese sandwich at all In-N-Out Burger locations.



Phoolonwali Holi
happy holi

All ages

Sunday, March 9, 1 to 4 p.m.

Throughout the Library

No registration


Join us as we celebrate Phoolonwali Holi, Holi of Flowers, with fun activities for all ages.



* 2 to 3 p.m. - Netra Arts Classical Indian Dance, Program Room
* 3:15 to 4 p.m. - Duniya Dance Bollywood Performance, Program Room

*Activities (1 to 4 p.m.):*

* Face Painting, Library Plaza
* Holi Card Craft, Adult Fiction Room
* Paper Flowers, Children's Room

Women's History Month

bridge made of craft materials
Secret Engineer: Build a Bridge like Emily Roebling

Grades 1 to 5
Thursday, March 6, 4 to 5 p.m.
Library Program Room
No registration


Learn about Emily Roebling, and the important role she played in building the Brooklyn Bridge, a hybrid cable-stayed/suspension bridge. Then play the role of an engineer and build your own suspension bridge.



Frida Kahlo Portraits

line drawing of frida kahlo in a popsicle stick frame

Grades K to 5

Monday, March 10, 4 to 5 p.m.

Library Program Room

No registration


Learn about Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. We will also create art inspired by her art techniques.


Ruth Asawa's Radial Origami

sample of radial origami art

Grades K to 5

Monday, March 31, 4 to 5 p.m.

Library Program Room

No registration


Learn about Bay Area artist and educator Ruth Asawa. We will also create art inspired by her sculptures.

Parenting Program

Child Care Fair

For parents and caregivers

Saturday, March 22, 2 to 4 p.m.

Library Program Room

Registration recommended


Join us to find the right licensed child care facility for your family. You'll be able to meet local licensed home and center-based child care staff for:


Infants and toddlers


Preschool children




Full-time and part-time care&


Before- and after-school programs

For more information, please email or call: childcareresources@sunnyvale.ca.gov / 408-730-7800


*Register* [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/14122590 ]

Arts, Culture and Entertainment

Ramadan Cards

gold paper plate shaped like crescent moon, text reading Ramadan Kareem

Grades K to 5
Monday, March 3, 4 to 5 p.m.
Library Program Room
No registration


Learn about Ramadan and make a beautiful card to celebrate this special time of year!



Mardi Gras Masks

colorful mardi gras masks, feathers and beads

Ages 4 and up

Tuesday, March 4, 4 to 5 p.m.
Library Program Room
No registration


Celebrate Mardi Gras with us! We'll be decorating colorful masks.


Kids Create a Robot Craft

robot made with craft materials

Grades K to 5
Wednesday, March 12, 4 to 5 p.m.
Library Program Room
No registration


Come create your own version of a "Robot" with everyday items. We will provide the supplies and you supply your imagination!


This program is a part of the Silicon Valley Reads 2025 program "Empowering Humanity: Technology for a Better World"


Messy Art: Field of Tulips Painting

child's hand painting a picture of a field of flowers

Ages 3 and up

Tuesday, March 4, 4 to 5 p.m.
Library Program Room
No registration


Celebrate the start of spring by making a beautiful flower painting using cotton swabs and paint. This program may get messy, please wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty in.



Kids Graphic Novel Bookclub

big nate from the top book cover

Grades 3 to 6

Thursday, March 27, 4 to 5 p.m.

Library Program Room

Registration recommended


Graphic novels rule at our book club! Join us monthly to discuss a fun graphic novel.


This month, we will discuss "Big Nate From the Top."  If you don't have a chance to read it, you are still welcome to come and listen or talk about your favorite graphic novel. As a club, feel free to suggest our next read.

*Register* [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12645667 ]


Family Movie: Wicked

Ages 3 and up

Sunday, March 30, 2 to 4 p.m.

Library Program Room

No registration


Bring your own snacks and enjoy a fun movie with the family! This month we will be watching "Wicked" (RATED: PG)


Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library [ https://fotsvl.org ].


wicked movie poster


LED Robots

LED robots

Ages 7 to 12
Saturday, March 1, 2 to 3 p.m.
Library Program Room
No registration


Join Science Smart Kids for a fun craft that combines art and science! Create a light-up robot collage featuring an LED light.


Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library [ https://fotsvl.org ].


Lego Builders

pile of colorful lego bricks

Ages 5 and up

Tuesday, March 11, 4 to 5 p.m.

Library Program Room

No registration


Build and create with LEGO using our collection of bricks.


Build a Robot Hand

diy robot hand craft

Grades 1 to 5

Thursday, March 20, 4 to 5 p.m.

Library Program Room

No registration


Participants will work on a guided project to build a simple robot hand.


This program is a part of the Silicon Valley Reads 2025 program "Empowering Humanity: Technology for a Better World"


Coding Club

coding club kids around a laptop

Grades 3 to 6

Tuesday, March 25, 4 to 5 p.m.

Library Program Room

Registration required


Work on fun coding projects in a group setting. You are encouraged to bring your own laptop. A limited number of Chromebooks can be provided by the library if needed.


*Register* [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12808445 ]

For Babies and Toddlers

Early Learning Playtime

two children laying on their backs holding toy blocks over their eyes

Ages 0-5
Friday, March 28, 3 to 5 p.m.
Library Program Room
No registration


Learn while you play at this drop-in playtime for our littlest patrons.



Baby Sign Language

Closeup photo of a baby signing

For expectant parents and parents of children ages 0 to 24 months.

Monday, March 31, 11 to 11:45 a.m.

Library Program Room

No registration


Learn baby sign language with experts from Happy Baby Signs. 




Join us for storytime in the Library Program Room! No registration is required, but space is limited. Doors will close when the room is full.






Toddler Storytime


11 to 11:25 a.m.

1 to 3 years

Preschool Storytime


11 to 11:25 a.m.

3 to 5 years

Baby Lapsit & Playtime


10:30 a.m. to noon

0 to 12 months

Night Owl Storytime


7 to 7:25 p.m.

All Ages

Family Storytime


11 to 11:25 a.m.

All Ages


Storytime at Magical Bridge Playground

For ages 0 to 5

Friday, March 7, 11 to 11:30 a.m.

Fair Oaks Park, 540 N. Fair Oaks Ave

No registration


Join us for a special storytime at Magical Bridge Playground at Fair Oaks Park.

stage at magical bridge playground


Birthday Storytime

For ages 0 to 5

Thursday, March 13, 4 to 4:30 p.m.

Library Program Room

Registration recommended


Celebrate your birthday at this special storytime! Enjoy books, songs and activities all about your birthday. If you are celebrating a birthday in March, please register for a special treat!


birthday storyime, balloons and party hats on a blue background

*Register* [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/calendar/13025/MarchBDay25 ]


Sensory Storytime

sensory storytime, children sitting in a classroom

For ages 3 to 6

Friday, March 14, 11 to 11:45 p.m.

Library Program Room

Registration required


Sensory Storytime is a fun interactive and inclusive literacy program. It engages children through movement, music, active stories, sensory materials, and visual schedules. This program is for children with sensory challenges or difficulty being in large groups. This program is limited to 12 participants and their caregivers.


*Register* [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12323348 ]


Bilingual Storytime

bilingual storytime, woman leading several toddlers in a classroom

For ages 0 to 5

Friday, March 21, 11 a.m. to noon

Library Program Room

No registration


Join us for a bilingual (Spanish/English) storytime followed by a craft!


Únase a nosotros para la hora de cuentos bilingüe (español e inglés), seguido por una manualidad!




Japanese Storytime

blocks spelling storytime on a wood background

For ages 0 to 5

Friday, March 28, 11 a.m. to noon

Library Program Room

No registration


Join us for a Japanese Language Storytime with Poponta Children's Cultural Society!


If You're Appy and You Know It

spl mobile app graphic

Download our SPL Mobile App if you haven't yet! You can see your Library card in the app. Visit the Library's website [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/home-library ] and scroll down to "Digital Library" and click "Mobile Apps."



Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Sunnyvale will make reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. If you require special accommodation, please contact the library at 408-730-7300 or chat with a librarian [ https://sunnyvale.libanswers.com/ ] at least three days in advance of the program.


Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the programs or views expressed at the program.

Quick Links

Virtual Assistance [ https://sunnyvale.libanswers.com/ ]

Library Catalog [ https://sunnyvale.bibliocommons.com/ ]

Digital Library [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/books-more/digital-library ]

eResources [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/books-more/eresources-by-subject ]

Events Calendar [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/events/calendar-month-view ]

For Kids [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/services/for-kids ]

For Teens [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/services/for-teens ]

[ https://66mehcp7.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fgovernmentjobs.com%2Fcareers%2Fsunnyvale%3Fdepartment%255B0%255D=Library%2520and%2520Recreation%2520Services%26sort=PositionTitle%257CAscending/1/0101018f73c15040-5dab8da2-9a82-454e-89e7-439cce3cc462-000000/3gVT-PNEkh5pAFQuNTY2V9SqqBI=374 ]Library and Recreation Jobs [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale?department%5B0%5D=Library%20and%20Recreation%20Services&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending ]


Sunnyvale Public Library [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/ ] · 408-730-7300 · Email [ https://sunnyvale.dynamics365portals.us/contact-us/ ]
*Library Hours [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/about-us/locations-hours ]*


**  [ https://www.facebook.com/sunnyvalelibrary ] [ https://www.instagram.com/sunnyvalelibrary ]**


Manage Subscriptions [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CASUNNYVALE/subscriber/new?preferences=true ] | Subscriber Help [ https://subscriberhelp.granicus.com/s/ ]


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  • [登録者]Sunnyvale Public Library
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Sunnyvale
  • 登録日 : 2025/02/26
  • 掲載日 : 2025/02/26
  • 変更日 : 2025/02/26
  • 総閲覧数 : 18 人
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