City Hall Connection eNewsletter: March 12, 2025
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/03/12
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/12
- 変更日 : 2025/03/12
- 総閲覧数 : 4 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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三育学院は、幼・小・中 の12年間を通して、 子ども達の健やかな成長、「知」「徳」「体」のバランスの取れた人間の完成を目指しています。 これら3つの要素は、人間の育成において、 欠くことのできない重要な要素だと考えています。「知育」・「徳育」・「体育」の円満な発達を目指す三育学院で学んだ子ども達は、 きっと明るい未来へ向かって羽ばたいてゆくと信じています。三育学院サンタクララ校は、シリコンバレーで...
+1 (408) 378-8190三育学院サンタクララ校
- 親身な漢方と丁寧な鍼灸であなたの健康をサポートします。冷え性や生理不順、頭痛、肩...
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- この道30年のプロ講師が、世界各国に住んでいる日本人の子どもたちをオンラインで指...
「この地球のどこかにいる キミの力になりたい。」塾講師を生業として早30年以上の月日が流れました。素晴らしい教え子たちにめぐまれたおかげで、私立中学、高校、大学等、それぞれの入試において、毎年多数のトップレベル校進学者を輩出することが出来るようになりました。この指導力が世界のどこまで通用するのか。世界の家庭教師「オンライン匠takumi」は、自分自身の挑戦です!
- シリコンバレーで暮らす子供たちのサークル。日本人と、日本に興味を持つ方を会員とす...
日本人と、日本に 興味を持つ方を会員とする お母さんと子供のグループです。 主な活動エリアはサンノゼ、クパチーノ、サニーベール近郊。パークデーやイベントの開催、シリコンバレーの情報を載せたニュースレターを年10回発行しています。さくらクラブは宗教団体や営利団体とは無関係で、会員の有志によって運営しています。友達の輪を広げたい、子供の遊び相手を探している、シリコンバレーでの子育て情報がほしい保護者の...
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プロフェッショナルな不動産サービスをお届けするさくら不動産サンフランシスコ・イーストベイにおいて20年以上のキャリアを誇るベテランMBA/不動産ブローカー、Yasumi Davis(丸山 康美)が率いるさくら不動産は、日本人エージェントがきめ細やかに対応する、信頼と実績のある不動産専門会社です。通常の住宅売買だけでなく、遺言検認(Probate Sale)、信託(Trust Sale)、差し押さえ...
+1 (925) 381-3201Sakura Realty / Yasumi Davis, MBA/CEO
- 空港送迎、視察・観光ツアーなど、ハイヤー送迎サービスを行っています。創業30年の...
+1 (800) 794-0994AM World Express
- シリコンバレーの住宅販売のことならお任せください。住宅売買を通じてお客様の「幸せ...
+1 (408) 582-3777Takami Hamadani - Compass Hamadani Group
- 1万3千を超える日本語のコレクションを持つ公共図書館です。
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- 毎週土曜日を中心に年間43日間、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアで生活する子ども達約...
+1 (415) 989-4535サンフランシスコ日本語補習校
- ジャパンクラブは関西淡路大震災を機に災害時の相互扶助を目的に設立されました。ベイ...
Japan Club of the Bay Area
- 在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館の管轄地域は、中北部カリフォルニア州、ネバタ州と...
275 Battery Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94111 Sacramento Street とBattery Street の角のビル
+1 (415) 780-6000在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館
- 海外に住む子どもたちのオンライン塾なら”ベストゼミナール” 1か月無料体験授業...
+1 (206) 452-3747Best Seminar
- ベイエリアの野球好きが集まりました!未経験者大歓迎!お気軽にご連絡ください!
+1 (408) 307-2003北カリフォルニアサムライ野球リーグ
- 【車買取専門店】クルマ売るなら買取満足度No.1を目指すBubka!へ
円安の今がチャンス!日本送金為替手数料&送金手数料がゼロのキャンペーン中!100,000円以上もお得!為替手数料&送金手数料がゼロのキャンペーン中!ご存知でしょうか? 通常、銀行やペイパルなどを利用して日本へ送金すると、為替手数料が発生し、送金金額から引かれた分が、受け取り金額になります。例えばお車の売却金額が$20000の場合、売却先のディラーやご自身でアメリカドルから日本円へ一般的な銀行を通じ...
+1 (650) 284-9213Bubka!(ブブカ)
- 緊急時も対応可能!予防ケアから手術、整形外科まで幅広くサポートします。週7日営業...
+1 (925) 433-5900Animal Care Hospital of Walnut Creek
March 12, 2025
News and Information from the City of Mountain View [ http://www.mountainview.gov ].
California Street Pilot Project Underway
CA Street Pilot Project Edit
Construction for the California Street Pilot Project began on Monday, March 10, and will include repaving California Street from Showers Drive to S. Shoreline Boulevard along with other improvements.
The California Street Pilot Project will implement:
* a four-lane to three-lane road diet (one vehicle travel lane reduction in each direction)
* a two-way left-turn center lane (Showers to Mariposa)
* protected intersections (where bikes are separated from vehicles)
* temporary bulb-outs (extra protected space at the corners)
* high-visibility midblock crossings with enhanced lighting
* parking-protected bikeways with a buffered section separating the parked cars from the bikeway
Some travel disruptions are expected, including single and multiple lane closures, while pavement is restored and a slurry seal is applied. Construction on the approximately 1.4 miles of roadway is expected to be completed by the fall.
For more information on the project, visit the project webpage [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/city-projects-bids/california-street-pilot ].
First Wave of Flock Safety Cameras Installed
Flock Safety Camera MV
On May 28, 2024, the City Council approved the installation of 29 fixed Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) cameras on streetlight and signal poles throughout Mountain View to assist the Mountain View Police Department in the crime investigations. The first 11 of these ALPR cameras have received permits, most of which have recently been installed and will be operational by the end of March 2025.
The ALPRs are equipped with automated recognition technology to capture digital images of the rear license plate, make and model of passing vehicles and store them in a database shared with other police agencies for up to 30 days. The system automatically cross-checks against a national database and looks for stolen, wanted and Amber Alert vehicles. Mountain View police can also use the database to search for stolen or wanted vehicles and license plates anywhere throughout the region. The images collected do not contain driver information and the data is not readily accessible to other City personnel or the public.
For the remaining 18 ALPRs, four are in the final stages of confirming locations, and the other 14 ALPRs are within the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) jurisdiction. Once Caltrans reviews and approves the permit for these 14 locations, installations will begin.
Additional information regarding the use of the automated license plate recognition can be found at the Mountain View Police Department’s Transparency Portal [ https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/88c2844955f54219ab456a4726616170/page/Page-1/?views=FLOCK ].
Apply for Neighborhood Grant Program
Nrighborhood Grant Program
The City of Mountain View is accepting applications for the 2025-2026 Neighborhood Grant Program. The application window is open from March 1 to March 31. The program was established to maintain and improve neighborhoods by supporting activities that bring neighbors together and encourage participation.
For information on the Neighborhood Grant Program, and to apply, visit MountainView.gov/NeighborhoodGrants [ http://mountainview.gov/NeighborhoodGrants?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0-blSKJPlgZLDttt-XFmXgtIpSDLTDqplVD0UGuCWJnkwtrwvY6PtnahQ_aem_DS9Mvd_DXZQ8zQT91kx2Pg ].
Silicon Valley Clean Energy Community Impact Report Released
MV BlocPower
Each year, Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) compiles a summary of the bill savings, community program investments and pollution reduction benefits each of their member jurisdictions receives. This year, Mountain View customers received
over $3.3M in on-bill savings. View SVCE's 2024 Community Impact Report for Mountain View [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2025/03/11/file_attachments/3192244/2024-Community-Impact-Report_Mountain-View_digital.pdf ].
SVCE distributes approximately $6 million in bill credits to income-qualified customers, which SVCE said is on top of their rate discount and the 35% discount offered by the statewide CARE/FERA program.
More information about enrolling in the CARE/FERA program and automatically receiving SVCE’s additional discount is available on the SVCE website [ https://svcleanenergy.org/payment-assistance/ ].
Celebrate Diversity at Multicultural Festival this Saturday
Join us for a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity at the Mountain View Multicultural Festival! This special event brings the community together to share, learn, and appreciate the unique traditions and heritage of people from around the globe who call Mountain View home.
**Saturday, March 15****
*11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
*Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.**
Immerse yourself in a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere filled with community booths, captivating performances and exhibits showcasing international cultures.
For more information, visit Multicultural Festival [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/multicultural-festival ].
Free Repair Café Event on March 16
Repair Cafe Bike
Do you have items that you like but no longer work? Don’t toss them, repair them! Volunteers will help you assess and fix your things for free instead of throwing them away.
**Sunday, March 16****
*11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
*Mountain View Senior Center, 266 Escuela Ave.**
Repair Café Silicon Valley is a volunteer-run, community service dedicated to encouraging the repair and reuse of goods, rather than sending them to the landfill.
At Repair Café events, volunteers will guide you to tackle the repair yourself or fix it while you watch and learn. Chances are you will leave with a once-again useful item and some knowledge of how to repair things on your own.
For more information, visit the Repair Cafe webpage [ https://repaircafesv.org/ ].
*Rengstorff Aquatics Center Grand Opening Scheduled for March 29*
Rengstorff Pool 2
Come and make a splash at the Grand Opening Celebration for the Rengstorff Aquatics Center! The open house style event will include brief remarks, ribbon cutting, unveiling of public art and plaques, and a ceremonial first swim.
**Saturday, March 29****
*10 a.m.
*2073 Crisanto Ave.**
After a successful soft opening on March 3, Lap Swim and Drop-in Water Exercise were the first programs to enjoy the new facility. Spring Swim lessons will begin at the site in April.
To stay up to date on programs, please visit MountainView.gov/Aquatics [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/aquatics-pools ].
A Taste of Irish Culture at Shoreline
Shoreline Park
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a great view and Irish-themed food at Shoreline at Mountain View regional park [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/shoreline-at-mountain-view ].
After working up an appetite by participating in Shoreline’s outdoor activities, park goers can experience the Fest of St. Patrick Celebration at Shoreline Lake American Bistro.
The Bistro is rolling out a "Luck of the Irish" menu from Friday, March 14 through Tuesday, March 18. Bistro patrons can choose from Irish classic meals like corned beef, cabbage and mashed potatoes to inspired specialties like Emerald Isle roasted lamb chops with snap pea salad.
For more details, visit Shoreline Lake’s upcoming events webpage [ https://shorelinelake.com/upcoming_events.html ].
March 2025 Downtown Digest Out Now
Downtown Digest March 2025
Get the latest information on everything you need to know about Downtown Mountain View! The March 2025 edition of Downtown Digest is available now.
This issue features the demographics and spending activity of Downtown visitors, a new business bringing cutting-edge fashion to Mountain View, and decorative street treatments that will enhance the welcoming and pedestrian-friendly environment of Castro Street.
For regular updates on Downtown initiatives, projects and events, subscribe to the Downtown Digest [ https://econdev.mountainview.gov/downtown/downtown-digest ].
What's OnStage *@
Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts*
Wizard of Oz
Peninsula Youth Theatre presents The Wizard of Oz on April 4 and 5
Experience the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Some of MVCPA's upcoming events are featured below. For all upcoming performances, visit MVCPA.com [ https://www.mvcpa.com/ ].
*March 29 - 30 *| *The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe *| TheaterGames Productions
"**Performances in Russian** "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a beloved fantasy play based on C.S. Lewis's classic 1950 novel. Set in the magical land of Narnia, it follows four siblings who battle evil against the White Witch. Get Tickets [ http://tickets.mvcpa.com/LWW ]
*April 2 - 27 *| *The Heartsellers *| TheatreWorks Silicon Valley
It’s 1973, shortly after the Hart-Celler Act abolishes immigration quotas in America and two immigrants, one Filipino, one Korean, meet by chance, strangers in a strange land. Pulitzer Prize finalist Lloyd Suh tells the funny, deeply moving story of two isolated women sharing friendship and dreams as they navigate the backroads of the American Dream. Get Tickets [ https://theatreworks.org/mainstage/heart-sellers/ ]
*April 4 & 5 *| *The Wizard of Oz *| Peninsula Youth Theatre
This original adaptation by Caitlyn DeRouin is part of Peninsula Youth Theatre’s Stories on Stage program. The performance features a live talk back after the show where audience members can ask questions of the cast and production staff. Get Tickets [ http://tickets.mvcpa.com/oz ]
Upcoming Events
For a complete list and information about upcoming public meetings,
visit MountainView.gov/CityEvents [ https://www.mountainview.gov/cityevents/ ].
*March 15* | Multicultural Festival | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.
*March 16* | Repair Café | 11 a.m. - 3:p.m. | Mountain View Senior Center, 266 Escuela Ave.
*March 29* | Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center | 10 a.m. | 2073 Crisanto Ave.
*AskMV at Your Service*
Available 24/7, Ask Mountain View is an easy way to send your questions, concerns and compliments directly to City staff who can help you. Download the app or submit a request online at MountainView.gov/AskMV [ https://www.mountainview.gov/askmv ].
Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/MountainViewGov ] Twitter [ https://twitter.com/MountainViewGov ] Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/mountainviewgov/ ] Linkedin [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/city-of-mountain-view ] Youtube [ https://www.youtube.com/c/MountainViewGov ]
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