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Your Weekly South City Update | Sticker contest update, Weekend events, and more | May 24, 2024

  Mayor's Update     Happy Friday Neighbor! Thanks to everyone who participated in our first ever sticker design contest! We received 35 amazing designs from talented artists throughout South City that accomplish exactly what we set out to do: celebrate our great city. A panel made up of representatives from every city department is currently reviewing the entries and will release the top few for the entire SSF community to vote on next week. Stay tuned!   This Weekend: Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month and Memorial Day With Us Join us this weekend to celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month with free boba and storytelling on Saturday, May 25, and then honor Memorial Day with us with pancakes and a ceremony. Storytime and Boba Register for the Pancake Breakfast Register for the Ceremony   City Council Meeting Recap At this week’s meeting, we recognized several special events for our city: Jewish American Heritage Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, National Public Works Week, National Bike Month, and LGBTIA+ Pride Month. We also announced that we will be discussing our plans for hosting a community discussion about future uses of the Municipal Services Building and West Orange Library at the June 26 City Council Meeting. Watch the Replay   New Extended Hours at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center Starting in June, the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Subscribe to the Senior Connections Newsletter to learn more about the free programs and services, including mah jong, billiards, yoga, crocheting, and more!   UPCOMING SSF & LOCAL EVENTS   South City Pride San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, drag performances, and a roller-skating rink. That’s just some of the fun that awaits us for our first city-wide Pride event. We can’t wait to celebrate with you! If you’re iinterested in volunteering, please complete this form. Learn More   Save the Date: Seniors Pancake Breakfast Join us on June 2 for a pancake breakfast with the South San Francisco Police Association at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center. For more information, call 650-829-3820.   Learn With Us at the Library Thursday, May 30, 2024, 6:00 PM : In Conversation with P.J. Caldas P.J. Caldas, best-selling novelist, will discuss his book The Girl from Wudang: A Novel about Artificial Intelligence, Martial Arts, and Immortality. A free copy of The Girl from Wudang will be offered to the first 30 attendees. Registration encouraged, but not required. (Library | Parks & Recreation Center, 901 Civic Campus Way)   Coming Soon: 2024 Summer Learning Challenge The 2024 Summer Learning Challenge returns on June 1 - August 31 thanks to another year of successful partnership with SSFUSD and the Parks & Recreation Department. The Library has distributed more than 4000 free summer reading books to youths from PreK-5th grade. (Challenge is open to ages 0-18!) For South San Francisco youths who haven't received a book yet, visit either the Main Library (901 Civic Campus Way) or the Grand Library (306 Walnut Ave) and pick up a free summer reading book and a log starting June 1! Learn More   Private Rentals Let us help you plan your next meeting, party, event, or picnic in one of our beautiful facilities. South San Francisco has several rooms and facilities available for different functions. We book 11 months out. For questions, please contact the Recreation Administrative Office at facilityrequests@ssf.net or (650) 829-3800. Learn More   COMMUNITY RESOURCES NAMI Take it from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, San Mateo County (NAMI SMC): anytime is the right time to prioritize your mental health without guilt or shame. But, since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, the organization encourages everyone to “Take the Moment” now and make a difference in how you and others participate in and enjoy life. NAMI SMC provides free education, support, and advocacy to people in our county who are living with mental illness and their families. In the past year alone, the organization has served 6,000 people through various programs, including NAMI’s signature Family-to-Family and Peer-to-Peer Classes, a dozen support groups, and a confidential helpline: 650-638-0802. Come visit City Hall to see the building lit up in green to bring attention to Mental Health Awareness Month!   Learn About Norovirus Norovirus is the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis in the United States. It causes an estimated 19 to 21 million illnesses each year. There are many types of norovirus, and you can get it more than once. Learn More   Yours in service, James Coleman Mayor of South San Francisco       City of South San Francisco | 400 Grand Avenue | South San Francisco, CA 94080 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
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