MV Biz Newsletter - November 2024
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/04
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/04
- 変更日 : 2024/11/04
- 総閲覧数 : 39 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 最新库存已上传 ! 我们为三藩市地区的客户提供特价销售和购买服务。 高价购买新车...
在美国支持客户汽车生活的28年 ! ! 信赖的证明 ! ! AB Autotown的经营方针是 "以社区为基础的服务"。 基于我们的经验和成就,我们重视与每位客户的联系,并根据情况提供服务。 我们的日本员工将为您提供美国商店所没有的细致服务。 ★ 我们为旧金山、圣何塞及周边地区提供服务,如果您有任何汽车需求,如购买、出售优质汽车、出售回购保证等,请随时与我们联系。
+1 (310) 212-7990AB Auto Town
- 为婴儿、小学生、初高中生和成人提供日语学校,位于东湾普莱森特山。
为什么不在重要的儿童早期和学校阶段尝试双语教育?Kurumi日语班旨在创造一个从幼儿到成人都能享受到学习日本的环境。在小班教学中,经验丰富的教师根据每个学生的水平提供手工制作的课程,旨在提供详细的指导。 目前所有课程都是在网上提供的。 从儿童早期开始,读、写、听、说四种技能得到全面发展。 提供的课程有:幼儿班 /小学班 /初中和高中班 /日语作为第二语言班 /私人班 /JLPT考试准备 /算盘 ・...
+1 (925) 289-8296くるみ日本語クラス
- 让我们一起在美国传播Mochi甜甜圈 ! 夏威夷、旧金山和洛杉矶正在扩张 ! 仅...
我们将开设和扩大新的甜甜圈咖啡馆,加入大家熟悉的日本麻糬甜甜圈和夏威夷著名的檀香山咖啡。让我们一起把它传播到夏威夷和加利福尼亚。 甜甜圈不仅美味可口,而且色彩缤纷,造型可爱。很难决定选哪一个。这些甜甜圈肯定会成为 Instagram 上的热门话题。巧克力和曲奇饼干 & 约有 30 种不同口味,从奶油等经典口味到金子、绿茶和焙绿茶等日式口味 !。
+1 (808) 384-2948Mochill
- 2月4日 新学期开学 ! 信息交流会 ! ! SAPIX 美国圣何塞分校提供的所...
一所面向海外学生的大学预科学校,校舍位于圣何塞和纽约地区。 课程旨在满足从初到美国的儿童到永久居民的需求。 在圣何塞、 纽约、・ 新泽西开设面授课程 ・ 在曼哈顿开设在线课程、 结合两种课程的混合课程 ! 每种课程都有常规课程! 如果你在日本接受高等教育需要帮助, 如果你真的想去日本, 让SAPIX美国,一个可靠和成熟的学校来照顾你 ! 现在接受新生 ! 当然可以免费试听课程 ! ...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
- 格列佛是日本第一大二手车销售公司,在这里您可以完成您所有的汽车 "卖 "和 "买...
格列佛硅谷店 ◆ 格列佛是日本第一的二手车销售公司。 我们在美国提供与日本格列佛同样可靠和便利的服务。 我们还为刚到美国的客户提供在美国生活的建议,以便尽早交付您的汽车。 您的所有汽车买卖需求都可以在 Gulliver 完成 ! [联系] Gulliver Silicon Valley 电话 : 1(888)-430-3664 "请告诉我们您看到了 Bibi Navi" ) 电子...
+1 (888) 430-3664ガリバーシリコンバレー店
- 如果您对日常工作、车祸、运动或家务等可能出现的身体疼痛或不适有任何疑问,请随时与...
+1 (408) 343-3835福田カイロプラクティック
- [种植牙免费咨询]湾区的日本人牙医。欢迎用日语与我们联系。我们的牙科诊所深受当地...
圣何塞的渡边牙科诊所 30 多年来一直为日本人和其他许多人提供服务。 从幼儿到老人,我们是社区中各个年龄段的人都熟悉的牙科诊所。 我们提供全面的预约制度,因此您可以来我们的诊所专注于您的治疗,而不必担心等待时间。 《治疗》 普通牙科 ( 洁牙和预防龋齿 ) 牙齿美容 ( 美白 ) 正畸 ( 隐形牙齿矫正 ) 牙周治疗 神经治疗 激光治疗 我们还提供紧急治疗和其他服务。
+1 (408) 926-4669Capitol Square Dental Care / Gerald S. Watanabe, D.D.S.
- 为了您的个人风格以及头皮和头发的健康,我们的发廊提供了一个注重流行趋势的疗养空间...
为了你的个人风格,为了你的头皮和头发的健康,我们对所使用的颜色和烫发产品都有严格的要求,同时结合流行趋势,为你提供一个治愈的空间。我们已经开始与一家日本医用假发公司合作,可以为有需要的人提供部分或全部假发。如需了解更多信息,请随时与我们联系。 本店洋溢着夏威夷风情的温馨氛围。 我们在轻松的环境中提供理发、染发、头部水疗和护理等各种服务。 我们还提供 Henna ( 和草药染发服务,如 H...
+1 (408) 921-4354Pono Hair Salon
- 这是位于弗里蒙特的一家大型日本超市。这里有各种日本食品、酒精饮料和日用品,包括新...
大阪市场提供新鲜海鲜 ( 寿司 ・ 生鱼片 ) ・ 本地肉类 ・ 餐厅级餐饮 ・ 各种日本食品 ・ 日本酒类 ・ 化妆品 ・ 电器产品等。种类繁多的日本食品
化妆品和化妆品 店内的梅田食品代码提供人气大阪街头食品和甜点。 和牛便当和盖饭便当 ・ 麻糬甜甜圈等 ! 日本直送新鲜鱼肉 ・ 生鱼片 精选牛肉 新鲜蔬菜 ・ 新鲜水果 +1 (510) 399-4832Osaka Marketplace
- 空港送迎、視察・観光ツアーなど、ハイヤー送迎サービスを行っています。創業30年の...
+1 (800) 794-0994AM World Express
- 位于圣克拉拉的两年制大学・学院,您可以在这里学习大学转学、学位或英语语言课程。现...
使命学院是一所公立两年制学院,成立于 1977 年,位于硅谷中心地带。 这里有浓厚的高科技工业区气息,雅虎总部就位于学院拥有的一块土地上,英特尔公司就在隔壁。 该学院拥有出色的大学转学计划,许多国际学生在这里学习,目的是转入加州大学和州立大学。 ESL 课程 学位课程 ( 2 年制课程 ) 证书课程 ( 1 年制短期课程 ) 英语强化课程
+1 (408) 855-5025Mission College
- 美国文化中的日本食品。公司将继续以 "让日本料理成为美国文化的一部分 "为座右铭...
~ 培育日本食品,只在这里。创造新饮食文化的挑战。 ~ 如今,我们在美国食品商业界处于非常有利的地位。 如今,日本食品已经成为比中国食品更受欢迎的一种类型,尤其是拉面,很可能已经渗透到美国的饮食领域。 就像 "涮涮锅 "曾经在美国流行一样,15 年前在美国,人们说 "为什么要自己做?"。但现在,在锅边吃自己做的火锅已经成为美国人的一种期待。我想这就是过去 15 年里日本饮食文化如何在美国...
+1 (408) 320-2291EK FOODSERVICES, INC.
- 日本弥生园的味道。通过我们丰富的菜单 !,尽享日本风味。
受欢迎的菜肴包括寿喜烧、炸猪排套餐、烤鲭鱼套餐、烤肉居酒屋和拌饭套餐。餐厅使用 100% 的日本大米,提供任食米饭,再现日本的原味。在餐厅的宁静氛围中享受轻松惬意的时光。
+1 (650) 315-2287YAYOI Hillsdale
- JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 1 月 ! ] JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 ...
! 从免费个人咨询开始了解更多信息。 $ 656 ~ 可 ✨ 试听课程。
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- 如果您有任何法律问题,请随时用日语与我们联系。公司法、移民法、雇佣法・、劳动法、...
广田 ・ 工藤法律事务所通过提供友好的建议,根据客户的个人需求提供法律服务。凭借多年的经验,我们能够为客户提供各种领域的法律咨询。我们的客户包括个人和跨国公司。我们的办公室位于加利福尼亚州旧金山市,可提供英语和日语服务。我们的律师・和员工将竭尽全力帮助您解决任何问题,请随时与我们联系。
+1 (415) 398-8508広田・工藤法律事務所
November 2024 (V.54)
*Welcome to the November Biz Buzz Newsletter!*
As the year winds down, we’re here to help your business stay informed and prepared for success in the months ahead. This month’s newsletter is packed with timely updates, resources, and opportunities designed with our local businesses in mind, including:
* *Minimum Wage Update for 2025*
* *Quarterly Sales Tax Report (Q2-2024)*
* *El Camino Real Update*
* *Facade Improvement Grant Program (Deadline December 31, 2024)*
* *Community Development Department Lobby Update*
2025 Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage Update for 2025
Effective January 1, 2025, Mountain View’s minimum wage will increase to $19.20 per hour. This rate applies to all employees working at least two hours per week within city limits. Employers must post the updated wage notice and ensure all payroll records reflect the new rate. Compliance resources and additional information are available to assist businesses with this adjustment.
For full details, please visit the Mountain View Minimum Wage page [ ].
Quarterly Sales Tax Report
The City recently received sales tax data for the 2nd Quarter of 2024 [ ] (May to June). Sales tax data is reported to the City by HdL Companies, the City's sales tax consultant, on a quarterly basis, usually within four months of the quarter end.
Mountain View’s Q2 sales tax receipts were 11% lower than last year, with declines across sectors, particularly in electrical equipment and building materials due to business relocations and slowing construction. Service stations and general consumer goods saw modest growth, while restaurant activity was mixed. Statewide, sales taxes fell 0.6%, reflecting higher interest rates and reduced consumer spending.
Find past quarterly reports online [ ].
Q2-2024 Sales Tax Update
*SR-82 (El Camino Real) Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project Status*
El Camino Project Map
The Caltrans State Route 82/El Camino Real (SR-82/ECR) Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project [ ] is underway.
Project updates include:
* Caltrans began paving work along the project location and will continue paving into November. ADA improvements have been installed in most locations.
* *Vehicles will not be allowed to park on SR-82/ECR along the project location. "NO PARKING" signs will be posted. *
* During construction, the public will have limited and/or restricted access to sidewalks, curb ramps and several driveways while this work is taking place. We encourage businesses to plan alternate entry routes accordingly.
* View the SR-82/ECR Flyer [ ] to learn more about the Caltrans project.
* See the latest Traffic Advisory from Caltrans [ ] (October 30, 2024)
*Hours of Activity*: Monday to Friday, 9:00 PM to 8:00 AM
*Southbound Lanes *from Sandhill Road (Palo Alto) to Knickerbocker Drive (Mountain View). The paving work is tentatively scheduled to be complete by November 8th.
*Northbound Lanes *from Knickerbocker Drive (Mountain View) to Sandhill Road (Palo Alto). The paving work is tentatively scheduled to be complete by November 15th. "On going will be electrical work will be on going until project completion."
For more information please visit: SR-82 Rehabilitation Pavement Project. [ ]
For questions, contact Caltrans Public Information Office, Victor Gauthier:
* *Project Email: *
* *Caltrans Hotline Number: *(510) 286-0319
"Resource Spotlight"
Facade Grant
"*The City is accepting Facade Improvement Grant Program [ ] applications through December 31, 2024!* "The Facade Improvement Grant Program aims to revitalize commercial buildings with first-floor storefront businesses. To foster economic growth and strengthen the commercial viability of storefront businesses, the City is offering grants up to $17,500. Businesses or property owners can apply for one of three tiers of matching grant funds ranging from $5,000 to $15,000, as well as an additional opportunity (no-match required) for $2,500 for design services. The Facade Improvement Grant is reimbursable at 50% of the total project cost, up to the maximum grant amounts.
* *Tier 1 - Nonarchitectural improvements ($5,000 maximum grant)*: Awnings, parapets, new signs, sign removal, and storefront window displays.
* *Tier 2 - Painting ($10,000 maximum grant)*: Exterior painting, murals / art.
* *Tier 3 - Architectural improvements ($15,000 maximum grant)*: Window or door refurbishment / replacement, historic features.
* *Additional Opportunity - Architectural / Design Services ($2,500 - no match requirement)*: Apply to work directly with one of two city-retained architects, or request a reimbursable grant to work with an architect of your choice.
*Learn more about the Facade Improvement Grant Program. [ ] *
Questions? Reach out to us at to set up a meeting.
CDD Lobby Refresh
Community Development Lobby Remodel
Remodeling work is underway for the Community Development Department reception and public counter area, which is located on the first floor of Mountain View City Hall. The project began the week of October 28 and is anticipated to take about 12 weeks to complete.
While construction is underway, the public can continue to receive in-person assistance at City Hall for planning and building permit and inspection services. This assistance will be available at the Public Works Department reception and public counter area, also located on City Hall’s first floor, during business hours until the remodeling work is complete.
The reception area remodel project will include a new meeting room to improve customer service and the addition of doors to enhance security and privacy.
For more information, read the news release [ ].
Follow MV Biz on Social Media
The Economic Development team launched Facebook and Instagram accounts. Follow us for resources, events, and business promotions!
*Facebook [ ] *
*Instagram [ ]*
Want to collaborate a storytelling post? Reach out to our team!
Contact Us
The City of Mountain View Biz Newsletter supports businesses by providing the latest information and news about business resources, tools, funding sources and tips that can help businesses access opportunities for expanding sales and building capacity.
If you have any questions please email <>
Visit our website to learn more about the Mountain View Economic Development Team and discover valuable resources: [ ]
Economic Development Website [ ] Facebook [ ] Instagram [ ]
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