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November 2024 (V.54)
*Welcome to the November Biz Buzz Newsletter!*
As the year winds down, we’re here to help your business stay informed and prepared for success in the months ahead. This month’s newsletter is packed with timely updates, resources, and opportunities designed with our local businesses in mind, including:
* *Minimum Wage Update for 2025*
* *Quarterly Sales Tax Report (Q2-2024)*
* *El Camino Real Update*
* *Facade Improvement Grant Program (Deadline December 31, 2024)*
* *Community Development Department Lobby Update*
2025 Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage Update for 2025
Effective January 1, 2025, Mountain View’s minimum wage will increase to $19.20 per hour. This rate applies to all employees working at least two hours per week within city limits. Employers must post the updated wage notice and ensure all payroll records reflect the new rate. Compliance resources and additional information are available to assist businesses with this adjustment.
For full details, please visit the Mountain View Minimum Wage page [ https://econdev.mountainview.gov/resources/city-minimum-wage ].
Quarterly Sales Tax Report
The City recently received sales tax data for the 2nd Quarter of 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/10/30/file_attachments/3052545/Mountain%20View%202Q24%20Newsletter.pdf ] (May to June). Sales tax data is reported to the City by HdL Companies, the City's sales tax consultant, on a quarterly basis, usually within four months of the quarter end.
Mountain View’s Q2 sales tax receipts were 11% lower than last year, with declines across sectors, particularly in electrical equipment and building materials due to business relocations and slowing construction. Service stations and general consumer goods saw modest growth, while restaurant activity was mixed. Statewide, sales taxes fell 0.6%, reflecting higher interest rates and reduced consumer spending.
Find past quarterly reports online [ https://econdev.mountainview.gov/business/mountain-view-business-environment/quarterly-sales-tax-reports ].
Q2-2024 Sales Tax Update
*SR-82 (El Camino Real) Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project Status*
El Camino Project Map
The Caltrans State Route 82/El Camino Real (SR-82/ECR) Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project [ https://dot.ca.gov/caltrans-near-me/district-4/d4-news/2024-07-31-paving-operations-sr-82-rehabilitation-project ] is underway.
Project updates include:
* Caltrans began paving work along the project location and will continue paving into November. ADA improvements have been installed in most locations.
* *Vehicles will not be allowed to park on SR-82/ECR along the project location. "NO PARKING" signs will be posted. *
* During construction, the public will have limited and/or restricted access to sidewalks, curb ramps and several driveways while this work is taking place. We encourage businesses to plan alternate entry routes accordingly.
* View the SR-82/ECR Flyer [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/09/27/file_attachments/3012446/ECR%20Flyer.pdf ] to learn more about the Caltrans project.
* See the latest Traffic Advisory from Caltrans [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/10/31/file_attachments/3053260/Traffic%20Advisory_Video_SR82_Update.pdf ] (October 30, 2024)
*Hours of Activity*: Monday to Friday, 9:00 PM to 8:00 AM
*Southbound Lanes *from Sandhill Road (Palo Alto) to Knickerbocker Drive (Mountain View). The paving work is tentatively scheduled to be complete by November 8th.
*Northbound Lanes *from Knickerbocker Drive (Mountain View) to Sandhill Road (Palo Alto). The paving work is tentatively scheduled to be complete by November 15th. "On going will be electrical work will be on going until project completion."
For more information please visit: SR-82 Rehabilitation Pavement Project. [ https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fdot.ca.gov%2Fcaltrans-near-me%2Fdistrict-4%2Fd4-projects%2Fd4-santa-clara-sr82-pavement-rehabilitation-and-ada-improvements/1/01010191b9e5e366-9851c84c-fb8c-4987-b5ca-4d26678f2acf-000000/xhbmaDqM6AHrQDQvBGdhXm6EC4DLAhztmR5ehrVDCA0=369 ]
For questions, contact Caltrans Public Information Office, Victor Gauthier:
* *Project Email: *sr82pave@dot.ca.gov
* *Caltrans Hotline Number: *(510) 286-0319
"Resource Spotlight"
Facade Grant
"*The City is accepting Facade Improvement Grant Program [ https://vmm0dj30.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fecondev.mountainview.gov%2Fbusiness%2Fbusiness-resources%2Ffinancing-incentives%2Ffacade-improvement-grant-program/1/01010190569b34bd-e35c3310-87ac-4c0a-94c7-ec75c7751b5d-000000/HLFR7J7lmsonq_8yLVQkFAoDK3E=381 ] applications through December 31, 2024!* "The Facade Improvement Grant Program aims to revitalize commercial buildings with first-floor storefront businesses. To foster economic growth and strengthen the commercial viability of storefront businesses, the City is offering grants up to $17,500. Businesses or property owners can apply for one of three tiers of matching grant funds ranging from $5,000 to $15,000, as well as an additional opportunity (no-match required) for $2,500 for design services. The Facade Improvement Grant is reimbursable at 50% of the total project cost, up to the maximum grant amounts.
* *Tier 1 - Nonarchitectural improvements ($5,000 maximum grant)*: Awnings, parapets, new signs, sign removal, and storefront window displays.
* *Tier 2 - Painting ($10,000 maximum grant)*: Exterior painting, murals / art.
* *Tier 3 - Architectural improvements ($15,000 maximum grant)*: Window or door refurbishment / replacement, historic features.
* *Additional Opportunity - Architectural / Design Services ($2,500 - no match requirement)*: Apply to work directly with one of two city-retained architects, or request a reimbursable grant to work with an architect of your choice.
*Learn more about the Facade Improvement Grant Program. [ https://econdev.mountainview.gov/business/business-resources/financing-incentives/facade-improvement-grant-program ] *
Questions? Reach out to us at econ.dev@mountainview.gov to set up a meeting.
CDD Lobby Refresh
Community Development Lobby Remodel
Remodeling work is underway for the Community Development Department reception and public counter area, which is located on the first floor of Mountain View City Hall. The project began the week of October 28 and is anticipated to take about 12 weeks to complete.
While construction is underway, the public can continue to receive in-person assistance at City Hall for planning and building permit and inspection services. This assistance will be available at the Public Works Department reception and public counter area, also located on City Hall’s first floor, during business hours until the remodeling work is complete.
The reception area remodel project will include a new meeting room to improve customer service and the addition of doors to enhance security and privacy.
For more information, read the news release [ https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.mountainview.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FNews%2FNews%2F962%2F284/1/01010192dfd729f1-1fa6023c-2b00-45f8-8643-a6e21b158563-000000/H0IlE3GHF0CMlPfuauNf5Bs2h1JP4tixPZyOrtkH148=377 ].
Follow MV Biz on Social Media
The Economic Development team launched Facebook and Instagram accounts. Follow us for resources, events, and business promotions!
*Facebook [ http://www.facebook.com/mved.biz/ ] *
*Instagram [ http://www.instagram.com/mved.biz/ ]*
Want to collaborate a storytelling post? Reach out to our team!
Contact Us
The City of Mountain View Biz Newsletter supports businesses by providing the latest information and news about business resources, tools, funding sources and tips that can help businesses access opportunities for expanding sales and building capacity.
If you have any questions please email Econ.dev@mountainview.gov <econ.dev@mountainview.gov>
Visit our website to learn more about the Mountain View Economic Development Team and discover valuable resources: econdev.mountainview.gov [ https://econdev.mountainview.gov/home-econdev ]
Economic Development Website [ https://econdev.mountainview.gov/home-econdev ] Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/mved.biz/ ] Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/mved.biz/ ]
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