City Hall Connection eNewsletter: July 10, 2024
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/07/10
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/10
- 変更日 : 2024/07/10
- 総閲覧数 : 72 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- イーストベイ、Pleasant Hillにある幼児、小学生、中高生、大人を対象と...
大切な幼児、学童期、バイリンガル教育を実践してみませんか。くるみ日本語クラスは、小さい子供から大人まで 「楽しみながら日本を学ぶ」環境づくりを目指しています。少人数制クラスで 経験豊かな教師が 生徒一人一人のレベルに合わせ、手作りのカリキュラムできめ細かい指導を心がけています。 現在は全クラス オンラインで開講中。幼児期から、読む、書く、聞く、話す」4つの力を総合的に伸ばします。設置クラスは幼児ク...
+1 (925) 289-8296くるみ日本語クラス
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275 Battery Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94111 Sacramento Street とBattery Street の角のビル
+1 (415) 780-6000在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館
- ベイエリアに全5店舗!人気の実力派サロン。VIANGE HAIRではお客様と従業...
VIANGE HAIR|TOKYO | SAN FRANCISCO | 日本のトップレベルのクオリティーをベイエリアで叶える人気サロン。銀座、青山での経験豊富なスタイリストがオーガニックにこだわった素材で、TOKYOのトレンドスタイルを世界に発信しています。日本とアメリカ両方の流行の最先端を取り入れ、世界に通じる日本の技術を融合させて完成されたオリジナルのテクニックで、いつでもお客様の最大限の美を...
+1 (925) 361-5376HAIR VIANGE
- 東京発 ヘア、ネイル、まつ毛、フェイシャルスパのトータル美容が叶う経験豊富な日本...
+1 (408) 430-3004J Flow Hair and Nail
- この道30年のプロ講師が、世界各国に住んでいる日本人の子どもたちをオンラインで指...
「この地球のどこかにいる キミの力になりたい。」塾講師を生業として早30年以上の月日が流れました。素晴らしい教え子たちにめぐまれたおかげで、私立中学、高校、大学等、それぞれの入試において、毎年多数のトップレベル校進学者を輩出することが出来るようになりました。この指導力が世界のどこまで通用するのか。世界の家庭教師「オンライン匠takumi」は、自分自身の挑戦です!
- 心のケアを心理セラピストと共にしてみませんか?CA州心理士免許(LMFT)と博士...
+1 (408) 800-5366International Lifecycle Family Therapy Inc.
- ラーメン($12)、お弁当($12)、日本食のケータリング・デリバリーならお任せ...
オフィスで、パーティーで、学校で、ラーメン、お弁当、日本食のケータリングが必要な時はご連絡ください。Kenichi Kawashima's kitchen がお伺いいたします。\Kawashima's Kitchenの魅力はなんと言ってもライブ感!!/目の前で作られた料理が、そのままシェフによってあなたの前に運ばれます。シェフがお客様の生の声を直接聞けるので、迅速な対応ができ好...
+1 (415) 238-4447Kawashima's Kitchen
- 貯蓄が増える『アメリカの保険』選びをお手伝いします!
+1 (408) 318-9035insurance 110
- サンフランシスコ州立大学にある、もっとも大きな日本人学生団体のひとつです。
サンフランシスコ州立大学にある、もっとも大きな日本人学生団体のひとつです。日本人学生に対しての就職活動のサポートや人事育成を目的とする”JSA Career” 国籍問わず日本の文化・言語などに興味のある学生たちと交流を深める”JSA Social” という2つを軸にして活動しています。
+1 (415) 338-1111サンフランシスコ州立大学日本人学生会
- J-kidsは、日本語と日本文化への興味を育むために20年前に始まり、2023年...
J-kids 日本語読み聞かせクラス
- モチドーナツをアメリカで一緒に広めていきましょ! ハワイ、サンフランシスコ、ロサ...
+1 (808) 384-2948Mochill
- 2025年ミルブレー日本文化祭は10月5日に開催!皆様にお会いできるのを楽しみに...
+1 (415) 602-1660ミルブレー日本文化祭
- \あなたの”キレイ”をレベルアップ!/サンフランシスコに憧れて東京からやって参り...
アメリカで日本と同じサービスを受けられるヘアサロンです。サンフランシスコで日本人美容院の先駆けとして35年もの長きに渡る歴史を持つ美容院を去年の春に譲り受け、Nepenji salonとして営業中。レギュラーパーマから、デジタルパーマ、ストレートパーマまでお任せください。
+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- 弊社はお客様の安全第一を考えており、殆どのツアーはドライバーとガイドで皆様を各ツ...
坂の街、霧の街でお 馴染みのサンフランシスコゴ-ルデンゲイトブリッジ、ベイブリッジ、フィッシュマンズワ-フ、アルカトラス島と見所豊富な世界でも有名な観光都市です。特にトレ-ジャ-アイランドから見る夜景は世界3大夜景のひとつでもあり、その美しい眺めは常に世界の人々を魅了しています。ベイブリッジを渡り北へ約1時間40分でワインの街、ナパバレ-。南に約2時間で行くモントレーとカーメルの町と何れも皆様を楽...
+1 (415) 722-0428Meow Group San Francisco Optional Tour Specialist
July 10, 2024
News and Information from the City of Mountain View [ http://www.mountainview.gov ].
*New Outdoor Fitness Area Now Open*
Cuesta Fitness Area
A new outdoor fitness area amenity is now open to the public at Cuesta Park!
This project was a joint venture with El Camino Hospital. Due to the park's proximity to the hospital, the community, hospital patrons and staff now have access to outdoor fitness equipment. The 2,000-square-foot area includes 10 pieces of equipment that can accommodate up to 38 people at a time.
As part of the project funding, City staff applied for and was awarded $20,000 from the California Park & Recreation Society 75th Anniversary Fitness Grant. El Camino Hospital provided an additional $150,000 toward the project.
This effort supports City Council’s ‘Livability & Quality of Life’ strategic priority, which includes providing and enhancing parks, open space and other key amenities.
Register Now for Citywide Garage Sale in Fall
Citywide Garage Sale
Seller registration is now open for the Citywide Garage Sale scheduled for Saturday, Sep. 14 and Sunday, Sept. 15.
Join hundreds of residents holding garage sales at their homes. This event supports the City of Mountain View's Zero Waste goals by keeping reusable items out of the landfill and conserving natural resources.
Sellers may choose to participate on only one day or both days of the sale. Online and printed address lists will show which day(s) each participating seller is open.
New this year, the City is piloting an online map that allows participants to filter garage sales by dates open and items listed, as well as other enhanced features to help attendees plan which homes to visit for the event.
Residents can register their homes for the sale at Mountain View Citywide Garage Sale [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events/citywide-garage-sale ].
Biodiversity & Urban Forest Plan Workshop
Biodiversity Plan Project Banner Showing City Hall and Trees
Your input matters! Please join us on Thursday, July 18 at a Community Workshop for the Biodiversity and Urban Forest Plan. This is a great opportunity to share your ideas for a biodiverse Mountain View and help guide our city to healthier and more resilient nature.
*Thursday, July 18*
*4 - 5 p.m. - Virtual via Zoom, https://mountainview.zoom.us/j/83779148912
6 - 7 p.m. - In-person at the *Mountain View Community Center, R***edwood Hall, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.*
Please visit BiodiversityMV.com [ https://collaborate.mountainview.gov/biodiversity ] to learn more about the Plan and get involved. We look forward to hearing from you!
Free Confidential Paper Shredding Service
Paper Shredding
Attend our next free paper shredding event. Protect your privacy and reduce waste by securely recycling confidential papers such as bank statements, pay stubs, canceled checks and credit offers. This event is for Mountain View and Sunnyvale residents only and proof of residency is required.
*Saturday, July 13*
*8 a.m. - 3 p.m.*
*SMaRT Station, 301 Carl Road, Sunnyvale*
Please note the following:
* The line cuts off at 3 p.m. sharp. Avoid peak wait times by visiting between 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. if possible.
* Limit of five bags or banker boxes per household. Small paperclips, staples, spiral notebooks, and rubber-bands are acceptable.
* Remove paper from heavy binders or binder clips to prevent damage to the shredding equipment.
For more information, visit Zero Waste Events [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events ].
Annual Tech Showcase Highlights Innovation
Technology Showcase
Come learn, experience and connect! Co-hosted by the City of Mountain View and the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce, the 9th Annual Technology Showcase is a unique opportunity to experience first-hand the diversity among our technology community and the newest ideas created in our own backyard.
Although the panel presentation on unmanned aircraft and devices is already full to capacity, the public can still explore exhibits, booths and displays including interactive product demos and more at the free event.
*Thursday, July 25 *
*11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.*
*Civic Center Plaza*
For more information, visit Mountain View Technology Showcase [ https://chambermv.org/technology-showcase ].
Free Mental Health First Aid Certification
Mental Health Matters
Support your friends, family and neighbors by getting certified in Mental Health First Aid.
Are you interested in being better prepared to recognize and respond to mental health and substance use challenges in your community? If so, this free training–conducted by Momentum for Health–is for you. You’ll learn to recognize common signs and symptoms, understand how to interact with a person in crisis, know how to connect a person with help, and use self-care tools and techniques.
Expect to complete one to two hours of prep work on your own time in advance of the four-hour classroom session.
*Saturday, July 27 *
*9 a.m. - 1 p.m.*
*Mountain View City Hall, Plaza Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 500 Castro St.*
Don’t wait to sign up! Registration deadline is Monday, July 15. Class capacity is 30 people.
To sign up, contact Kennya Rodriguez at Momentum for Health: krodriguez@momentumforhealth.org.
"Music on Castro" Brings Downtown Fun
Guitarist Music on Castro
David Landon performs on Castro Street in Downtown Mountain View.
Music on Castro continues every Wednesday as singer/songwriters perform live music on the 200 block of Castro Street. Come out to enjoy the free entertainment while shopping, dining and playing downtown.
*Wednesday, July 10
*****Ted Acoustic Jams***
*5 - 6:45 p.m.**
**Wednesday, July 17*
***Mr. Jones & Me**
*5 - 6:45 p.m.**
**Wednesday, July 24*
*Lavender Fields*
*5 - 6:45 p.m.**
Check out the full performance schedule at the Music on Castro webpage [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/music-on-castro ].
Free Summer Library Programs for Youth
STEAM Eye Dissection
Your kids can explore and discover at the Mountain View Public Library this summer with STEAM Fridays!
The free drop-in program offers a variety of interactive activities for your budding scientist, aspiring engineer and artist.
*Friday, July 12 *
*2 - 5 p.m.*
*Mountain View Public Library, 1st Floor Program Room, 585 Franklin St.*
Each week covers a different theme such as astronomy, human anatomy, physics and mechanical engineering.
Visit STEAM Fridays [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/calendar/libraryevents/?t=d&q=STEAM%20Fridays&cid=8800&cal=8800&inc=0 ] for more information.
Summer Music on the Plaza
Concerts Plaza Dance Couple
Summer entertainment continues to sizzle with Concerts on the Plaza! Join your family, friends and neighbors and bring your blanket or lawn chair down to the Civic Center Plaza, located at 500 Castro St., for a variety of musical performances. Taking the stage next will be Fleetwood Macrame.
*Friday, July 12 *
*6 - 7:30 p.m.*
*Civic Center Plaza*
Food, beer, wine and other beverages will be available for purchase at the Bean Scene Cafe. Concerts will take place every Friday from June through September.
For more event details, visit Concerts on the Plaza [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/concerts-on-the-plaza ].
Outdoor Movie Nights Continue This Month
Summer Movie Night
Enjoy movies under the stars with the Summer Outdoor Movie Night Series!
Before the movie starts, join us for a fun-filled pre-show featuring yard games, bubbles, a spin-to-win wheel and trivia. This week's featured movie is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem.
*Friday, July 12 *
*8:30 - 10:30 p.m.*
*Sylvan Park, 600 Sylvan Ave.*
Bring a blanket or lawn chair to enjoy the show. For more information, visit Summer Outdoor Movie Nights [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/summer-outdoor-movie-night-series ].
What's OnStage *@
Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts*
Finding Nemo, Jr.
Peninsula Youth Theatre presents a musical based on the beloved Disney Pixar film
Experience the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Some of MVCPA's upcoming events are featured below. For all upcoming performances, visit MVCPA.com [ https://www.mvcpa.com/ ].
*July 11 *| *Finding Nemo, Jr.* | Peninsula Youth Theatre presents a lively musical for young performers, based on the beloved Disney Pixar film. It follows Nemo, a spirited clownfish separated from his father, Marlin. With Dory's help, Marlin ventures through the ocean to reunite with his son. Filled with catchy songs and heartwarming lessons about family and courage, it's an enchanting experience for audiences of all ages.| Tickets [ https://tickets.mvcpa.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=564 ]
*July 14* | *La Bohème * | Pocket Opera: Four struggling bohemians in Paris have their lives transformed one Christmas Eve when a knock on their door brings beauty, pain, and young love set to Puccini’s glorious music. Nicholas Huff and Diana Skavornskaya star as Rodolfo and Mimi, with conductor Mary Chun leading the Pocket Philharmonic. | Tickets [ https://tickets.mvcpa.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=604 ]
*July 20* | *Superstar Spotlight* | Join Upstage Theater for our annual fundraising cabaret. Superstar Spotlight will highlight many of this season’s amazing performers and will include the announcement of our next season! So come support Upstage and be the first to learn what is in store for our 10th season! | Tickets [ https://tickets.mvcpa.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=634 ]
Upcoming Events
For a complete list and information about upcoming public meetings,
visit MountainView.gov/CityEvents [ https://www.mountainview.gov/cityevents/ ].
*July 10* | Music on Castro: Ted Acoustic Jams | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*July 12* | Concerts on the Plaza: Fleetwood Macrame | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.
*July 12* | Summer Outdoor Movie Night: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem | 8:30 p.m. | Cuesta Park, 615 Cuesta Dr.
*July 13* | Free Paper Shredding | 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. | SMaRT Station, 301 Carl Road, Sunnyvale
*July 17* | Music on Castro: Mr. Jones & Me | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*July 18* | Biodiversity & Urban Forest Plan Community Workshop | 6 - 7 p.m. | Mountain View Community Center, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.
*July 19* | Concerts on the Plaza: Under the Covers | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.
*July 19* | Summer Outdoor Movie Night: Elemental | 8:30 p.m. | Stevenson Park, 750 San Pierre Way
*July 24* | Music on Castro: Lavender Fields | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*July 25* | 9th Annual Technology Showcase | 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza
*AskMV at Your Service*
Available 24/7, Ask Mountain View is an easy way to send your questions, concerns and compliments directly to City staff who can help you. Download the app or submit a request online at MountainView.gov/AskMV [ https://www.mountainview.gov/askmv ].
Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/MountainViewGov ] Twitter [ https://twitter.com/MountainViewGov ] Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/mountainviewgov/ ] Linkedin [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/city-of-mountain-view ] Youtube [ https://www.youtube.com/c/MountainViewGov ]
Manage Subscriptions [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/subscriber/edit?preferences=true#tab1 ] | Unsubscribe All [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/subscriber/one_click_unsubscribe?verification=5.5afd8e99224ae517002aa39def0e8d07&destination=mshinji3056%40gmail.com ] | Help [ https://subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com/ ]
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