Inclement Weather Resources Available
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/03/15
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/15
- 変更日 : 2025/03/15
- 総閲覧数 : 6 人
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*Fire Department News Release*
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Inclement Weather Resources Available
The City of Mountain View has resources available to those in need
Inclement Weather Resources Available
Post Date: 03/13/2025 2:34 p.m. The National Weather Service [ https://www.weather.gov/ ] predicts rain and wind for the San Francisco Bay Area lingering through Monday, March 17. The weather system will bring periods of impactful rain and wind gusts up to 40 mph. Chilly mornings return by Tuesday morning as temperatures dip into the low 40s.
Gusty winds could cause tree limbs to blow down and trees to fall. Saturated soils make it easier for trees to fall, and falling trees could lead to power outages. Use extra caution while driving, especially in high-profile vehicles.
The City of Mountain View has resources available to assist residents and visitors in this time of need. Those without power seeking a place to charge their electronics and access to Wi-Fi can visit the following City facilities:
• Mountain View Public Library (585 Franklin St.) – will be open to the public Sunday, March 16, 1-5 p.m., and Monday, March 17, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. (All ages)
• Mountain View Community Center lobby (201 S. Rengstorff Ave.) – will be open to the public Sunday, March 16, 9:30 a.m.-noon, and Monday, March 17, 8:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m. (All ages)
• Mountain View Senior Center (266 Escuela Ave.) – will be open to the public Monday, March 17, 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m. (Those 55 and older)
• The Police Services Fire Administration Building lobby (1000 Villa St.) – will be open to the public Sunday, March 16, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., and Monday, March 17, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Press the call box button on weekends and holidays to request entry into the lobby. Staff is not available on Sundays for business purposes. (All ages)
The Mountain View Police and Fire Administration building accepts visitors and their pets as long as their furry friends are not aggressive. All animals must be leashed or caged in an animal carrier. The Mountain View Library, Community Center, and Senior Center allow service animals with their handlers.
For general questions about PG&E service, call their customer service center at 1-800-743-5000. Visit https://pgealerts.alerts.pge.com/outagecenter/ to report, track, and monitor PG&E electric outages.
If you or someone you know needs assistance with wires down, posing a potential hazard, call 9-1-1. Treat all wires as if they are energized and can shock you.
If you or someone you know needs assistance with a fallen tree, contact the City’s Forestry Division at 650-903-6273. The Forestry Division office is staffed Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. For after-hours tree emergencies, please leave a message with the Forestry Division or call the City’s non-emergency number at 650-903-6344.
*Media Contact*
Robert Maitland, Fire Department PIO
650-903-6825 or robert.maitland@mountainview.gov Click here for more information [ https://www.mountainview.gov/Home/Components/News/News/1032/ ]
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