Climate Ready Fremont Newsletter - December 2024
- [登録者]City of Fremont
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Fremont, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/12/18
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/18
- 変更日 : 2024/12/18
- 総閲覧数 : 24 人
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サンフランシスコ州立大学にある、もっとも大きな日本人学生団体のひとつです。日本人学生に対しての就職活動のサポートや人事育成を目的とする”JSA Career” 国籍問わず日本の文化・言語などに興味のある学生たちと交流を深める”JSA Social” という2つを軸にして活動しています。
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もっと安全に。 もっと快適に。 あなたの旅をサポート致します。 空港送迎から観光チャーターまで幅広くご要望にお応え致します。 《ナパ ・ ソノマワナリーツアー》 《サンフランシスコ市内観光ツアー》など、お客様のご希望をお聞きしながら、ご一緒にコースを決めていただく観光チャーターも行っています。
+1 (650) 259-1883Ishi Limousine
View this email in web browser. (https://mailchi.mp/fremont.gov/crfnewsdecember2024?e=aea49e48fb)
December 2024
Citywide Holiday Closure
The City is implementing a Holiday Closure (https://city.fremont.gov/holidayclosure) for many non-public safety City services from Tuesday, December 24, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025. City offices participating in the Holiday Closure will re-open for business on Thursday, January 2, 2025. Police and fire services will not be affected during the Holiday Closure. Stay healthy and safe this holiday season!
Learn More (https://city.fremont.gov/holidayclosure)
Recognizing Former Mayor Mei for Participating in South Asia Clean Energy Forum
As Lily Mei concludes her term as mayor, the City would like to recognize one of her final efforts to represent Fremont at the global level.
Lily Mei represented Fremont at the South Asia Clean Energy Forum in Jaipur, Rajasthan in India in late October. During the three day event, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (https://iclei.org/) partnered with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) (https://www.usaid.gov/) and its South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) (https://sarepenergy.net/) to connect 12 U.S. mayors with 12 India mayors who have demonstrated ambition around clean energy deployment.
Mei was honored to attend the forum alongside other city leaders where she shared Fremont’s clean energy initiatives and participated in best practice discussions. She was pleased to share Fremont’s strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions as part of the City’s Climate Action Plan (https://www.fremont.gov/climateactionplan) , which include advancing clean energy, promoting vehicle electrification, and supporting the City’s thriving clean tech industry.
During the forum, city leaders participated in discussions on community-scale renewable energy deployment, electric mobility, and innovative financing for climate action. A highlight was a visit to Mahindra World City in Jaipur, where mayors observed successful sustainability initiatives to potentially replicate in their own cities.
At the forum, USAID in partnership with ICLEI officially launched the U.S.-South Asia Mayoral Platform on Sustainable Cities (https://southasia.iclei.org/u-s-south-asia-mayoral-platform/) . This first of its kind initiative enables city mayors and leadership from the U.S. and South Asia to share best practices, build partnerships, and collaborate on advancing clean energy solutions in urban areas.
The City would like to extend our gratitude to Lily Mei for her dedicated service this past eight years and for her representation of Fremont. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
Climate Action Data Dashboard
The City's Climate Action Data Dashboard (https://www.fremont.gov/government/citywide-initiatives/data-dashboards/climate-action-dashboard) , which tracks data related to the goals in our Climate Action Plan (https://www.fremont.gov/climateactionplan) , has been updated. Now, you can view data on new tree plantings in Fremont and food recovery efforts. We're committed to a climate ready future for Fremont and will continue to update this dashboard to track our progress. Thanks to everyone who is already doing their part. Keep up the "green work!"
View Dashboard (https://www.fremont.gov/government/citywide-initiatives/data-dashboards/climate-action-dashboard)
Home Electrification Rebate Program
We're sharing news about a rebate program that can help Fremont property owners save money and make their properties more comfortable and energy efficient.
Single-Family Homeowners
Through the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEEHRA) program (https://techcleanca.com/incentives/heehrarebates/) , income-qualified, single-family homeowners can receive rebates of up to $8,000 to reduce the cost of purchasing and installing a new, energy-efficient home heating and cooling heat pump.
Multifamily Property Owners
The HEEHRA program (https://techcleanca.com/incentives/heehrarebates/) also offers rebates for owners of multifamily properties. Rebates are available for a range of home electrification projects, including heat pump space heating/cooling systems, heat pump water heaters, electric appliances, electrical panel upgrades, and home weatherization projects.
Why Go Electric?
Electrifying your property offers multiple benefits:
* Energy Efficiency: Electric appliances often outperform their gas counterparts, saving you money on your utility bills over time.
* Environmental Impact: Lowering your property's carbon footprint contributes to combating climate change.
* Healthier Indoor Air Quality: Eliminating gas appliances reduces indoor air pollution, making your property safer and healthier.
HEEHRA rebates are funded by the federal Inflation Reduction Act and provided by TECH Clean California (https://techcleanca.com/) , a statewide initiative to accelerate the adoption of clean space and water heating technology. The rebates are only available through HEEHRA-trained, TECH Clean California-certified contractors.
Rebates are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so applying early is encouraged. To get started, visit the HEEHRA program website (https://techcleanca.com/incentives/heehrarebates/) to check eligibility requirements.
Learn More (https://techcleanca.com/incentives/heehrarebates/)
FUSD Recognized for Climate Action Efforts
We're happy to share that the California School Boards Association has named Fremont Unified School District's (FUSD's) Climate Literacy and Environmental Action Network (CLEAN) a 2024 Golden Bell Award Winner (https://fremontunified.org/news/2024-golden-bell-award/) ! This award promotes excellence in education and school board governance throughout California. It was awarded to CLEAN in the Climate Change Innovation category in recognition of its outstanding work to coordinate the implementation of student-initiated Board resolutions on climate issues. Way to go, CLEAN!
Learn More (https://fremontunified.org/news/2024-golden-bell-award/)
Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan
The Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP) (https://www.bayadapt.org/regional-shoreline-adaptation-plan/) has been adopted! It's now part of the San Francisco Bay Plan by the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) (https://bcdc.ca.gov/) , a State agency that protects the Bay and advances the Bay’s uses in the face of a changing climate and rising sea levels. The RSAP supports the Bay Area’s local governments and communities in addressing the risks of coastal flood hazards through coordinated and consistent adaptation planning and implementation.
Learn More (https://www.bayadapt.org/regional-shoreline-adaptation-plan/)
Candy Canes & Composting
Tis the season for candy canes and composting! As you prepare meals this holiday season and gather with family and friends, remember to toss your food scraps, soiled paper items, and expired leftovers into your green compost cart. This helps create compost, a valuable resource that farmers, landscapers, and gardeners can use to grow healthy food and reduce greenhouse gases. For a reminder of what’s acceptable for your green cart, check out the City’s Composting Guide (https://city.fremont.gov/composting) . Then, take action on My Climate Ready Fremont (https://myclimatereadyfremont.gov/actions/3572) !
To start composting right from your kitchen, use a kitchen bowl or countertop compost bin. Free countertop compost pails are available from Republic Services. Just complete the online form (https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FormBuilder/FormBuilder/f8867c35698d46caa53ac6d6205216c0/66) . If you're hosting a holiday gathering, don't forget to have composting bins easily accessible for your guests.
Happy holidays and happy composting! Thanks for doing your part to help create a climate ready Fremont.
Sustainable Holiday Guide
Are you looking for ways to minimize your waste as you celebrate this holiday season? StopWaste (https://www.stopwaste.org/) has the ultimate guide with tips for cooking, gifting, and tidying up.
View Guide (https://www.stopwaste.org/sustainable-holiday-guide)
Holiday Tree Collection Guidelines
Republic Services is offering free curbside holiday tree collection (https://www.republicservices.com/cms/documents/municipality/ca/Fremont-CA/Fremont-Residential-Newsletter-Winter-2024.pdf) for Fremont residents from Monday, December 30, 2024, through Friday, January 10, 2025.
View Guidelines (https://www.republicservices.com/cms/documents/municipality/ca/Fremont-CA/Fremont-Residential-Newsletter-Winter-2024.pdf)
Community Classes & Events
Fix-A-Flat Workshop
Date: Saturday, January 4
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Fremont Main Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd.
Learn More & Register (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hands-on-fix-a-flat-workshop-registration-1060339115839)
Join this free hands-on workshop where you'll learn the basic process of fixing a flat and inner tube patching, as well as strategies to avoid flats. Hosted by Bike East Bay (https://bikeeastbay.org/) .
Nature Learning Center Open House
Date: Saturday, January 11
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Nature Learning Center, 40224 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
Learn More (https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2435)
Looking for some adventure? Join us at the Nature Learning Center's Open House for a day of discovery! Located in Fremont’s Central Park, the Center offers a free, immersive experience for all ages. Hosted by City of Fremont (https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/environmental-services/education-programs) .
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