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4. Practice English(2kview/3res) 学习 2022/09/04 14:01
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Practice English

  • DavisSensei
  • mail
  • 2022/08/03 00:56


I am American and have been teaching ESL in groups as well as helping friends learn and practice English.
The Japanese language and culture are an interest of mine, so cultural exchange and friendship is compensation enough for the help I provide. If you're interested in light conversation to practice your English or want guidance on methods of study, please reply or email me. I'm happy to help.


Hi DavisSensei,

I'm Japanese currently living in Mountain View, CA.
I'd be so happy if we can do cultural exchange.
Hope to hear from you soon!

  • DavisSensei
  • 2022/08/04 (Thu) 22:19
  • 报告

text me 4086037738

  • Goodweather
  • 2022/09/04 (Sun) 14:01
  • 报告

Dear DavisSensei

This is GOODWEATHER (my account name).
I'm an exchange student from Japan.

I'd be so happy if we could do a cultural exchange.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


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