Public Art Opportunity at Shoreline Boathouse
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/06/24
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/24
- 変更日 : 2024/06/24
- 総閲覧数 : 126 人
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Open Call for Artists
*The City of Mountain View is Thrilled to Announce New Art Proposal Opportunities!*
*Shoreline Boathouse Expansion (CIP Project 20-39)*
The Visual Arts Committee (VAC) is seeking to commission an artist or team of artists to design and execute original artwork for the Shoreline Boathouse expansion project and an additional location at Shoreline Lake.
*Project Details:*
* *Location:* Shoreline Boathouse, Shoreline Regional Park, 3160 N. Shoreline Boulevard. The Shoreline Boathouse facilities, which are leased and operated by Silicon Shores, Inc., include the Shoreline Lake American Bistro and boat rentals.
* *Art Opportunities:* Wall art on three external-facing walls of the Boathouse and painting or tiling on a new, sustainably made bench at Shoreline Lake.
* *Public Art Budget: *For the Shoreline Boathouse Expansion project, 2% of the construction budget to be set aside for public art is $121,200. The VAC is open to selecting multiple art installations and/or multiple artists.
*Artist Selection: *
* *Artist Eligibility: *Artists/artist teams must
* Be over the age of 18;
* Reside in California; and
* Artists must demonstrate experience successfully completing similar works in the past.
* *Proposal Requirements:* Proposals must include a detailed description of the artwork, the proposed location, and artist fees / budget.
*Application Details:*
* *Submission Period:* 12:00 noon (PST) Monday, June 24, 2024, to 12:00 noon (PST) Monday, July 29, 2024.
* *Submission Platform:* Applications must be submitted online via Call for Entry (CaFÉ) [ ]. No other forms of application will be accepted.
* *Additional Resources:* Download a PDF version of the Call for Artists from the City's website [ ].
Apply online by 12:00 noon (PST) Monday, July 29, 2024
Boathouse Rendering
"Photo description: Rendering of the Shoreline Boathouse Expansion. "
Coming Soon: Bollard Beautification Project
As part of the interim Castro Street Pedestrian Mall project, the City is preparing to put out a call for artists to transform safety bollards into public art.
*Project Details:*
* *Location:* Intersections crossing Castro Street, protecting pedestrian walkways, social zones, and outdoor patio areas.
* *Bollards:* Thirty-two (32) spherical concrete bollards installed; twenty (20) will be painted a solid color, and twelve (12) will serve as canvases for local artists.
* *Release Date:* Anticipated in early June 2024.
* *Installation Period:* Summer 2024.
* *Stipend:* Selected artists will receive a stipend for their work.
*Artist Selection:*
* *Number of Artists:* Six artists, each responsible for two bollards.
* *Proposal Requirements:* Concept featuring two bollards, color sketch or photo, title, detailed description, estimate of material costs, and any specific requirements.
* *Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: *Proposals should demonstrate that the work reflects the City’s value to foster a culture of diversity and representation, through the artwork or as it relates to the background or experiences of the artist or artist group.
Stay Updated
Stay up to date on City of Mountain View Calls for Artists by visiting our website [ ]. Applications will be accepted on Call for Entry [ ] once the calls are posted.
Best Regards,
City of Mountain View
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