Make a Splash this Summer!
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Sunnyvale
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Sunnyvale, CA
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/06/07
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/06/07
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/06/07
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 177 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
- \あなたの”キレイ”をレベルアップ!/サンフランシスコに憧れて東京からやって参り...
アメリカで日本と同じサービスを受けられるヘアサロンです。サンフランシスコで日本人美容院の先駆けとして35年もの長きに渡る歴史を持つ美容院を去年の春に譲り受け、Nepenji salonとして営業中。レギュラーパーマから、デジタルパーマ、ストレートパーマまでお任せください。
+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- 1万3千を超える日本語のコレクションを持つ公共図書館です。
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+1 (415) 338-1111サンフランシスコ州立大学日本人学生会
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日本人と、日本に 興味を持つ方を会員とする お母さんと子供のグループです。 主な活動エリアはサンノゼ、クパチーノ、サニーベール近郊。パークデーやイベントの開催、シリコンバレーの情報を載せたニュースレターを年10回発行しています。さくらクラブは宗教団体や営利団体とは無関係で、会員の有志によって運営しています。友達の輪を広げたい、子供の遊び相手を探している、シリコンバレーでの子育て情報がほしい保護者の...
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円安の今がチャンス!日本送金為替手数料&送金手数料がゼロのキャンペーン中!100,000円以上もお得!為替手数料&送金手数料がゼロのキャンペーン中!ご存知でしょうか? 通常、銀行やペイパルなどを利用して日本へ送金すると、為替手数料が発生し、送金金額から引かれた分が、受け取り金額になります。例えばお車の売却金額が$20000の場合、売却先のディラーやご自身でアメリカドルから日本円へ一般的な銀行を通じ...
+1 (650) 284-9213Bubka!(ブブカ)
- 安い! 楽しい!年中無休で毎日営業中!!クパティーノでカラオケならGamba K...
楽しい!嬉しい!アメリカ初上陸! DAM&デンモクIDついに入荷!アメリカでも日本と同じようにカラオケを楽しめる、充実したシステムと曲数! 新曲も毎月追加!料金詳細は、Gamba Karaoke のホームページをご覧ください。お一人様でもいつでも気軽に利用できるウレシイ料金設定。デート、誕生日会、夜のお出かけ、宴会、などなどの機会にぜひGamba Karaokeにお越しください!
+1 (408) 865-0955Gamba Karaoke
Sustainable Sunnyvale Newsletter - June 2024
6/5 [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale ]
Clean Cars and Clean Creeks
car [ https://mywatershedwatch.org/partners/ ]
Is it time for a car wash? Instead of washing your car in your driveway, choose the eco-friendly approach by washing your car at a commercial car wash.
When we wash our cars at home, the soapy water can enter a nearby storm drain which flows directly to the Bay without getting cleaned first. It’s not just soapy water that can enter the storm drain system. Other pollutants such as motor oil, brake dust, metals and other chemicals can wash down your driveway and drain to the Bay. When pollutants enter our waterways, they can harm the plants and animals that live there.
A commercial car wash not only helps keep pollutants out of Bay, but it also saves water. The drainage system at a commercial car wash is separate from the storm drain system. Therefore, the water is typically treated and recycled before released into the sanitary sewer system.
Visit Watershed Watch [ https://mywatershedwatch.org/partners/ ] for a car wash discount card.
Stay Cool This Summer
ssn [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ev-ride-and-drive-tickets-861096020377?aff=SSN ]
Stay cool this summer. Replace your old gas appliances with energy-efficient, all-electric appliances. Gas appliances produce unhealthy emissions and make your home hotter. Switch to save money, use less energy and keep your home healthier. Receive rebates up to $8,750 to replace your old gas appliances. Learn more through Silicon Valley Clean Energy’s (SVCE) Future Fit Homes program [ https://svcleanenergy.org/home-rebates/ ]. Visit the Sunnyvale Rebates webpage [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/city-initiatives/sustainability/rebates ] to learn about the many energy-saving rebate programs.
Have questions about converting from gas to electric home appliances? Learn from a neighbor who has already made the switch. Register for the webinar Electrify your Life: Local Success Stories [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12506802 ] on Thursday, June 20, from 7 to 8 p.m.
Receive help for navigating the best programs and incentives for your upgrades. Click the image below for a new free service to help you electrify your home. Help the environment and your wallet today!
ssn [ https://goelectric.svcleanenergy.org/ ]
Put Life Back Into Your Leftovers
You’ve gone grocery shopping, prepared a wonderful meal and enjoyed it with family or friends. There’s inevitably food leftover, which you pack into containers and put in the fridge. How easy is it to push this surplus food to the back of the fridge and forget about it?
Keep leftovers at the front of your mind and fridge with a little meal planning and recipe ideas. Here are some fresh tips to revamp and reimagine your leftovers:
* Fried rice is best with rice that was cooked a day or two ago. Add soy sauce, protein, eggs and vegetables for a dish that tastes just like your favorite takeout.
* Unused party dip makes a great sauce for chicken, tofu or fish.
* Add any leftover pasta or vegetables (or both!) to a frying pan. Whisk together some eggs and pour on top for an easy, healthy frittata.
* Extra cheese, tomatoes and beans make a flavorful bruschetta. You can even use stale bread as the base and crisp it in the oven. Check out the bruschetta recipe [ https://www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/foods-and-recipes/italian-mixed-bruschetta ] by Love Food, Hate Waste.
* When in doubt, soup is the ultimate blank canvas for leftovers that need some love. Extra vegetables or meat? Rice or pasta? Leafy greens, even chopped herbs? All of these make great additions to a comforting soup. The Zero Waste Chef also has a great recipe for “shop the fridge soup” [ https://zerowastechef.com/2020/10/14/soup/ ].
Upcoming Events:
*Compost Workshop [ https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=41841 ]*
Saturday, June 8
10 a.m. to noon
Murphy Park Building, 250 N. Sunnyvale Ave.
Learn the basics of backyard and worm composting!
*Electrify your Life: Local Success Stories [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12506802 ] *
Thursday, June 20
7 to 8 p.m.
Online via Zoom
*Document Shredding Event [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/4541/19?curm=7&cury=2024 ]*
Saturday, July 13
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
SMaRT Station, 301 Carl Road
Limit of five banker boxes or bags of documents.
*Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Drop-off* [ https://hhw.santaclaracounty.gov/home ]
Saturday, July 13
Appointment required. For time, location and to make an appointment, go to HHW.org or call 408-299-7300.
*Mercury Thermometer Exchange [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/4743/19?curm=9&cury=2024 ]*
Wednesday, September 18, from 10:30 a.m. to noon
Senior Center, 550 E. Remington Dr.
*Coastal Cleanup Day [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/4567/19?curm=9&cury=2024 ]*
Saturday, September 21, from 9 a.m. to noon
Location provided after registration
Quick Links
*Visit our Climate Action Score Board* [ https://sunnyvaleclimateaction.org/scoreboard ]
Follow us on Social Media
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*Contact Us*
Email Environmental Services <green@sunnyvale.ca.gov>
Sunnyvale.ca.gov [ https://Sunnyvale.ca.gov ]
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