- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 2月4日 新学期开学 ! 信息交流会 ! ! SAPIX 美国圣何塞分校提供的所...
一所面向海外学生的大学预科学校,校舍位于圣何塞和纽约地区。 课程旨在满足从初到美国的儿童到永久居民的需求。 在圣何塞、 纽约、・ 新泽西开设面授课程 ・ 在曼哈顿开设在线课程、 结合两种课程的混合课程 ! 每种课程都有常规课程! 如果你在日本接受高等教育需要帮助, 如果你真的想去日本, 让SAPIX美国,一个可靠和成熟的学校来照顾你 ! 现在接受新生 ! 当然可以免费试听课程 ! ...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
- [未来学园] 以16年的经验为基础,为儿童提供在线日语教育和日本文化体验 ! 您...
未来学园为美国儿童提供日语教育和日本文化体验。 可根据您孩子的日语水平参加课程。 目前提供在线课程和免费试听! ------------------------------------------------------------- \ 我们现在提供 2 岁技能开发课程 ( Mebae 课程 ) ! / ★ 小班授课,额满为止 ★ <開講曜日> 周三 ・ 周五:上午...
+1 (408) 391-3689未来学園 Mirai Gakuen LLC
- 在美国和东京设有11个办事处。在美国最大的招聘・人事代理网络。如果你正在寻找工作...
人 ・ 工作 ・ 社区
+1 (408) 973-7890iiicareer | Interesse International Inc. Silicon Valley
- 米尔皮塔斯 Great Mall 附近的烤肉店,供应信州和牛。! 我们还提供美味...
这家日式烧肉餐厅的经营宗旨是将信州和牛的美味传播到世界各地。我们希望您在家庭聚会、聚餐、约会等各种场合都能品尝到本餐厅的美味,因为这里不仅是一家烤肉餐厅,还是一个可以品尝到各种菜肴和饮料的地方。我们期待着您的光临。 我们的特色菜是直接来自日本长野的信州特级和牛。这种优质牛肉以其美味和鲜嫩而闻名,是烧烤菜肴的理想选择。 我们还为外出就餐者提供美味的外带便当,是方便快捷的理想选择。便当盒里有多种风...
+1 (669) 263-6152Meat Time
- 如果您需要拉面($ 12\)、便当盒($ 12\)或日本食品餐饮・外卖,我们可以...
如果您的办公室、聚会或学校需要拉面、便当或日式餐饮,Kenichi Kawashima's Kitchen 将竭诚为您服务。 \ 川岛厨房的魅力在于现场气氛 ! ! / 食物就在您的眼前准备好,由厨师送到您的面前。 主厨能够直接听取顾客的反馈意见,从而迅速做出有利的回应。 所有菜单都是厨师独创的,独一无二。 寿司和拉面都是顶级厨师做的最好的。 我们有固定菜单,也接受顾客的定制。...
+1 (415) 238-4447Kawashima's Kitchen
- 桑尼维尔和圣马特奥唯一一家日本 NATA 认证的运动训练师和运动医学&脊骨神经学...
小池医生的诊所,小池医生是唯一一位拥有功能神经学(DACNB)和运动医学(DACBSP ®)两个学位的日本医生,也是一位获得 NATA 认证的运动训练师。在桑尼维尔和圣马刁设有诊所。如果您患有运动损伤、背痛或肩部僵硬,或有不明原因的身体问题,或希望提高运动成绩,请联系我们 ! ● 运动损伤 ● 腰痛 ● 坐骨神经痛 ● 背痛 ● 头痛 ● 肩痛 ● 颞下颌关节 ● 肩痛 肩撞击综...
+1 (408) 444-2202Health Integration Chiropractic
- 湾区日本人搬家 ! 美国境内搬家或长途搬家交给我们 ! 可选择处理剩余家具、向熟...
[回国服务] 当您决定搬家时,请先进行估价 ! 我们建议您在回国前两个月开始准备,因为搬家时间可能会重叠。我们提供从打包到开箱的全套服务,也为那些希望降低预算的人提供基本服务。可选服务包括处理剩余家具、送货上门、打扫房间等。 [州际搬家] 美国境内的长途搬家,将您的家庭用品和汽车一起搬走,根据您的预算,可以同时交付。请注意,跨洲搬家需要更长的时间 ! [本地搬家] 根据您的预算和服务内容制定您...
+1 (650) 773-6411Cross Nations, Inc.
- ★ 新发型预约 ★ 以 "热情好客 "为理念,我们的目标是创建一个不仅让顾客,而...
所有员工均为日本人 ! 我们每天都以高质量的技术和热情好客的服务帮助您留下美好的印象 !。
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- 如果您有任何法律问题,请随时用日语与我们联系。公司法、移民法、雇佣法・、劳动法、...
广田 ・ 工藤法律事务所通过提供友好的建议,根据客户的个人需求提供法律服务。凭借多年的经验,我们能够为客户提供各种领域的法律咨询。我们的客户包括个人和跨国公司。我们的办公室位于加利福尼亚州旧金山市,可提供英语和日语服务。我们的律师・和员工将竭尽全力帮助您解决任何问题,请随时与我们联系。
+1 (415) 398-8508広田・工藤法律事務所
- \将你的 "美 "提高到新的水平 ! /我从东京来到这里,对旧金山充满了向往。我...
+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- 这是位于弗里蒙特的一家大型日本超市。这里有各种日本食品、酒精饮料和日用品,包括新...
大阪市场提供新鲜海鲜 ( 寿司 ・ 生鱼片 ) ・ 本地肉类 ・ 餐厅级餐饮 ・ 各种日本食品 ・ 日本酒类 ・ 化妆品 ・ 电器产品等。种类繁多的日本食品
化妆品和化妆品 店内的梅田食品代码提供人气大阪街头食品和甜点。 和牛便当和盖饭便当 ・ 麻糬甜甜圈等 ! 日本直送新鲜鱼肉 ・ 生鱼片 精选牛肉 新鲜蔬菜 ・ 新鲜水果 +1 (510) 399-4832Osaka Marketplace
- 日本居酒屋!,位于红木城车站外,在这里你可以享受到用日本食材制作的创意菜肴、清酒...
在这里,你可以享受到我们的日本厨师为你提供的在其他地方找不到的菜肴,以及具有日本风味的原创鸡尾酒。 我们期待着欢迎你来享受美味的时光。
+1 (650) 257-7653Kemuri Japanese Baru
- BC 网络是一家经美国认可的非营利性组织,成立于 2005 年,位于纽约。该组织...
乳腺癌宣传网络是一个非营利性组织,旨在向居住在美国和日本的日本妇女宣传有关乳腺癌、治疗后生活、早期乳腺癌检测和认识的最新信息。 我们相信,正确的知识就是力量,就是对患者的支持。
Young Japanese Breast Cancer Network / SF
- 拥有30年经验的专业教师为居住在世界各国的日本儿童提供在线辅导。湾区的许多学生!...
'在这个星球的某个地方,我想帮助你。 从我开始担任学校教师以来,已经过去了30多年。由于我教过的优秀学生,在每年的私立初中、高中、大学等入学考试中,我都能培养出大量的学生进入一流学校。 这种教学能力在世界上能走多远?在线拓海拓海,世界一流的导师,是我自己的挑战!。
- J-kids 创立于 20 年前,旨在培养人们对日语和日本文化的兴趣,并于 20...
J-kids 是大约 20 年前创立的一个班级,希望通过阅读日语和其他活动培养孩子们对日语和日本文化的兴趣。 该班在科罗纳停办了三年,在2023年5月重新开课之际,设立了Facebook网页。 J-kids没有教师等,所有的主持、阅读和手工准备工作都由会员完成。 我们希望把它办成一个有趣的班级,让参与者可以分享想法,一起创作。 会员仅限 15 个家庭。
J-kids 日本語読み聞かせクラス
View as a webpage / Share [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAFREMONT/bulletins/3bf5e5e ]
Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
November 1, 2024
Composting pumpkins [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/environmental-services/recycling-compost-garbage/composting-food-scraps ]
From Spooky to Sustainable: Compost Your Halloween Pumpkins
We hope everyone had a spooktacular Halloween! As you clean up today, remember to give your Halloween pumpkins a new purpose. Toss your pumpkins in your green compost cart and keep them out of the landfill. Composting creates a rich fertilizer that can be used for gardening. It also reduces waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks for doing your part!
*Learn More about Composting [ https://city.fremont.gov/composting ]*
*Take Action on My Climate Ready Fremont [ https://myclimatereadyfremont.gov/actions/3572 ]*
Manufacturing Week [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_VVq2wnY9E ]
Fremont's Manufacturing Week Featured on CBS Bay Area
Amidst the ongoing news of office vacancies and tech layoffs, Fremont continues to shine as a stronghold of advanced manufacturing in sectors like cleantech, semiconductors, biomedical, and autotech. Check out this KPIX news segment highlighting Fremont’s leadership in developing the next generation of workforce to meet the growing demands of modern manufacturing. Reporter Len Ramirez concludes, “Manufacturing jobs were once in danger of extinction in Silicon Valley, but not anymore and not in Fremont, where the City, educators, and workers are all stepping into the future.”
*Watch Segment* [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_VVq2wnY9E ]
Medfly [ https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/medfly/regulation.html ]
Medfly Update
The California Department of Food and Agriculture update on medflies
Wild medflies continue to be trapped, both in core areas and on the peripheries. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is working diligently with homeowners of sites where medflies have been located and adjacent properties.
To prevent the spread of fruit flies via infested homegrown fruits and vegetables, residents and people moving through the fruit fly eradication area are urged not to move any fruits or vegetables from their property. Fruits and vegetables may be consumed or processed (i.e. juiced, frozen, cooked, or ground in the garbage disposal) at the property of origin. If they are not consumed or processed, dispose of them by double-bagging them in plastic bags and putting the bags in the garbage bin for collection.
*More Information* [ https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/medfly/regulation.html ]
Diwali flag [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/mayor-city-council/ceremonial-flags ]
Part of October and November is Diwali Month
Throughout part of October and November, the City invites everyone to celebrate the diversity of our community and to recognize the importance of sharing our culture, customs, and traditions with those around us. A Diwali flag is on display throughout part of October and November at City Hall.
orange traffic cones on street. In text: Special Event / Road Closure Planned. [ https://nixle.us/FXQ8K ]
Planned Road Closure Today Gurdwara Diwali Event
The following partial road closures will take place today (Friday, November 1) from approximately 3:00 to 11:00 pm. near Gurdwara Sahib (300 Gurdwara Road, Fremont) for the Gurdwara Diwali Event. Please plan accordingly.
* Gurdwara Road (between Grau Dr and Mission Blvd) will be partially closed for the event
* No left turn will be allowed from Gurdwara Rd onto Mission Blvd.
* No left turn will be allowed from Mission Blvd onto Gurdwara Rd.
Daylight savings time [ https://mwg.aaa.com/via/car/avoid-glare-while-driving ]
Daylight Saving Time Ends This Sunday
Be prepared to gain one hour and lose some daylight this Sunday, November 3. The time change and Fall time of the year also poses different potential for roadway crashes due to disrupted sleep patterns for drivers and changes in roadway lighting conditions during commute hours. Here are a few tips on driving safely after daylight saving time ends:
* Do not drive when feeling drowsy and be especially careful when driving, biking, or walking during the darker hours of the day.
* As the temperature gets colder, morning frost on the windshield may be more common, which impairs driver ability to see the road clearly. Always take the time to defrost the windshield, and never drive without being able to see through the windshield.
* Watch out for sun glare from the sunrise and sunset period, which tends to overlap with morning and afternoon commute times. Make sure the windshields are clean, wear sunglasses, and use the vehicle’s sun visor when needed. If the sun is in your eyes and is causing you to have trouble seeing the road ahead, slow down regardless of the posted speed limit. It is the driver’s responsibility to ultimately drive at the appropriate speed given the roadway condition.
* Pedestrians and bicyclists are highly encouraged to wear high visibility clothing, install reflective materials or lights on bikes, and be attentive when walking or biking on the road or sidewalk area in low light or dark conditions.
Daylight saving time is always a good reminder to check your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide batteries to ensure they're working properly.
*Learn More* [ https://mwg.aaa.com/via/car/avoid-glare-while-driving ]
Drowsy driving [ https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drowsy-driving ]
Drowsy Driving Prevention Week
The first full week of November is the National Sleep Foundation’s Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. It is also the week after Daylight Saving Time ended. It is a reminder to prioritize sleep so that you can be refreshed and alert, especially when driving. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there were at least 693 traffic fatalities in 2022 caused by drowsy driving. Because drowsy driving is hard to measure, this number is likely higher. Here are a few tips on driving alert:
* Avoid driving when tired or during peak “sleepiness periods” (midnight – 6 am and late afternoon) or opt to use public transportation.
* Drive slower regardless of the posted speed limit, or pull over to a safe location for a quick rest break when feeling drowsy. Do not drive faster thinking that the increase in speed will keep you awake.
* Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.
* Check your prescriptions and over-the-counter labels for side effects such as drowsiness.
*Learn more about drowsy driving* [ https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drowsy-driving ]
Storm drains
Monitoring Storm Drains
Before the rainy season, take advantage of clear skies and check the drain inlet systems on your local surrounding streets. Storm drains have limited capacity, and flooding may occur particularly in low-lying areas. Use a rake or shovel for collecting debris from storm drain inlets, and don't forget to properly dispose of leaves in your green compost cart. Thank you for your help with monitoring Fremont’s storm drains.
Sunshares [ https://www.bayareasunshares.org/ ]
Solar Discounts Still Available for Fremont Residents
Ready for solar and battery storage for your home? Don't miss your chance to participate in Bay Area SunShares and receive discounts on these systems! SunShares makes it simple and more affordable by negotiating discounts with pre-vetted installers. The deadline to sign up is Friday, November 15. Check it out at *bayareasunshares.org [ https://www.bayareasunshares.org/ ] *and register for the final *informational webinar [ https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FMKlaX3MRJKc_2ZkMo3a1w#/registration ] *on Thursday, November 7.
Bay Area SunShares in managed by the nonprofit *Business Council on Climate Change [ https://www.bc3sfbay.org/ ]* and is being offered to Fremont residents through a partnership with the City.
Nature Learning Center [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2191/ ]
Nature Learning Center Open House
Adventure is closer than you think! Explore the wonders of nature at Fremont’s *Nature Learning Center [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/environmental-services/education-programs ].*
Join us for our open house on Saturday, November 9 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Located in Fremont’s Central Park at 40224 Paseo Padre Parkway, the Center offers a free, immersive experience for all ages. Don't miss this chance to learn about our local wildlife, environment, and watersheds.
*Event Information* [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2191/ ]
Olive Hyde [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/facilities-rentals/community-centers/olive-hyde-art-gallery ]
Olive Hyde Art Gallery Presents “Connecting Cuts”
The Olive Hyde Art Gallery proudly presents the exhibition "Connecting Cuts", a celebration of the intricate art of paper cutting. This exhibition features a diverse collection of works by local, national, and international artists, highlighting the unique artistry and cross-cultural themes of paper cutting.
Curated by Bianca Levan and Leah Andrews, "Connecting Cuts" offers a global perspective on traditional and modern papercutting techniques. Join us at the opening reception on Friday, November 15, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Olive Hyde Art Gallery, 123 Washington Blvd., to meet the artists and enjoy an evening with fellow art enthusiasts. Admission is free!
The exhibition runs from November 15 through January 7.
*More Information* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/facilities-rentals/community-centers/olive-hyde-art-gallery ]
calendar and stars [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
****Tuesday, November 5: [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showpublisheddocument?id=16745 ]****City Council Meeting is cancelled.
****Thursday, November 7 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2211/ ]: ****Economic Development Advisory Commission from 9:00 to 10:30 am in the Ardenwood Conference Room, 3300 Capitol Ave., Building A.
****Saturday, November 9 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2191/ ]: ****Open House at Fremont Nature Learning Center from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, 40224 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
**Monday, November 11 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FCalendar%2FEvent%2F1506%2F7/1/01000192a153b894-83fd5c34-2dfa-41c3-8932-2088c3265bc5-000000/Q8kkFNozxNK2AViz5nkGkWPcax1utYltSCs99t3YRDg=375 ]*: *City offices closed in observance of Veterans Day.
**Tuesday, November 12 [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/agenda-center/city-council/-FlexSetting_Category-2 ]*: *City Council Meeting, at 7:00 pm, City Hall, 3300 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, November 15 [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/fremont/activity/search/detail/13240?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]*: Evening of Magic, Parent and Child Workshop from 6:45 to 8:00 pm, Centerville Comm. Center and Park, 3355 Country Drive.
*Thursday, November 28 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1508/17?curm=11&cury=2024 ]:* City offices closed in observance of Thanksgiving.
*Friday, November 29 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1510/17?curm=11&cury=2024 ]*: City offices closed for the day after Thanksgiving.
*View Full Calendar* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ https://my.fremont.gov ]
*Help the City of Fremont **turn your thoughts **into actions! *
*my.fremont.gov [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/ ]*
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