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The Fremont Connection, November 1, 2024 Issue
- [Registrant]City of Fremont
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Fremont
- Posted : 2024/11/01
- Published : 2024/11/01
- Changed : 2024/11/01
- Total View : 44 persons
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- 【未来学園】お子様の日本語教育と日本文化へのふれあいを、16年の経験をもとに、オ...
+1 (408) 391-3689未来学園 Mirai Gakuen LLC
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+1 (800) 794-0994AM World Express
- 毎週土曜日を中心に年間43日間、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアで生活する子ども達約...
+1 (415) 989-4535サンフランシスコ日本語補習校
- 日本国内外にネットワークを持つフルコンタクト空手道場。ベイエリアではサンフランシ...
+1 (415) 682-8799ワールド大山空手道場
- ~世界を相手に戦う日系企業、個人事業主のチカラに~米国進出に必要な税務業務(法人...
Ozawa, Kaneko and Associates LLPは、1.財務諸表監査、レビュー、コンピレーション業務、2. アドバイザリーサービス、3.会計アウトソーシングサービス、そして4.税務サービスの4つの分野で皆様のニーズに合わせたサービスを御提供しております。経験豊富なスタッフが日系企業特有の問題やベンチャー企業にありがちな特有な問題に対処しながら各種サービスを御提供していきます。
+1 (650) 445-8035小澤、金子会計事務所
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+1 (415) 412-0998駐在サポート, LLC.(シリコンバレー・サンフランシスコ)
- 日本語の親子プレイグループ「バンビ」会員募集中 毎月第3火曜日午前に開催中
サンフランシスコ ジャパンタウンにて行われている0〜4歳位までの日本人のプレイグループです。
日本語の親子プレイグループ バンビ
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[帰国便] 引越しが決まったらまず見積りを!引越し時期は重なるので帰国の2ヶ月前から準備されることをお勧めします。梱包から開梱サービスまでの一環したフルサービスから、予算を抑えたい方への基本サービスまで。残存家具の処分や知人への配達、ハウスクリーニング等のオプションも有り。[州間引越し] 米国内の長距離の引越し ご家財と車を一緒に引越し ご予算によっては同時配達も可能。大陸横断で日数が掛かるので注...
+1 (650) 773-6411Cross Nations, Inc.
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サクラ リアルティ(Sakura Realty)は、サンフランシスコ イーストベイにて20年以上のキャリアを持つベテランMBA/ブローカー、Yasumi Davis (丸山 康美)が率いる不動産専門会社です。遺言検認(Probate Sale)、信託(Trust Sale)、差し押さえ(Short Sale, REO)などの複雑な手続きを含む住宅の売買、アメリカのご自宅を売って日本への永住帰国をお...
+1 (925) 381-3201Sakura Realty / Yasumi Davis, MBA/CEO
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- サンフランシスコ ・ ベイエリアでのリムジンサービスは信頼できます。安心のイシ・...
もっと安全に。 もっと快適に。 あなたの旅をサポート致します。 空港送迎から観光チャーターまで幅広くご要望にお応え致します。 《ナパ ・ ソノマワナリーツアー》 《サンフランシスコ市内観光ツアー》など、お客様のご希望をお聞きしながら、ご一緒にコースを決めていただく観光チャーターも行っています。
+1 (650) 259-1883Ishi Limousine
- 上手なクルマの買い方伝授します!サンフランシスコ・ロサンゼルスエリアでの車購入な...
当社は、サンフランシスコ・ロサンゼルスで新車から中古車まであらゆるメーカー、あらゆる車種を扱う、カリフォルニア州陸運局公認カーディーラーです。他州への新車販売やリースも行っております。HPではアメリカの車販売システムやリースの仕組みなど、お客様のお役に立つ情報を掲載しております。ぜひご覧ください!*新車販売*中古車販売 *買取*リース
+1 (415) 468-0415San Francisco Fleet & Leasing
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Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
November 1, 2024
Composting pumpkins [ ]
From Spooky to Sustainable: Compost Your Halloween Pumpkins
We hope everyone had a spooktacular Halloween! As you clean up today, remember to give your Halloween pumpkins a new purpose. Toss your pumpkins in your green compost cart and keep them out of the landfill. Composting creates a rich fertilizer that can be used for gardening. It also reduces waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks for doing your part!
*Learn More about Composting [ ]*
*Take Action on My Climate Ready Fremont [ ]*
Manufacturing Week [ ]
Fremont's Manufacturing Week Featured on CBS Bay Area
Amidst the ongoing news of office vacancies and tech layoffs, Fremont continues to shine as a stronghold of advanced manufacturing in sectors like cleantech, semiconductors, biomedical, and autotech. Check out this KPIX news segment highlighting Fremont’s leadership in developing the next generation of workforce to meet the growing demands of modern manufacturing. Reporter Len Ramirez concludes, “Manufacturing jobs were once in danger of extinction in Silicon Valley, but not anymore and not in Fremont, where the City, educators, and workers are all stepping into the future.”
*Watch Segment* [ ]
Medfly [ ]
Medfly Update
The California Department of Food and Agriculture update on medflies
Wild medflies continue to be trapped, both in core areas and on the peripheries. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is working diligently with homeowners of sites where medflies have been located and adjacent properties.
To prevent the spread of fruit flies via infested homegrown fruits and vegetables, residents and people moving through the fruit fly eradication area are urged not to move any fruits or vegetables from their property. Fruits and vegetables may be consumed or processed (i.e. juiced, frozen, cooked, or ground in the garbage disposal) at the property of origin. If they are not consumed or processed, dispose of them by double-bagging them in plastic bags and putting the bags in the garbage bin for collection.
*More Information* [ ]
Diwali flag [ ]
Part of October and November is Diwali Month
Throughout part of October and November, the City invites everyone to celebrate the diversity of our community and to recognize the importance of sharing our culture, customs, and traditions with those around us. A Diwali flag is on display throughout part of October and November at City Hall.
orange traffic cones on street. In text: Special Event / Road Closure Planned. [ ]
Planned Road Closure Today Gurdwara Diwali Event
The following partial road closures will take place today (Friday, November 1) from approximately 3:00 to 11:00 pm. near Gurdwara Sahib (300 Gurdwara Road, Fremont) for the Gurdwara Diwali Event. Please plan accordingly.
* Gurdwara Road (between Grau Dr and Mission Blvd) will be partially closed for the event
* No left turn will be allowed from Gurdwara Rd onto Mission Blvd.
* No left turn will be allowed from Mission Blvd onto Gurdwara Rd.
Daylight savings time [ ]
Daylight Saving Time Ends This Sunday
Be prepared to gain one hour and lose some daylight this Sunday, November 3. The time change and Fall time of the year also poses different potential for roadway crashes due to disrupted sleep patterns for drivers and changes in roadway lighting conditions during commute hours. Here are a few tips on driving safely after daylight saving time ends:
* Do not drive when feeling drowsy and be especially careful when driving, biking, or walking during the darker hours of the day.
* As the temperature gets colder, morning frost on the windshield may be more common, which impairs driver ability to see the road clearly. Always take the time to defrost the windshield, and never drive without being able to see through the windshield.
* Watch out for sun glare from the sunrise and sunset period, which tends to overlap with morning and afternoon commute times. Make sure the windshields are clean, wear sunglasses, and use the vehicle’s sun visor when needed. If the sun is in your eyes and is causing you to have trouble seeing the road ahead, slow down regardless of the posted speed limit. It is the driver’s responsibility to ultimately drive at the appropriate speed given the roadway condition.
* Pedestrians and bicyclists are highly encouraged to wear high visibility clothing, install reflective materials or lights on bikes, and be attentive when walking or biking on the road or sidewalk area in low light or dark conditions.
Daylight saving time is always a good reminder to check your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide batteries to ensure they're working properly.
*Learn More* [ ]
Drowsy driving [ ]
Drowsy Driving Prevention Week
The first full week of November is the National Sleep Foundation’s Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. It is also the week after Daylight Saving Time ended. It is a reminder to prioritize sleep so that you can be refreshed and alert, especially when driving. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there were at least 693 traffic fatalities in 2022 caused by drowsy driving. Because drowsy driving is hard to measure, this number is likely higher. Here are a few tips on driving alert:
* Avoid driving when tired or during peak “sleepiness periods” (midnight – 6 am and late afternoon) or opt to use public transportation.
* Drive slower regardless of the posted speed limit, or pull over to a safe location for a quick rest break when feeling drowsy. Do not drive faster thinking that the increase in speed will keep you awake.
* Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.
* Check your prescriptions and over-the-counter labels for side effects such as drowsiness.
*Learn more about drowsy driving* [ ]
Storm drains
Monitoring Storm Drains
Before the rainy season, take advantage of clear skies and check the drain inlet systems on your local surrounding streets. Storm drains have limited capacity, and flooding may occur particularly in low-lying areas. Use a rake or shovel for collecting debris from storm drain inlets, and don't forget to properly dispose of leaves in your green compost cart. Thank you for your help with monitoring Fremont’s storm drains.
Sunshares [ ]
Solar Discounts Still Available for Fremont Residents
Ready for solar and battery storage for your home? Don't miss your chance to participate in Bay Area SunShares and receive discounts on these systems! SunShares makes it simple and more affordable by negotiating discounts with pre-vetted installers. The deadline to sign up is Friday, November 15. Check it out at * [ ] *and register for the final *informational webinar [ ] *on Thursday, November 7.
Bay Area SunShares in managed by the nonprofit *Business Council on Climate Change [ ]* and is being offered to Fremont residents through a partnership with the City.
Nature Learning Center [ ]
Nature Learning Center Open House
Adventure is closer than you think! Explore the wonders of nature at Fremont’s *Nature Learning Center [ ].*
Join us for our open house on Saturday, November 9 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Located in Fremont’s Central Park at 40224 Paseo Padre Parkway, the Center offers a free, immersive experience for all ages. Don't miss this chance to learn about our local wildlife, environment, and watersheds.
*Event Information* [ ]
Olive Hyde [ ]
Olive Hyde Art Gallery Presents “Connecting Cuts”
The Olive Hyde Art Gallery proudly presents the exhibition "Connecting Cuts", a celebration of the intricate art of paper cutting. This exhibition features a diverse collection of works by local, national, and international artists, highlighting the unique artistry and cross-cultural themes of paper cutting.
Curated by Bianca Levan and Leah Andrews, "Connecting Cuts" offers a global perspective on traditional and modern papercutting techniques. Join us at the opening reception on Friday, November 15, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Olive Hyde Art Gallery, 123 Washington Blvd., to meet the artists and enjoy an evening with fellow art enthusiasts. Admission is free!
The exhibition runs from November 15 through January 7.
*More Information* [ ]
calendar and stars [ ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
****Tuesday, November 5: [ ]****City Council Meeting is cancelled.
****Thursday, November 7 [ ]: ****Economic Development Advisory Commission from 9:00 to 10:30 am in the Ardenwood Conference Room, 3300 Capitol Ave., Building A.
****Saturday, November 9 [ ]: ****Open House at Fremont Nature Learning Center from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, 40224 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
**Monday, November 11 [ ]*: *City offices closed in observance of Veterans Day.
**Tuesday, November 12 [ ]*: *City Council Meeting, at 7:00 pm, City Hall, 3300 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, November 15 [ ]*: Evening of Magic, Parent and Child Workshop from 6:45 to 8:00 pm, Centerville Comm. Center and Park, 3355 Country Drive.
*Thursday, November 28 [ ]:* City offices closed in observance of Thanksgiving.
*Friday, November 29 [ ]*: City offices closed for the day after Thanksgiving.
*View Full Calendar* [ ]
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