Search Warrants Served at Two Mountain View Smoke Shop Locations
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*Police Department News Release*
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Search Warrants Served at Two Mountain View Smoke Shop Locations
Post Date: 06/13/2024 6:18 p.m.
"*Mountain View, Calif.* — "A several months-long investigation resulted in two search warrants being served at separate smoke shop locations in Mountain View.
The search warrants were served at the B&Y Smoke Shop located at 361 Castro St. and the Great Vape Smoke Shop located at 359 West El Camino Real. These businesses are not related to one another.
Several months ago, MVPD received complaints of possible flavored tobacco sales violations and underage tobacco sales occurring at these locations. MVPD personnel conducted controlled purchases at both locations and made purchases of products containing psilocybin and products containing THC (cannabis) sold to an underage individual.
In California, recreational use THC products may not be sold to persons under the age of 21. California law also prohibits the sale of most flavored tobacco products, regardless of age. Psilocybin, and products containing psilocybin, are illegal under California law.
Both search warrants were approved by a Santa Clara County judge and served on Wednesday, June 12 around 11 a.m. Members of the Mountain View Police Department Crime Suppression Unit, the Santa Clara County Specialized Enforcement Team, and the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) assisted with the search warrants.
At the Great Vape Smoke Shop, MVPD detectives seized approximately 338 products containing psilocybin. CDTFA agents seized approximately 1,200 products containing THC and flavored tobacco products.
At the B&Y Smoke Shop, MVPD detectives seized approximately 138 products containing psilocybin. CDTFA agents seized approximately 12,000 products containing THC and flavored tobacco products.
Employees at both locations were briefly detained during the search warrants. One employee at the B&Y Smoke Shop, Yousef Aldhaheri, was issued a citation by CDTFA for violation of Business and Professions Code 22974.3(a)(3).
During the search of the B&Y Smoke Shop, detectives noticed what appeared to be a recent fire within the building. City of Mountain View Fire Department personnel responded to the scene and observed several possible violations. MVFD documented the possible violations and sent a report to the City’s Building Division.
MVPD detectives are still sorting through evidence seized at the scene and will be sending potential criminal charges to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office and Mountain View City Attorney’s Office for review.
MVPD Chief Mike Canfield stated, “This investigation demonstrates that the MVPD and the City of Mountain View will not tolerate businesses preying on our youth by selling cannabis, vaping products, or flavored tobacco products. Our youth deserve better, and we will continue working with our partners to vigorously enforce these laws.”
Media inquiries can be sent to the department at PolicePIO@mountainview.gov.
Click here for more information [ https://www.mountainview.gov/Home/Components/News/News/883/ ]
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