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February at SPL - Tax Help, Library of Things Survey, Silicon Valley Reads
- [Registrant]Sunnyvale Public Library
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Sunnyvale
- Posted : 2025/02/06
- Published : 2025/02/06
- Changed : 2025/02/06
- Total View : 31 persons
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+1 (408) 616-8881Vantage School
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Keywords Newsletter
February at Sunnyvale Public Library
Happy Black History Month. Sunnyvale Public Library celebrates Black History Month to recognize the history, achievements and culture of Black Americans. Participate in Black History Month by borrowing something from our adult fiction list [ ], adult nonfiction list [ ] or movie list [ ], and by visiting the Library for a Black History Month program [ ].
Tax Day is April 15. This month, the Library is hosting two events with Tax-Aid to provide free tax help to households earning under $67,000 per year. Can't make those events? Our librarians can help you find other tax events nearby. Keep reading to learn more.
Also this month: The first meeting of our Spanish-language book club [ ]! Attend the first meeting to help shape the club and select future titles.
Scroll down or visit our calendar [ ] to view more programs happening in February.
See you soon,
"Your Librarians"
*P.S. The Library will be closed/have modified hours on the following days:*
* Monday, Feb. 17 - Closed for Presidents' Day
Get Free Tax Prep Help
Tax-Aid Free Income Tax Assistance
[ ]
Saturday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2 to 6 p.m.
Fiction Room
Tax-Aid is offering free income tax assistance at the Library for households who earn $67,000 or less annually. Bring your tax documents to get help from a tax professional volunteer. Assistance is first come, first served.
We anticipate this will be a popular program. The volunteers will try to help everybody, but some people may be turned away due to limited time and resources.
VITA and TCE Tax Assistance
If you need help filling out your tax forms, you may be eligible for assistance from Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) volunteers. The IRS trains and certifies these volunteers in tax law.
Check the eligibility requirements and required documents [ ]. Then use the button below to find a VITA or TCE tax event near you. Assistance is available in multiple languages. When finding a VITA or TCE tax event, please note whether the event requires an appointment.
*Find VITA or TCE tax help* [ ]
Be wary of tax-related scams
At this time of year, you may receive phone calls from strangers offering to help you with your taxes. When seeking tax help, only work with people and organizations you trust. If you are not sure whether an organization is trustworthy, ask your librarians at the Information Desk. They can help you look for red flags.
Library of Things Survey
Library of Things [ ]
Tell us your thoughts about the Library of Things
The Library of Things is a collection of non-traditional items you can check out with your Sunnyvale Public Library card. Items range from thermal cameras to garden tools to children’s educational toys. You can save yourself money and storage space by borrowing items you only use once in awhile.
To continue growing the Library of Things, we want to hear your opinions! Let us know whether you've borrowed Library of Things items before, what items you would like to be able to borrow and other feedback in our Library of Things survey.
*Take the survey* [ ]
Silicon Valley Reads
Silicon Valley Reads 2025: Empowering Humanity: Technology for a Better World [ ]
Join us to explore the impacts of technology
This spring, libraries throughout Silicon Valley will explore the impacts of technology with programs for all ages. Enjoy Sunnyvale Public Library programs, as well as programs offered by our surrounding libraries. View dozens of in-person and online author visits, art exhibits, artificial intelligence (AI) lectures and more at Silicon Valley Reads [ ].
Here at Sunnyvale Public Library, we will watch a documentary about the AI revolution [ ]. Then, we will learn about the development of Chinese-language computing technology [ ]. Find more Silicon Valley Reads activities on our Seasonal Library Programs [ ] page.
Browse this year's Silicon Valley Reads selections [ ].
Theresa Zamborsky Art Exhibit
Art by Theresa Zamborsky
Paintings by Theresa Zamborsky
View local art in our Technology Center
Local painter Theresa Zamborsky creates evocative scenes of animals and human connection to the universe. Visit the Library Tech Center to see these and other painting by Theresa, on display through Saturday, March 8.
Are you a local artist looking to exhibit your work? Contact the Library [ ] to discuss displaying your work at the Library.
We Recommend
Read This
Loneliness & Company, by Charlee Dyroff [ ]
"Loneliness & Company [ ]", by Charlee Dyroff
In the near-future, a young woman finds herself unexpectedly assigned to a secretive government project. Her task: to train an AI to be a friend. As the woman delves into the research, she uncovers a world where loneliness has been eradicated, and the government is desperate to maintain this illusion.
This year's Silicon Valley Reads theme is "Empowering Humanity: Technology for a Better World". Browse more Silicon Valley Reads titles [ ] for fostering meaningful conversations and exploring the ways in which technology impacts our daily lives and future.
Cook This
Creamy garlic chicken from Budget Bytes [ ]
This hearty, quick recipe for Creamy Garlic Chicken [ ] from Budget Bytes is perfect for a flavorful weeknight meal. Season and lightly bread two skinless chicken breasts or thighs. Then spoon over a sauce that's easily customizable with what you have in your refrigerator. Serve with mashed potatoes, pasta or rice. The recipe is also a great option for cooking on a budget—Budget Bytes estimates the cost at just $2.30 per serving.
For more budget-friendly recipes, check out the cookbook "Budget Bytes: Over 100 Easy, Delicious Recipes to Slash Your Grocery Bill in Half [ ]".
Upcoming Programs
*IN-PERSON: UC Master Gardeners: Successful Container Gardening*
Saturday, Feb. 8, 1 to 3 p.m.
Library Program Room
There are many reasons to grow plants in containers. Have flowers at your front door, herbs by your kitchen, or overcome soil and shade challenges in your yard. We'll go over the types of containers, what to plant, ongoing maintenance, and more. Learn how to grow plants successfully in containers with Master Gardener, Lynn Stuart. Registration is not required.
*IN-PERSON: Domestic Violence Awareness Talk*
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2 to 4 p.m.
Library Program Room
Join us for a book talk and panel conversation about domestic violence, with author Jagbir Kaur Kang, local organization Maitri and other community advocates. Chai and light snacks will be provided, with a book sale and signing to follow. Registration is not required.
Learn more about Domestic Violence Awareness Talk [ ]
*ONLINE: Luxurious Lacquerware**
Monday, Feb. 10, 7 to 8 p.m.
Online via Zoom – you will receive the link after registering
Lacquerware — a treasured luxury item in Asia for centuries. High-quality lacquer is especially precious because of the skill, time, and expense required to produce it. Over time, it has been worked in ways that are functional, protective and beautiful. This one-hour online lecture by Asian Art Museum community speaker docent Michelle Willcox is followed by a Q&A. Registration is required.
Register for Luxurious Lacquerware [ ]
*ONLINE: Adult Appétit! Valentine's Charcuterie Board Lesson**
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 6 to 7 p.m.
Online via Zoom – you will receive the link after registering
Learn how to make a Valentine's charcuterie board to share with your significant other, family or friends. Our expert Michelle will go over ingredients, tips and tricks you can use to WOW your loved ones with a beautiful and delicious arrangement. Join us to watch the magic! Registration is required.
Register for Adult Appétit! Valentine's Charcuterie Board Lesson [ ]
*IN-PERSON: Zen Coloring for Adults - Silicon Valley Reads*
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Library Program Room
The Silicon Valley Reads theme this year is "Empowering Humanity: Technology for a Better World." Spend time relaxing and coloring robot-themed coloring pages. We will provide coloring pages, pencils and markers. Supplies are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. This program is for adults. Registration is not required.
"Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library."
*IN-PERSON: Senior Game Hour*
Thursday, Feb. 13, 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
Pull up a chair! Play a game with your neighbors. We'll have playing cards, UNO, board games, collaborative games and more. Feel free to bring a game of your own. This program was planned for older adults, but all adults are welcome. Registration is not required.
*IN-PERSON: Club de lectura en español*
Friday, Feb. 14, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
¡Únete a nuestro primer Club de lectura en español! Nos reuniremos una vez al mes y tendremos copias del libro para el mes siguiente. En nuestra primer sesión, nos pondremos de acuerdo sobre como será el Club de lectura y también discutiremos temas y autores para futuras sesiones.
Nuestro primer libro será "Cien años de soledad" por Gabriel García Márquez. Tendremos 10 copias disponibles y podemos ayudarte a solicitar una copia de la biblioteca, si es necesario. Hablaremos sobre el libro en nuestra segunda sesión del Club
*IN-PERSON: Community Baby Shower*
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2 to 4 p.m.
Library Program Room
Get childcare resources and meet other expecting parents. Enjoy light refreshments, baby shower games and prizes. Receive a free board book for baby on the way too (while supplies last). This program is recommended for parents with a baby on the way or parents of a newborn. Registration is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome. If registered, please arrive early, registrants' spots are only guaranteed until the start of the program.
Questions? Email Youth and Family Resources <> or call 408-730-7800.
*IN-PERSON: Black History Month Movie: "Fruitvale Station" (2013)*
Sunday, Feb. 16, 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Library Program Room
Based on a true story, "Fruitvale Station" explores a day in the life and the tragic death of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old African-American man from Oakland who was killed by police on New Year's Day 2009. "Fruitvale Station" offers an honest and complex portrait of the all-too-common tragedies that happen in connection with police violence. "Fruitvale Station" has won 36 awards and 58 other nominations, including Outstanding Independent Motion Picture at the NAACP Image Awards. This movie is rated R by the MPAA. Registration is not required.
Learn more about Black History Month Movie: "Fruitvale Station" (2013) [ ]
*IN-PERSON: Afternoon Mindfulness Practice*
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1 to 2 p.m.
Library Program Room
Take a break during the day and join us for an hour of guided internal awareness practice. We'll be doing gentle exercises for connecting to our body, breath, thoughts, and emotions. This month is National Cancer Prevention Month, and our mindfulness event will also be held in honor of cancer prevention and cancer survivors. Registration is not required.
*ONLINE: Monthly Book Group**
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7 to 8 p.m.
Online via Zoom – you will receive the link after registering
Engage in stimulating conversation about books and exchange perspectives about characters and plot while getting to know your neighbors. This month's selection is Klara and the Sun [ ], by Kazuo Ishiguro. An Artificial Friend named Klara observes human emotions and relationships while seeking to understand love and companionship in a society shaped by technology and genetic engineering.
Register for Monthly Book Group [ ]
"Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library."
*IN-PERSON: Senior Center Book Group*
Friday, Feb. 21, 11 a.m. to noon
Sunnyvale Senior Center, Laurel Room
550 E Remington Drive
Join us for a monthly book group at the Senior Center. This month's selection is "The Women With Silver Wings" [ ], by Katherine Sharp Landdeck. Discover the true story of the female aviators who helped the United States win World War II—only to be forgotten by the country they served. Registration is not required.
Learn more about Senior Center Book Group [ ]
"Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library."
*IN-PERSON: A.I. Revolution*
Friday, Feb. 21, 2 to 3 p.m.
Library Program Room
Join us for a screening of "A.I. Revolution" from PBS' NOVA. Can we harness the power of artificial intelligence to solve the world’s most challenging problems without creating an uncontrollable force that ultimately destroys us? ChatGPT and other new A.I. tools can now answer complex questions, write essays, and generate realistic-looking images in a matter of seconds. They can even pass a lawyer's bar exam. Should we celebrate? Or worry? Or both? Correspondent Miles O'Brien investigates how researchers are trying to transform the world using A.I., hunting for big solutions in fields from medicine to climate change.
*IN-PERSON: Tax-Aid Free Income Tax Assistance*
Saturday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2 to 6 p.m.
Fiction Room
Tax-Aid is offering free income tax assistance at the Library for households who earn $67,000 or less annually. Bring your tax documents to get help from a tax professional volunteer. Assistance is first come, first served. We anticipate this will be a popular program. The volunteers will try to help everybody, but some people may be turned away due to limited time and resources.
*IN-PERSON: Yoga at the Library*
Saturday, Feb. 22, 10:30 a.m. to noon.
Library Program Room
Designed for both beginners and experienced yogis, this all-level Vinyasa class combines breath and movement to awaken your body, calm your mind and set a positive tone for the day ahead. Modifications and variations are offered throughout, making this class accessible and challenging for everyone. Registration is not required. Bring your own yoga mat and any props that may serve you. Yoga mats will not be provided.
Learn more about Yoga at the Library [ ]
*IN-PERSON: Chinese in the Digital Age - Silicon Valley Reads*
Monday, Feb. 24, 7 to 8 p.m.
Library Program Room
Learn about the relationship between the Chinese language and computing technology in this talk from Thomas S. Mullaney. Mullaney is a Professor of Chinese History at Stanford University. His new book, "The Chinese Computer: A Global History of the Information Age" [ ], explores the many iterations of Chinese language computing technology from the wake of World War II to today. Registration is not required.
*IN-PERSON: Personal Emergency Preparedness*
Sunday, March 2, 2 to 4 p.m.
Library Program Room
After a disaster strikes, professional emergency services may not be available to help you for several days. Are you fully prepared to take care of yourself and your family if the need arises? Learn to prepare for disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, pandemics, power outages and chemical spills. This program is for adults. Registration is required.
Register for Personal Emergency Preparedness [ ]
*IN-PERSON: Introduction to AI - Silicon Valley Reads*
Wednesday, March 5, 7 to 8 p.m.
Library Program Room
Join technology specialists from the Sunnyvale School District for a discussion on artificial intelligence (AI). Our speakers will give an overview of AI, talk about different AI tools and how they are used, problem solving and usefulness, and provide a brief demonstration of how AI works. Bring your curiosity and your questions! This program is for adults and seniors. Registration is not required.
*IN-PERSON: UC Master Gardeners: Growing Great Warm Season Vegetables*
Saturday, March 8, 1 to 3 p.m.
Library Program Room
Our wonderful summer climate is perfect for growing all sorts of vegetables here in Santa Clara County. Join Master Gardener Laura Westley to learn what you can grow over the warm season. She’ll talk about tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, cucumbers and much more! Basic information on soil, water and fertilizing requirements will be discussed as well. Registration is not required.
Ongoing Programs
* *Next ESL Conversation Group Online: *Monday, March 3 - Register [ ] [ ]
* *Next ESL Conversation Group In-Person:* Monday, Feb. 10
* *Next Sewing Lab:* Tuesday, Feb. 11
* *Next Get Connected:* Wednesday, Feb. 12
* *Next Bike Safety Information & Repair Workshop**:* Saturday, March 8
* *Next Friends of the Library Book Sale:* Saturday & Sunday, March 15 & 16
Check our Events Calendar [ ] for times and descriptions of each program.
Got Kids or Teens?
IN-PERSON: Unpacking Artificial Intelligence (For Beginners)!
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
Join us for an introductory workshop for preteens and teens. During the workshop, students will learn about the basics of AI, applications of AI in today's world and ethical issues that surround the use of AI.
This program is for grades 6-12.
Register if you would like a reminder the day before the event; drop-ins welcome.
*Got kids or teens? Don't miss the Kids' or Teen Newsletters. *Subscribe to City Newsletters. [ ]
*Program Disclaimer
This program uses a third-party website link. By attending this program, you may be using a website not operated by the Sunnyvale Public Library. For privacy concerns or questions, review Zoom's privacy policies [ ]. View YouTube's privacy policies [ ]. View Facebook's privacy policies [ ].
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Sunnyvale will make reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. If you require special accommodation, please contact the library at 408-730-7300 or chat with a librarian [ ] at least three days in advance of the program.
Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the programs or views expressed at the program.
Other City of Sunnyvale Events
Summer Recreation Job Fair
Tuesday, March 4, 5:30 to 8 p.m.
Sunnyvale Community Center
550 E Remington Drive
Looking for a summer job? Complete the hiring process in one night at the Summer Recreation Job Fair. Apply, interview and get hired all on-site! Hiring is for Summer Camp and Aquatics positions only. All positions are unbenefited and are part-time (25 hours a week) or seasonal (40 hours a week). No permanent full-time roles available. Apply online ahead of the fair to save time.
Questions? Email Kevin Roche at or call 408-730-7350.
*View job openings* [ ]
Electric Vehicle Ride and Drive Event
Saturday, March 8, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sunnyvale Community Center
550 E Remington Drive
Test drive a lineup of electric vehicles, learn from local EV owners and experts and learn how to save on your next car purchase. Have all your questions answered about the vehicles, charging, and the financial incentives available. Following your test drive, complete the post-survey to receive a food voucher for the on-site complimentary food truck.
Questions? Email or call 408-730-7717.
*Reserve your spot* [ ]
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