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👋 eNews: Jan. 17, 2025 - Holiday Closures, Bike Lane & Train Noise Updates, Wildfire Prep Tips, Library Events & More

Email from City of San Mateo Check out the latest from the City of San Mateo In today's edition: MLK Jr. Day Holiday Closures Clarification on Collision Article Data L.A. Fires an Important Reminder to Prepare for Wildfires What SMC Fire Does to Help Keep You Safer from Wildfires City Council Actions at Jan. 13 Meeting City Council Meeting Preview for Jan. 21 Meeting Humboldt Street Bike Lanes Post-Installation Update Save the Date: Train Horn Noise Community Meeting Coming Jan. 30, 2025! Upcoming Caltrans On-Ramp Closures: Jan. 22 to Jan. 31 Parks & Rec Launches Spring 2025 Activity Guide Public Hearing: General Plan 2040 Land Use Map A Tax Preparedness 2025 Silent Book Club Genealogy: Translating, Transcribing and Summarizing Documents Using AI Nutrition Education Session for Youth and Families 2025 Resource Fair (airport job seekers) Lunar New Year in Downtown San Mateo Need Parking? Try the Kiku Garage! City Manager's Office MLK Jr. Day Holiday Closures In observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday on Monday, Jan. 20, the City will have the following closures: City administrative offices, including City Hall, will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20. All City libraries will be closed on Sunday and Monday, Jan. 19-20. Parks and recreation facilities, including community centers, will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20. Public safety services will continue to operate during the holiday. Clarification on Collision Article Data The City Manager's Office has received questions related to a recent San Mateo Daily Journal article, "Collisions back to pre-COVID highs in San Mateo" The data sourced from the Berkeley TIMS mapping system is misleading for two reasons: The identified North Central and Central area boundaries do not match the City's and thus the San Mateo Police Department's (SMPD) RIMS data is quite different. The TIMS system includes all State Highway related collisions, which is not the City's jurisdiction which also skews data presented as "City" data. This suggests a significantly higher increase in the number of crashes within the city than is accurate. For example our San Mateo Police Department RIMS data shows the following: While the TIMS data suggests that from 2022 to 2023 San Mateo had a 50% increase in collisions, RIMS stats show that: 2022 had 588 collisions with 140 reported injuries. 2023 had 564 collisions with 140 reported injuries. This was a 4% decrease, not a 50% increase, which is a significant difference and made the angle of the story misleading. When talking about North Central neighborhoods, SMPD’s RIMs data shows: 2019 had 28 collisions 2024 had 18 collisions This was nearly a 36% decrease, not a return to pre-pandemic levels, which was the thrust of the story. Thank you to the San Mateo Police Department for clarifying this data. Although one collision is too many, we are moving in the right direction. Fire Department News L.A. Fires an Important Reminder to Prepare for Wildfires As fire crews in Los Angeles make progress in battling historic fires, it is important that everyone here in San Mateo makes sure they are prepared for wildfires in the future. To help you do that, the San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department.offers the following tips and resources: Preventing Ignition Make sure any trees under or in the vicinity of power lines are trimmed. Nothing should be within 10 feet of powerlines. On high fire danger days, do not do anything to increase the likelihood of a fire such as: ○ Mowing, weed eating, or trimming using power tools. ○ Using any devices or equipment using flames such as barbeques and torches. ○ DIscarding coals from fireplaces, chimneys or barbeques into combustible containers. ○ Smoking outdoors, and make sure to discard smoking materials properly. Preparing Your Property Create defensible space, which is a cleared area around your home that is designed to slow or stop the spread of a wildfire. Ideally this should start in the late spring after the last rains before warm weather starts. You can find defensible space guidelines, including helpful videos here. Harden your home against year-round by retrofitting it for wildfire resistance. Learn more about how to harden your home here. You can also find low cost retrofit advice here. Make a Disaster Plan Register for SMC Alerts here so you can get real-time updates on wildfires and other disasters. Register for alerts and find your evacuation zone here. Create a wildfire action plan so your family is prepared to leave immediately if a wildfire is in your area. Make a Go Bag with important emergency supplies you will need after you evacuate. Find additional information at What SMC Fire Does to Help Keep You Safer from Wildfires SMC Fire is always preparing for wildfires. Here are some of the things we do to ensure your safety: We complete annual inspections of wildfire zones. These inspections start in the late spring. You can find more information at We also take and follow up on complaints if neighbors see issues our inspectors don’t catch, or if the issues occur in areas that are not subject to inspections. Anyone can submit a complaint to us at We monitor all changes in State Law, and help advise the State on current wildfire protection practices. Our firefighters certify annually in wildfire response and protection practices utilizing all current technology to assist us for effective responses. We maintain our equipment to be ready at all times. We monitor conditions and issue alerts when necessary. We ensure that buildings constructed in wildfire zones meet the appropriate safety standards. Wildfire preparedness is a team effort, and everyone needs to do their part. The combination of preparedness and awareness on the part of the City, the fire department, residents and businesses is key to minimizing property damage and saving lives. Learn more at City Clerk's Office Updates City Council Actions Taken at Jan. 13 Meeting Pictured left to right: Councilmembers Lisa Diaz Nash and Nicole Fernandez, Mayor Rob Newsom, Jr., councilmember Danielle Cwirko-Godycki and Deputy Mayor Adam Loraine. The following items were addressed discussed by the San Mateo City Council on Jan. 13, 2025 (Full meeting Minutes are approved in subsequent Council meetings. Approved Minutes can be viewed on the Public Meetng Portal and are searchable on the City's Legislative Records portal.): Third Avenue and South Norfolk Street Intersection Modification Project — Appropriation, Budget Transfers, and Agreement The Council approved a resolution appropriating Measure A funds and budget transfers to the Community Development Block Grant Projects project budget in the Capital Project Fund, and approved an agreement with Liffey Electric, Inc. for construction of the 3rd Avenue and South Norfolk Street Intersection Modification Project. Council Action: Solid Waste 2025 Rate Setting and Proposition 218 Notification The City Council approved proposed adjustments to residential and commercial solid waste and organics collection rates for 2025 and authorized staff to send a Proposition 218 Notification to property owners. These adjustments aim to address a revenue shortfall and ensure rates align with service costs. Key changes include: Residential Rates: A monthly increase of $7.50–$9.00 for solid waste and organics services. Commercial Rates: Increases of $6.50 (20-gallon carts) and $5.75 (32-gallon carts), with no additional increases for other commercial services as current rates cover their costs. Council also directed staff to exercise the "cap/carry forward" option and remit up to $400,000 to Recology. Residents and businesses may submit protests prior to the public hearing scheduled for March 3, 2025. New Construction Reach Codes for the 2022 Code Cycle — Ordinance Introduction Staff introduced an Ordinance for Council to consider amending the San Mateo Municipal Code Chapter 23.24 "Energy Code" and Chapter 23.70 "Green Building Code" to require enhanced energy performance for new construction, repeal unenforceable measures of the City's current reach codes, and make a minor edit to the City's electric-readiness requirements. The Ordinance will be considered for adoption by the City Council on Jan. 21, 2025 City Council Appointments to External Agencies and Liaison Roles Council approved appointments to external agencies and liaison assignments. Want to Learn More? The full City Council Agenda and Packet can be viewed on the City's Public Meeting Portal below. Public Meeting Portal City Council Meeting Preview for Jan. 21 Meeting The following items will be discussed by the San Mateo City Council on Tuesday. Jan. 21, 2025 (note, meeting moved due to MLK Jr. Day holiday). Click the button below for the full City Council Agenda and Packet: Study Session, 6 p.m. Downtown Survey Findings — Update The City Council will review findings from the Downtown Survey and provide feedback and direction on staff’s response plan. Regular Meeting, 7 p.m. City Council Ceremonial Recognitions Kent Trasher, Fire Chief – Commendatory Resolution The City Council will recognize the retirement of Fire Chief Kent Thrasher. Chief Thrasher has served as the San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department's Fire Chief since May 2021 and is retiring after 30 years in fire service. Hip Housing Calendar Recognition The City Council will recognize local K-5th grade students whose art will be featured in HIP Housing's annual calendar. Rethink Waste – Poster Contest Winner The City Council will recognize local students whose poster designs won the 11th Annual ReThink Waste Poster Contest. New Business Historic Policy Update Effort Professional Services – Appropriation and Agreement ​ The City Council will consider adoption of a resolution to either: Appropriate $328,743 (Option 1); or Appropriate $394,450 (Option 2) from the Advance Planning Fund to the Historic Policy Update project, with each option corresponding to a different project schedule. The City Council will also consider approval of an agreement with Rincon Consultants for community outreach and technical support related to historic policy and code amendment technical support; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented and to revise it as needed based on the selected option.See the City Council Agenda Portal for more information. City Council Portal Public Works Progress Humboldt Street Bike Lanes Post-Installation Update As a follow-up to a community meeting held on Dec. 4, where 110+ residents attended in person to provide feedback on the Humboldt Street Bike Lanes, staff will be holding a study session with the City of San Mateo City Council on Monday, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. At this meeting, staff will present the feedback received both at the recent community meeting and throughout the history of the Humboldt Street Bike Lanes, which has centered on the potential loss of 170 parking spaces on Humboldt Street to install the bike lanes. Staff will present considerations around overnight and weekend parking leasing agreements, as well a residential permit parking program on Humboldt Street. Finally, staff will present alternatives to the Humboldt Bike Lanes which would address community concerns, such as: Keeping the bike lanes as is Removing the bike lanes on Humboldt Street and going back to pre-project conditions Converting to a bike boulevard on Humboldt Street Hybrid option to partially remove the bike lanes on Humboldt Street to restore approximately 100 parking spaces and construct a bike boulevard on a lower traffic parallel street to provide for bicycle connectivity in North Central. Additional improvements, such as street lighting and traffic calming will be discussed. At this council meeting, staff is seeking council direction on the preferred alternative. Save the Date: Train Horn Noise Community Meeting Coming Jan. 30, 2025! The City of San Mateo invites you to attend a community meeting on train horn noise hosted by Caltrain representatives. The meeting, which takes place on Thursday, Jan. 30 at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers (330 W. 20th Avenue.) is a great opportunity to learn about efforts to reduce train horn noise while adhering to federal and safety requirements. You may also get detailed answers to your questions about this topic. We look forward to seeing you there! Upcoming Caltrans On-Ramp Closures: Jan. 22 to Jan. 31 Caltrans is undertaking a project to improve operational ramp metering systems, install guardrails, and enhance highway worker safety. This project is taking place at various locations in Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Solano counties. Starting the week of Jan. 27, Caltrans is anticipating construction work at on-ramps within the City of San Mateo. The work, which is expected to take approximately two weeks, will involve new guardrail and vegetation control and will take place between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.. Three days of closures each week are anticipated within this two-week period. Night closures of the following on-ramps in San Mateo are scheduled the week of Jan. 27 and Feb. 3 : Hillsdale On-Ramp to NB 101 Hillsdale On-Ramp to SB 101 Night closures of the following on-ramp in San Mateo is scheduled for March 2025: 4th Avenue On-Ramp to NB 101 The project flyer below includes contact information for Caltrans' public information officer, project manager and construction resident engineer. We encourage residents to exercise caution if driving in the area on these days, and find alternative routes to enter the freeway. Detour signs will be posted to guide drivers to these alternative routes. Caltrans Project Page Parks and Recreation News Parks & Rec Launches Spring 2025 Activity Guide The Parks and Recreation Department is excited to bring our Spring 2025 course offerings, which offers something fun for everyone in the family, from spring break camps and arts and crafts, to dance, fitness and more! Mark your calendars now; registration starts on Tuesday, Feb. 11 for residents and Thursday, Feb. 13 for non-residents. Check out the full Activity Guide here. Get the Guide Community Development Updates Public Hearing: General Plan 2040 Land Use Map Amendments The Planning Commission is holding a public hearing on Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers (330 W. 20th Ave.) to discuss the Strive San Mateo General Plan 2040 Land Use Map Amendments. Those who'd like to participate remotely can learn more at Strive San Mateo General Plan 20240 Land Use Map Amendments During the General Plan adoption hearings and its subsequent implementation, the City Council, staff, and individual landowners identified 13 sites across the city where the General Plan 2040 land use designations were either inconsistent with the existing and/or surrounding land uses, or required revision to reflect City Council direction. To address these inconsistencies and fully align with the General Plan's vision, the City is proposing land use designation amendments at these specified locations. Please visit for exact locations. A General Plan Interim Implementation Procedures Memo will also be published and made available at the meeting. This memo will provide information on how the land use designations will be applied until the City's Zoning Code (Title 27) has updated to be fully consistent with General Plan 2040. Library News & Events Tax Preparedness 2025 Tuesday, Jan. 21 | 2-3 p.m.| Main Library, 1st Floor, Oak Room Tax Season has arrived. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the latest changes from a tax professional. Discover revisions to this year's tax form as well as important updates and how you may be able to reduce your tax burden. Presented by the Financial Planning Association of Silicon Valley & Lawrence Pon, CPA/PFS, CFP, EA, USTCP, AEP. Registration is required. Register Here Silent Book Club Wednesday, Jan. 22 | 6-8 p.m. | Main Library, 1st Floor, Cedar Room Come join us for some scheduled "me" time! We'll meet in the Cedar Room to read together with optional discussion on the books we're enjoying. Bring your own book, graphic novel, audiobook, etc. or pick something up when you get to the library and let's carve out some reading time. Meet at 6 pm for optional socializing with other readers, and at 6:30 we'll have an hour of quiet reading. At 7:30 either keep reading or discuss books with your fellow readers. Learn More Genealogy: Translating, Transcribing and Summarizing Documents Using AI Saturday, Jan. 25 | 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Virtual via Zoom The San Mateo County Genealogical Society presents a workshop on using artificial ‌intelligence when researching genealogical records and related documents. Registration is required for this virtual program. Register Here AAPI Poetry For Peace, Love, and Understanding Sunday, Jan. 26 | 1-3 p.m. | Main Library, 1st Floor, Oak Room In a time of growing fear and division, it’s more important than ever to come together and support one another. Stopping hate isn’t something we can do alone—it takes all of us. At our event, AAPI poets come together to foster peace, love, and understanding through the power of words. We invite everyone – poets, poetry enthusiasts, and anyone seeking an enjoyable afternoon – to join us. Share your New Year’s poetry during an open mic or simply relax and listen to the inspiring voices of others. Featured poets and performers include: Genny Lim, San Francisco's new Poet Laureate; Frances Kakugawa, an award-winning author, poet educator and avocate for the elderly and caregivers; Brian Komei Dempster, a distingushed University of San Francisco professor of rhetoric and language; and an award-winning auhor, editor, and poet, and Charlie Chin, a folk and folk-rock musician, historian, and actor who got his start in Greenwich Village in the 1960's. Charlie will be performing with his current duo partner, Victor Labrador. Learn More Nutrition Education Session for Youth and Families Friday, January 31 | 4-5 p.m. | Marina Library Join us at Marina Library for a session on nutrition and health for elementary age children, led by a local high school student! We will build and enjoy our own delicious meals together after the educational presentation. Since nutrition is vital for the mental and physical wellbeing of young children, this session is aimed at enabling youth to be their best selves through knowledge of nutrition. Parents and families are welcome to participate. Space is limited so registration is required. Register Here Community News & Events Lunar New Year in Downtown San Mateo Celebrate Lunar New Year on Saturday, Jan. 25 in downtown San Mateo from noon to 2 p.m.! This family-friendly event on B Street (between 1st and 2nd Ave) will showcase a Lion Dance performance from Lion Dance Me at noon, plus community booths with activities, red envelopes and give-aways for kids from noon to 2 p.m. Learn more about this and other downtown events by clicking the button below. See More Downtown Events Need Parking? Try the Kiku Garage! Visting downtown San Mateo during a busy time and can't find parking? The new Kiku Garage, located at 400 E. Fifth Avenue (Fifth and S. Claremont) has 526 spaces! Enjoy FREE parking on Sundays, City-designated holidays, and after 6 p.m. daily. Plus, support sustainability with 27 electric vehicle chargers. Monthly permits available starting at $65, with low-income permits at $40 for eligible individuals. Check out our Downtown Parking Facilities page and map, including costs! Visit the Parking Page   Follow us on social media & stay engaged Share This Email Share This Email Share This Email City of San Mateo | 330 West 20th Avenue | San Mateo, CA 94403 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Our Privacy Policy | Constant Contact Data Notice
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