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  • [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน] : City of Mountain View
  • [ภาษา]日本語
  • [แอเรีย]Mountain View, CA
  • วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/06/12
  • วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/06/12
  • วันเปลี่ยนแปลง  :2024/06/12
  • จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 24  คน

A Musical Weekend in Mountain View - June 14 & 15

Concerts on the Plaza and KidStock Return for Summer Fun

Recreation Announcement

*Concerts on the Plaza and KidStock Return*

Face painting at KidStock

Join us in celebrating summer on a musical note.

On Friday, June 14, Johnny and June [ https://www.johnnyandjuneforever.com/ ] will light up Civic Center Plaza with a soulful and energetic homage to Johnny Cash and June Carter from 6 – 7:30 p.m.

On Saturday, June 15, all kids are welcome to dance, craft and play on Plaza during KidStock from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. In addition to a performance from Martin and the Green Guitar, KidStock will feature face painting, imagination blocks, and arts and crafts.

Civic Center Plaza is located at 500 Castro Street, in front of City Hall. These events are free and open to the public. 

*View the Series Lineup* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/civic-center-plaza-events ]

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