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이메일 주소 :   


  • [등록자] : KK
  • [언어]日本語
  • 등록일 : 2024/03/12
  • 게재일 : 2024/03/12
  • 변경일 :2024/03/18
  • 총열람수 : 570 명
방 있어요

Mountain Viewの新築アパートで4月から男性ルームメイトを探しています

Mountain Viewの新築高級アパートで、ベッドルームを短期でお貸しします。

アパートはMountain ViewのShoreline Blvd、Villa Streetの交差点近くにあります。

- 新築アパート
- 専用地下駐車場
- フローリング
- プライベートバスルーム
- プライベートクローゼット
- 光熱費込み
- 洗濯機共有
- キッチン共有
- 思いやりのあるルームメイト
- Caltrain駅、バス停が近い

- 禁煙
- ドラッグ禁止
- お泊りゲスト禁止

🏡 Cozy Private Room in Mountain View Luxury Apartment - Available from April 2024! 🌟

Are you looking for a stylish and comfortable place to call home in Mountain View? Look no further! I'm offering a private room in a newly built luxury apartment, perfect for a male roommate.

🛏️ This spacious room features a private closet and bathroom, nestled within a 2B2B layout spanning 1,200 sqft. You'll have access to shared amenities such as a fully equipped kitchen and washer dryer, all within a clean and serene environment.

🏙️ Conveniently located near Shoreline Blvd and Villa Street, this apartment offers easy access to Highway 101 and is equipped with gated parking for added peace of mind.

📅 The lease ends in July 2024, but if you'd like to stay longer, you can always find another roommate yourself and extend. Plus, occasional visits from my wife are expected, so you'll have some company now and then!

Interested? Don't hesitate to reach out at 650-772-0889 for more details or to schedule a viewing.

Key features:
- Newly built apartment
- Private underground parking
- Hardwood flooring
- Utilities included
- Near Caltrain station and bus stop

House rules:
- No smoking
- No drugs
- No overnight guests

소재지 Mountain View
임대료 $2,200.00/월 방 타입 프라이빗
카테고리 남성룸메이트 주차장 있음
건물 타입 아파트 입주가능일 2024/4/15
시설/조건 에어컨,욕실화장실 별,자동잠금,보안,엘리베이터,가구포함,냉장고,역근처,버스정류장근처,세탁기
Web Access No.1714723


비비나비 - 룸셰어

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