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  • Registrant : Portkaisandiego
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/11/20
  • Published : 2024/11/20
  • Changed :2024/11/20
  • Total View : 234 persons
2024/12/7 / San Diego / Education / Children

NPO Potokai sponsored "American University Admission Seminar 2024".

The "Co-Education of Parents and Children Living in the U.S. ・ College Education ・ Career Considerations" Porto Kai welcomes educational consultant Makoto Harada, who will talk about essential things to know when considering higher education in the U.S., the latest trends in applications, and future prospects for the future.

Also this year, we will have three college seniors who will share their experiences with us, such as "How they spent their high school years," "About the college application process," and "What college life is like," which will provide tips and encouragement to current junior and senior high school students.

By hearing both Dr. Harada's story and the seniors' experiences, a more concrete picture of the "application ・ process" and "college life" will be developed.

We hope that this seminar will be an opportunity for each child to find "the ideal university for him/her".
Please don't miss the once-a-year "American College Admission Seminar" hosted by the Pote Kai, and we hope you and your family will join us.
We are looking forward to your participation together with Dr. Harada and all college students !

[How to hold] ZOOM
[Lecturer] Educational Consultant Makoto Harada
[Outline] ① Latest Trends and Future Prospects of Admissions ② Application Online ・ About Tools Common Application
③ How to Understand and Respond to "SAT ・ ACT Revival" and "Rise of Generative AI"
④ Tuition ( Financial Aid, Scholarship ) and case studies
⑤ We welcome current university students to share their experiences

[Participation fee] $ 20 ( Please help us to cover our operating expenses. )
[Registration link]

[Biography of Dr. Harada] After graduating from Tsukuba University, he worked as a consultant for Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. Completed MBA from the University of Florida's Warrington Graduate School of Business. In order to teach and train students for global success, he started his own business as a consultant for higher education and career, and also provides consultation and lectures for educational institutions. He is also a math teacher at the middle and high school level at the San Francisco Japanese Language School.

Venue ZOOM
Address San Diego, -
Date 2024/12/7
Time 17:00 minute(s)
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