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  • Registrant : Kumi
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/04/21
  • Published : 2024/04/21
  • Changed :2024/04/21
  • Total View : 675 persons
2024/5/4 - 2024/5/4 / San Jose, CA / School / Seminar

'If you don't prepare now, you won't make it ? ! U.S. College Funding, Scholarship Hacks ! !'

We hope you will be glad to know
・ What kind of scholarships are available in the US and can I get one ? Do I have to pay it back ?
・ How much does it really cost ?
How can I save for school?

The latest edition of College Funding, which was very popular last time !
We hope you are glad to know now

・ What kind of scholarships are available in the US and can I get one ? Do I have to pay it back 866>
・ How much does it really cost ?
・ How is it wise to save for school ?

We will answer these questions ! !
. Prepare early so you won't be in a hurry later !.

We look forward to your registration below.
ご質問等ございましたらお気軽にakarido1098@gmail.comまでどうぞ ☺ ️ TWUdRsHLTWhqn2PY36OU/edit
Venue 1631 N 1st #200, San Jose, CA 95112
Address 1631 N 1st #200, San Jose, CA, 95112 United States
Date 2024/5/4 - 2024/5/4
Time 2:00 minute(s) - 3:00 minute(s)
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Vivinavi - Events

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